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The Daily Dispatch: January 10, 1861., [Electronic resource], Chronology of the day--battle of New Orleans. (search)
Insubordination. --A negro named Henry, owned by Miss Harrison, has been hired for two years past by Mr. N. F. Bowe, of Henrico county, and this year was hired again of the agents, P. M. Tabb & Son, but failed to go to work, and ran away. He was, however, arrested, sent to the city, and lodged in Davis' jail, and on Tuesday Mr. Bowe took him in a buggy to go home. The negro was refractory on the way, so that Mr. B. was compelled to tie him. On reaching home he took the negro to an out-house for the purpose of giving him the punishment he merited, and as he seized and threw him, the negro rose upon Mr. B. with a knife. A servant of Mr. Bowe come to the aid of his master, and the two again threw the refractory fellow, who continued to fight desperately with his knife until Mr. B. drew a pistol and shot him in the left leg, below the knee. Mr. B.'s little son then came and thrust at the negro with a sword cane, and they finally succeeded in overpowering him. But for the aid of h
$15 reward. --Ranaway, on Monday, September 2d my three Negro Men Sandy, Jim and Lewis, Sanny is about 25 years old; stoutly built; about 5 feet 6 inches high; gingerbread color. Jim is about 26 years old; well built; 5 feet 6 inches high. Lewis is about 23 or 24 years old; good countenance; gingerbread color. They all belong to Mrs. E. W. Ray, of Mathews county, and were hired by me from P. M. Tabb & Son. I will pay the above reward for the three, or five dollars for either one, if delivered to me, or placed in jail in Richmond, where I can get them. C. G. Paleski. Henrico co, September 3, 1861. se 4--2t*
A Reward of ten Dollars is offered for the apprehension of a negro man slave name Kiale, who absconded some time since, and is believed to be in or about Norfolk or Ports, mouth or their vicinities, hiring himself out under a forged pass or as a free man. He belongs to Miss Bettie E. Fitchett, of Accomac county, and I hired him of Messrs. P. M. Tabb & Son of Richmond He is probably between 25 and 30 years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches in height, stout made, and of dark complexion or black. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me in Richmond, or upon being duty notified or his being deposited in any jail in this Commonwealth so that I get him. se 19--6t* A. W. Taylor.
A Reward of Ten Dollars is offered for the apprehension of a negro man, slave named Kiale, who absconded some time since, and is believed to be in or about Norfolk or Ports; mouth or their vicinities, hiring himself out under a forged pass, or as a free man. He belongs to Miss Bettie E. Fitchett, of Accomac county, and I hired him of Messrs, P. M. Tabb & Son, of Richmond. He is probably between 25 and 30 years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches in height, stout made, and of a dark complexion or black. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me in Richmond, or upon being duly notified of his being deposited in any jail in this Commonwealth so that I get him. se 19--6t* A. W. Taylor.
A Reward of ten Dollars is offered for the apprehension of a negro man, slave named Kiah, who absconded some time since and is believed to be in or about Norfolk or Ports, mouth or their vicinities, hiring himself out under a forged pass or as a free man. He belongs to Miss Bettle E. Pitchett, of Accomac county, and I hired him of Messrs. P. M. Tabb & Son, of Richmond. He is probably between 25 and 30 years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches in height, stout made, and of a dark complexion or black. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me in Richmond, or upon being duly notified of his being deposited in any jail in this Commonwealth so that I get him. se 19--6t* A. W. Taylor.
A Reward of ten Dollars is offered for the apprehension of a negro man, slave-named Kiah, who absconded some time since and is believed to be in or about Norfolk or Paris, month or their vicinities, hiring himself out under a forged pass or as a free man. He belongs to Miss Bettie E. Fitchett, of Accomac county, and I hired him of Messrs. P. M. Tabb & Son, of Richmond. He is probably between 25 and 30 years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches in height, stout made, and of a dark complexion or black. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me in Richmond, or upon being duly notified of his being deposited in any jail in this Commonwealth so that I get him. se 19--6t* A. W. Taylor.
A Reward of ten Dollars is offered for the apprehension of a negro man, slave named Kiah, who absconded some time since and is believed to be in or about Norfolk or Ports, mouth or their vicinities, hiring himself out under a forged pass or as a free man. He belongs to Miss Bettle E. Fitchett, of Accomac county, and I hired him of Messrs. P. M. Tabb & Son, of Richmond. He is probably between 25 and 30 years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches in height, stout made, and of a dark complexion or black. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me in Richmond, or upon being duly notified of his being deposited in any jail in this Commonwealth so that I get him. A. W. Taylor. se 19--6t*
A Reward of Ten Dollars is offered for the apprehension of a negro man, slave named Kiah, who absconded some time since and is believed to be in or about Norfolk or Ports mouth or their vicinities, hiring himself out under a forged pass or as a free man. He belongs to Miss Bettie E. Fitchett, of Accomac county, and I hired him of Messrs. P. M. Tabb & Son, of Richmond. He is probably between 25 and 30 years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches in height, stout made, and of a dark complexion or black. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me in Richmond, or upon being duly notified of his being deposited in any jail in this Commonwealth so that I get him. A. W. Taylor. se19--6t
Trial of Murphy --The trial of Charles Murphy, indicted for causing the death of a negro named Albert, the property of Mrs Spindle, of Fredericksburg, commenced yesterday morning before Judge Wm. H. Lyons The following jury was sworn: P. M. Tabb, jr., Charles M. Bosher, Wm. H. Davis, Chas. C. S. Thompson, George A. Pearce, Burwell Jones, Charles R. Darracott, Thomas Jones, Lacien Hill, Wm. A. Rison, Wm. H. Eggleston, and Austin D. Turner. After hearing a portion of the evidence, the Court adjourned over to this morning at 10 o'clock.
Serious charge --A negro woman named Elzey, slave of P. M. Tabb, is under arrest on a charge of poisoning the family of R. M. Allen, by mixing a drug with coffee. It appears that several members of the family, who drank the coffee, were made very sick, but all have recovered. The matter will be investigated by the Mayor after a physician has analyzed the fluid, and submitted his opinion thereon.
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