Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 31, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Tarleton or search for Tarleton in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: May 31, 1862., [Electronic resource], General Greene--retreat through the Carolinas. (search)
ington and His Generals."] But Cornwallis at length saw the error he had been led into, and immediately concentrating his troops, moved forward upon Morgan. Tarleton, with eleven hundred men, was ordered to meet him in front, while he himself, with the main part of the army, would out off his retreat. Morgan, with less than a thousand men, immediately began to retire; but Tarleton, with his accustomed vigor, pressed him so hard that when he came to Broad River he dared not attempt the passage, and so resolved to make a desperate stand where he was. Out of the eleven hundred men Tarleton led into the battle of Cowpens, he saved but four hundred. Tarleton led into the battle of Cowpens, he saved but four hundred. Two cannon, eight hundred muskets, a hundred dragoon-horses, and tents and ammunition, were the fruits of this victory. Scarcely had the roar of battle ceased before Morgan began to retreat. He knew Cornwallis, with a powerful army, was close upon him, and an hour's delay might lose him all the fruits of his gallant achievem