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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Reminiscences of an earlier Medford. (search)
kindly remembrance of the fine family of the Clisbys, with which I was very intimate in my boyhood. They are all dispersed. Aaron Warner Clisby, my especial friend and playmate, is, or was a few years ago, a clergyman in Alabama. The name of Swan was also well known and honored sixty years ago. No one bears that name here now. Mr. Samuel Swan had a family of seven children, and of them I have heard this story: Some one asked which of two of his sons, Lincoln or Timothy, was the elder. LetMr. Samuel Swan had a family of seven children, and of them I have heard this story: Some one asked which of two of his sons, Lincoln or Timothy, was the elder. Let's see, was the answer; there are Sam, Dan, Jo, Han, Lin, Tim, and Ca—Oh, Lin is the elder! The names, properly extended, were Samuel, Daniel, Joseph, Hannah, Lincoln, Timothy, and Caleb. Daniel Swan was the beloved physician of this town, and most pleasantly remembered by our citizens who have passed middle age. One of the most interesting memorials of the past standing in Medford was the Tufts house in the public square, on the western corner of Forest street. It was torn down in 1867.
o'clock A. M. and 2 to 5 P. M. Retailers and others concerned are cautioned against penalties that may be avoided. Samuel Swan, Collector of Revenue. From the Christian Register, June 21, 1822. died.—On the Coast of Africa, in April last,ar, of this port, (Boston) and sons of the late Mr. Hezekiah Blanchard, of Medford. From manuscripts in possession of Swan family. Garb of Mr. Samuel Swan of Charlestown who died August 6, 1808, aged 86. Father of Major Samuel Swan and grandfMr. Samuel Swan of Charlestown who died August 6, 1808, aged 86. Father of Major Samuel Swan and grandfather of Dr. Daniel Swan. A three corner fine Beaver black hat. A large full curled wig. A claret colored fine broad cloth coat with wide flaps and large pockets. A long waistcoat flared off at bottom, with large pockets and buttoned up high in Major Samuel Swan and grandfather of Dr. Daniel Swan. A three corner fine Beaver black hat. A large full curled wig. A claret colored fine broad cloth coat with wide flaps and large pockets. A long waistcoat flared off at bottom, with large pockets and buttoned up high in front. Small clothes of black cloth with knee band and knee buckles, black woolen stockings. Shoes high at the instep, with wide straps and large silver buckles. A plain smooth cane with a gold head and metal end. Gloves. This dress he wore on