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The Daily Dispatch: December 4, 1862., [Electronic resource], Address of a member of Parliament on recognition. (search)
arance. The case against John Nelson was partially examined and continued until Friday. The proof against this party was not very clear. The Mayor said he had let Nelson out of jail on the 24th Nov., on condition that he would join the army. Nelson said he had done so, but the fact did not appear by uniform or otherwise. George W. Winston, charged with assaulting James A Carter, in the First Market House, Tuesday evening, was examined and discharged. Margaret, slave of Samuel C. Tardy, was arraigned for attempting to murder her master's infant child on Monday Phillips and Dr. Deane being sworn, testified to finding the child in convulsions blood running from its mouth, and spots of the same substance on its garments which Margaret had attempted to wash off a to finding bruises on its head and face in various places, which could only have been caused by a firm, but not sudden pressure on the parts affected. Margaret said the child had fallen down and afterwards was
$100, in his possession, supposed to have been stolen, was acquitted of the larceny, but committed as a slave going at large contrary to law. The brandy was detained at the Mayor's office for reclamation by its owner. Margaret, slave of Samuel C. Tardy, was committed for trial before the Hustings Court, on the cath of Surgeon Dinwiddie P. Phillips, for maliciously, and of malice aforethought, attempting to kill and murder Francis Deane Tardy, infant child of said Samuel C. Tardy. The Samuel C. Tardy. The case of Patrick Drewry, charged with feloniously standing $350 in C. S. Treasury notes from Dennis Learn was heard, and continued until the 8th inst. Solo slave of Joseph Millyard, found by the watch Friday night with a lot of number, supposed to have been stolen, was ordered twenty-five lashes. Edmond, slave of R. ,Bossieux, was ordered to be licked for going without his pass. Jno. H. Bowler was fined five dollars, because his son had engaged in a rock battle contrary to law.
Proceedings of the Courts. Hustings Court.--The regular monthly term of the Alderman's Court of Husting, commenced yesterday at 11 o'clock in the City Hall. Margaret, a bright mulatto girl, slave of Samuel C. Tardy, was put on trial for causing the death by violence of Frances Dean Tardy, infant daughter of said Samuel C Tardy. Prisoner was defended by B. R. Weliford, Jr. The Court, after hearing the evidence of Drs Philips and Deane, declared the prisoner guilty of murder, and sentenced her to be hung on Friday, January 9th, 1863. E. C. Wortham qualified as Notary Public by giving bond and taking the several oaths required by law. A. W. Richardson was fined $10 for allowing his slave Stephen to go at large and hire himself out, contrary to law. James M. Elmore and John Phelps Dunbar were examined for stealing on the 2d instant, from Ro. Henderson a horse valued at $250, and committed for final trial before Judge Lyons. James McQuade and Charles P. Murr
object. That both were used by Duff and his comrades, was proved to the satisfaction of the jury who tried the case. Defendant being found guilty, was sentenced to three months imprisonment. Mr. Beverley R. Wellford, Jr., addressed the Court at some length in support of an application submitted by him for a new trial in the case of the girl Margaret, tried on Monday, and sentenced to be hung on the 9th day of January next, for the murder of Frances Deane Tardy, infant child of Mr. Samuel C. Tardy, whose nurse she was. Mr. Wellford contended that the verdict of guilty against his client was not based on any actual evidence of her guilt, but on the opinions of the physicians summoned in the case, that death would ensue under a given state of things, and that these were apparent. The Court refused to grant a new hearing of the case. The Court entered an order calling the attention of the City Council to the insecure condition of the Jail: its total incapacity, with all the
Rejected. --The petition presented to His Excellency the Governor for the pardon of Margaret, a slave, condemned to be hung on the 9th inst., for the murder of an infant child of Mr. Samuel C. Tardy, has been rejected. Also, a petition for the pardon of Ellas Vanderlip, condemned to six months imprisonment in the city jail and fined $500 by the Hustings Court for a violent assault.
To be H g --The girl Margaret, condemned to be hung or Friday, January 9th, for the murder of Frances Tardy infant child of Mr. Samuel C. Tardy, will be hung to-morrow, at the usual place of execution, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, unless the Governor should interpose and commute her punishment to imprisonment in the Penitentiary which he has refused to do already. So far as we can the condemned has made no confession of the guilt imputed to her by the verdict of the Court. Prior to the commission of the offense of which she stands convicted, she was a very zealous member of the Church and professes even now to be sustained by the consoling influences of religion.
To be hung. --The negro woman, Margaret, will be hung to day, between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock, by the City Sergeant, pursuant to the verdict of the Hustings Court, for the murder of an infant child of Mr. Samuel C. Tardy. Up to last evening we heard nothing of any interposition by Gov. Letcher.
Hustings Court Grand Jury. --The following gentlemen were sworn in as grand jurymen for the fall term of the Hustings Court, Judge Lyons presiding: John Purcell, foremen; G. F. Watson, George W. Smith, Miles George, Ambrose, Carlton, Wm. K. Watts, H. F. C. Baskerville, S. C. Greenhow, Edwin Wortham, Wm. Palmer, R. H. Dibrell, George T. Booker, John D. Quarles, Wm. F. Gray, George K. Crutchfield, Wm. S. Donnan, Samuel C. Tardy, N. C. Read, Wm. M. Allen, R. H. Maury, and Wm. Beers.
Appointment of Directors. --At the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Virginia Bank, held at their banking house in this city, on Monday afternoon, the following gentlemen were appointed Directors for the ensuing twelve months; James Caskle, Thomas R Price, Alfred T. Harris, Samuel C. Tardy, Alex. Garret, (new Director.) The appointments on the part of the State have not yet been sent in by the Executive.
hos. J. Randolph, J. C. Patterson, James Jones, Geo. Mcintyre. Sam White, Wm. W. Minor, Shelton F Leake. Lewisburg. Samuel Price, Wm. S. Montgomery, D. C. B. Calwell, Mason Watkins. John Withrow, Achilles Rodgers, Floyd Estill. Wytheville. Stephen McGavock, Robt Crockett, Isaac J. Lettwich, Chas L. Fox. Robert Sayors, Allea T. Crockett, Jas. M. Stuart, Bank of Virginia.Richmond. James Caskie, Alfred T. Harris, Thos. R. Price, Samuel C. Tardy, *Alex Garrett. D. J. Saunders, Joseph P. Jones, *Ambrose Cariton, *Wm. H. Fowle. Petersburg. T. T. Broocks, Z. W. Pickrell, W. R. Johnson, *R. W. Brodeax. John B. Wilson, R. A. Young, *J. P. Williamson. Fredericksburg. W. P. Conway, M. Slaughter, J. H. Bradley, *John L. Marye, Jr. Wm. A. Little, Thos. F. Knox, *Robt B. Reynolds. Lynchburg. Criswell Daley, Jas. M. Cobbs, *W. T. Vancey, *Chas H. Lynch, Seth Woodraff, Sam M. G