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shouts of victory that rose along the lines of men conscious of superiority and right. The enemy, however, again rallied and formed in line of battle a few hundred yards in rear of their first position and in rear of four pieces of artillery (of Swartz's battery). The line of my brigade, in the charge over the hills and in passing through the enemy's camp, having become somewhat broken, I ordered the commandant to halt and rectify their alignment, which was quickly done; and being now informed by Captain Ryan that the Fifty-sixth Virginia regiment was on my left, I again ordered an advance, which was promptly obeyed by all; and soon the enemy was again driven from his position, and four pieces of Swartz's battery in our possession. The enemy continued to fall back, contesting the crest of every hill, until we had driven them over one and a half miles, and had possession of the ground occupied by the left of McClernand's and Wallace's division of the Federal army. The enemy had disap