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he river to Belmont to-day, about 7,500 strong, landed under cover of gunboats, and attacked Colonel Tappan's camp. I sent over three regiments under General Pillow to his relief; then at intervals tearing had been made in the forest of some 700 acres. In this clearing was the encampment of Colonel Tappan's Thirteenth Arkansas Regiment, and a light battery named Watson's, under Colonel Beltzhoovepossible, placed them in position about four hundred yards from the river-bank, in line with Colonel Tappan's regiment and Beltzhoover's battery, to receive the large force of the enemy advancing on t Wright's regiment on the left of Beltzhoover's battery, and with Colonels Pickett's, Freeman's, Tappan's, and Russell's regiments (the last now under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Bell), on the righttroops into temporary disorder, but they were promptly rallied. They were, in fact, repulsed by Tappan's and Russell's regiments. On the Confederate left, Buford's Twenty-seventh Illinois, aided by
eneral Beauregard. The pressure on that wing, moreover, was relieved by the direction given to Nelson's column, which was moved toward Hamburg. General Beauregard says: About 2 P. M. the lines in advance, which had repulsed the enemy in their last fierce assault on our left and centre, received the orders to retire. This was done with uncommon steadiness, and the enemy made no attempt to follow. Before they fell back, the Kentucky Brigade, with Marmaduke's Arkansas Regiment, and Tappan's Arkansas Regiment, had a final combat with the enemy, in which Colonel Hunt led the Ninth Kentucky in a gallant but unavailing charge. Trabue, in his report, puts the fact very well when he says: The fragmentary forces of both armies had concentrated at this time around Shiloh Church, and, worn out as were our troops, the field was here successfully contested for two hours (i. e., from one until three o'clock); when, as if by mutual consent, both sides desisted from the struggle.
covered the gallant charge which terminated the labors of the day. He possessed himself of the bridges across the river, which Price had fired, before the damage sustained by them was serious, and was crossing his infantry upon them at daylight next morning. He also saved seven platform and box-cars and two locomotives on the Memphis and Little Rock Railroad from serious injury. The forces encountered by General Davidson were Marmaduke's, Dobbins's, and Shelby's cavalry, dismounted, and Tappan's infantry. Price was made aware of our crossing the moment it commenced by means of the Pine Bluff telegraph, and immediately commenced the evacuation of his works on the north bank of the stream. He was evidently fearful that Steele had another pontoon, and would cross the river with the remainder of the forces as soon as he evacuated his works, relieve Davidson upon the river, and send him around to the Arkadelphia road to a point where Price had six, hundred wagons parked. To guard ag
er to drive the enemy's skirmishers out.of the woods, and the cavalry division passed on without serious interruption until they reached Bayou Fourche, where the enemy were drawn up in line to receive them, consisting of the brigades of Fagan and Tappan, and the cavalry division, under Marmaduke. The rebels held their position obstinately until our artillery on the opposite side of the river was opened upon their flank and rear, when they gave way and were steadily pushed back by Davidson, thifteen minutes under the concentrated fire of our batteries. No further opposition was met by my division until we reached Fourche Bayou, five miles from Little Rock. Here we found the enemy, consisting of Marmaduke's cavalry, dismounted, and Tappan's and Fagan's brigades of infantry, with two batteries, strongly posted. A sharp fight of two hours duration, of Glover's brigade on one road and Merrill's on another, leading into the main one, during which the Second brigade lost two mountain
nant Pierce, company A, Fourteenth Kansas, who has done his duty well and nobly throughout. As soon as I got them in line and commenced advancing on the pursuing enemy, they fled and fell back to the wo<*>d, when their whole command (six hundred) formed in line of battle. The balance of the escort that had escaped were all out of sight in the advance. Major Curtis had been seen to fall from his horse, which had been wounded and stumbled in crossing a ditch. About one o'clock I sent Lieutenant Tappan (who had kept with me all the time) with four men to Fort Scott, while with the other nine I determined to remain until the fate of those that had fallen could be ascertained, and whether the post at the spring had been captured, which I much feared was the case. As they fell back to the road, I followed them up over the ground we had come, to look for the wounded, but all, with two or three exceptions, (who had escaped accidentally,) were killed — shot through the head. All the woun
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces in Arkansas, December 7th, 1862--September 14th, 1863. (search)
l. B. Frank Gordon, Col. G. W. Thompson: Elliott's Battalion, Maj. Benjamin Elliott; Gordon's regiment, Capt. George Gordon; Thompson's regiment, Lieut.-Col. J. C. Hooper; Gilkey's regiment, Col. C. A. Gilkey (m w); Jeans's regiment, Capt. R . . Adams; Bledsoe's Battery, Capt. Joseph Bledsoe. Unattached Artillery: Mo. Battery, Capt. S. T. Ruffner; Mo. Battery, Capt. R. A. Collins. Price's division, Brig.-Gen. D. M. Frost. [Consisted of Fagan's, Parsons's, McRae's, and Clark's brigades; Tappan's brigade unattached. The composition of these brigades is not given in detail.] Strength of Confederate forces: General Price says ( Official Records, Vol. XXII., Part I., p. 521) that he had barely 8000 men of all arms. Losses: An incomplete statement of casualties ( Official Records, as above, p. 523) shows 12 killed, 34 wounded, and 18 captured or missing = 64. Chickasaw Bayou and the Vicksburg bluffs. (the cannon indicate the position of General Morgan L. Smith's Union divis
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 9: proceedings in Congress.--departure of conspirators. (search)
esident was requested to send a copy of this report to the Governors of the States, asking them to lay it before their respective Legislatures. In addition to this report, Mr. Corwin submitted a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution, whereby any further amendment, giving Congress power over Slavery in the States, was forbidden. By a portion of the Committee the report was considered too yielding, and two minority reports were submitted. One by Messrs. Washburne and Tappan declared that, in view of the rebellion then in progress, no concessions should be made; and then they submitted, as a distinct proposition, Senator Clark's substitute for Crittenden's plan. Another, by Messrs. Burch and Stout, proposed a convention of the States to amend the Constitution. A proposition was also made to substitute the Crittenden Compromise for Corwin's report. Albert Rust, of Arkansas, offered in the Senate a proposition, substantially the same as Crittenden's, as the ult
pported by two divisions and two batteries, crossing directly, and approaching that city on the south side of the river. Davidson, having completed his reconnoissances and fixed on his point of crossing, threw over his pontoons during the night, Sept. 9-10. and was all over by 11 A. M. the fire of his batteries having speedily silenced the enemy's opposition. Advancing directly on Little Rock, he was more stubbornly resisted at Bayou Fourche, five miles out, by Marmaduke's cavalry and Tappan's brigade of infantry, supporting two batteries, strongly posted; but Steele, advancing simultaneously on the north bank of the river, his batteries fired across at the enemy obstructing Davidson; which enabled the latter slowly to gain ground, until at length, ordering a charge by Ritter's brigade and Strange's howitzers, supported by part of the 1st Iowa cavalry, his men went into the city, saber in hand, on the heels of the flying enemy; and st 7 P. M., the capital of Arkausas was formall
anded under cover of gunboats, and attacked Col. Tappan's camp. I sent over three regiments under the other side of the river — consisting of Col. Tappan's Thirteenth Arkansas regiment, Watson's ba lying immediately behind the encampment of Col. Tappan's regiment, skirmishers being detailed from the encampment which had been occupied by Colonel Tappan's regiment, and the Watson battery, settinthe day. Gen. Pillow, now at the head of Col. Tappan's, Freeman's, Pickett's, Wright's, Russell'eceived, permission to bury their dead. Colonel Tappan's Arkansas regiment lost thirteen killed, l's brigade5614485285 Thirteenth Arkansas, Col. Tappan13432279   Loss in 4 regiments,65187108364t was immediately brought in by the pickets of Tappan's regiment, encamped opposite Columbus, and co enemy came down at double-quick, and attacked Tappan's regiment, which had to fall back; when Pillourn to the river. The Federals then fell upon Tappan's camp, plundering and burning, and turned Wat[1 more...]
Secession reports. General Polk's despatch. Headquarters, First Div. West, Department, Columbus, Ky., Nov. 7, 1861. To General Headquarters, through General A. S. Johnson: The enemy came down on the opposite side of the river, Belmont, to-day, about seven thousand five hundred strong, landed under cover of gunboats, and attacked Col. Tappan's camp. I sent over three regiments under Gen. Pillow to his relief, then at intervals three others, then Gen. Cheatham. I then took over two others in person, to support a flank movement which I had directed. It was a hard-fought battle, lasting from half-past 10 A. M. to five P. M. They took Beltzhoover's battery, four pieces of which were re-captured. The enemy were thoroughly routed. We pursued them to their boats seven miles, then drove their boats before us. The road was strewn with their dead and wounded, guns, ammunition, and equipments. Our loss considerable; theirs heavy. L. Polk, Major-General Commanding. Reply
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