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Mayor's Court. --The case of Wm. N. Miller, charged with obtaining goods and money from King & Lambeth, and that of Frank Tormey, for conspiring with Miller, were to have been further investigated yesterday, but, owing to the sickness of counsel, a postponement to Thursday was ordered. Louisa Sunderland was up for stealing a quantity of bed clothing from Jos. H. Crenshaw, but the case was continued until to-morrow. John Franco, arrested for breaking down a plank partition which separated his apartment from that of Mary Wiley, was discharged from custody, after a long and patient investigation. Thos. Phillips and Dominic Francesco were fined for keeping their bar-rooms open on Sunday. Similar charges against John Reinhart, and Charles J. Krause, and one against Dennis D. Sullivan, for keeping his bar-room open after 10 o'clock at night, were continued. A few cases of drunkenness were disposed of in the usual way.
Petty larceny. --Louisa Sunderland, charged with stealing a quantity of bed-clothing from Joseph H. Crenshaw, had her case investigated before the Mayor yesterday, and was remanded for trial.
lliams, W. E. Johnston, I. D. Mercer, A. W. Richardson, A. S. Lee, A. Arsell, Jr., J. P. Hill, Geo. I. Herring, W. G. Dandridge, F. B. Hart, R. T. Reynolds, W. P. Parkins, S. Mason, D. J. Saunders, Thomas Lawson — several cases against each. The Grand Jury also presented White & Riley, for retailing ardent spirits at the Theatre, without license. William Burnes, for exhibiting faro. Clara Coleman, fer keeping a house of ill-fame. James Suliivan, for assaulting Catharine Croke. Louisa Sunderland, for petty larceny. The following cases were tried on Saturday: John P. Hughes, for beating his wife, found guilty, and fined $35. The Court sentenced him to six months imprisonment with labor in the chain gang. William Kartang, for beating his wife, found guilty, and fined $20. Sentenced to three months imprisonment, with the chain-gang addition. Charles Wood plead guilty to a charge of stealing a ham of bacon from Charles Bates, and was sentenced to three months i