Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Sutherland or search for Sutherland in all documents.

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with the Fifth corps crossed Hatcher's run, and struck the Southside railroad, north of Five Forks; then, meeting with no opposition, he marched rapidly towards Sutherland, and came up in flank and rear of the enemy opposing Miles, just as Humphreys was returning on the right from Petersburg. Miles, in the interval, had devisedowards Petersburg, and advanced in that direction about two miles, when he met Humphreys with Hays's division coming up to his relief. He thereupon returned to Sutherland and went into bivouac. The troops which he had encountered belonged to Heth and Wilcox's divisions, and possibly a few to Anderson's command. Pickett, we have seen, had endeavored to reach Sutherland during the day, having been ordered thither by Lee, but he found the road filled with unarmed fugitives from the battle, and concluded to cross the Appomattox without delay. When Grant heard of the action at Sutherland, he declared to Meade: Miles has made a big thing of it, and deser
everywhere were jubilant, grimacing and dancing with delight. Where are the rebels? said Sheridan to a colored patriarch, leaning on a fence and doing uncouth homage with a tattered hat. Siftina souf, sah; siftina souf, was the apt reply. Newhall's With Sheridan in Lee's Last Campaign. As the only hope of the rebel commander now must be to unite with Johnston, Grant was of course extremely anxious in regard to the movements of Sherman, and this night sent him a long dispatch from Sutherland. After reciting the great events before Petersburg, he proceeded to direct the operations in North Carolina so as to combine them with his own; for Sherman's army, though a hundred and fifty miles away, was now more than ever only a wing of Grant's command. The battle-field reached from Richmond to Raleigh and Goldsboro. If Lee goes beyond Danville, said Grant, you will have to take care of him with the force you have for a while. Should he do so, you will want to get on the railroad