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James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), The most famous naval action of the Civil war (search)
that memorable 9th of March had fallen on Lieutenant Jones, and he was relieved before the end of the month by Flag-Officer Josiah Tatnall. Though the Monitor stayed close at hand, there was no further meeting after her valiant foe was released fro was evacuated by the Confederates, on the 10th of May, the further disposition of the Merrimac became a grave problem. Tatnall had her lightened three feet in order to take her up the James, but the pilots refused to attempt this in the face of a westerly breeze, and now every officer agreed with Tatnall that she must be blown up. This was done on the 11th. The indignation throughout the South was great, but Tatnall was completely exonerated by a court of inquiry. After the destruction oTatnall was completely exonerated by a court of inquiry. After the destruction of the Merrimac, the Monitor went up the James with Commander Rodgers' squadron in the attack on the entrenchments at Drewry's Bluff. Finally on the 31st of December the Monitor was sunk in a gale, while on the way to Beaufort, North Carolina, and s
it alone the storming of Gloucester, but the idea was abandoned. On April 28th General J. E. Johnston wrote to Flag Officer Tatnall, commanding the naval forces in the James River, requesting him, if practicable, to proceed with the Virginia to York River for the purpose of destroying the enemy's transports, to which Commodore Tatnall replied that it could be done only in daylight, when he would be exposed to the fire of the forts, and would have to contend with the squadron of men-of-war s defense of Norfolk, and to remove the obstacles she opposed to the enemy's operations in the James River. Life of Commodore Tatnall, pp. 166, 167. Meanwhile, the brilliant movements of the intrepid Jackson created such apprehension of an attaced a few shots in reply, while the Virginia, which, since the wounding of the brave Buchanan, had been commanded by Commodore Tatnall, showed her formidable shell, and the expedition was countermanded. Two more days were consumed in waiting. Final
slight repairs needed were promptly made. The distinguished veteran, Commodore Josiah Tatnall, was assigned to the command of the Virginia, vice Admiral Buchanan, wble, was prepared for battle and cruise in the Roads, and, on April 11th, Commodore Tatnall moved down to invite the Monitor to combat. But her officers kept the Mo furiously bombarding our batteries at Sewell's Point. Dashing down comes old Tatnall on the instant, as light stepping and blithe as a boy. . . . But the Virginia native was then and there to abandon and burn the ship. The statement of Commodore Tatnall shows that the Virginia could not have been taken seaward, and that such continued blockade. The harbor defenses of Savannah were entrusted to Commodore Tatnall, who defended the approach to the city with a small steamer of one gun, arnished. Another vessel was under construction and nearly completed, and Commodore Tatnall, notwithstanding his well-known combative instincts, was understood to be
102, 105, 106, 137, 275, 286,294. Testimony on battle of Sharpsburg, Va., 286. Sumter (ship), 210, 237. Preparation for action, 206-07. Activities, 207-08. Supreme Court (U. S.) Case of John Merryman, 391-92. Surratt, John H., 417. Mary E., 417. Susquehanna (steamer), 63. Swann, Judge, 30. Swayne, General, 634. Swinton, —, 73. T Tacony (ship), 237. Taliaferro, General, 93, 164, 266, 268, 269, 272,296. Tallahassee (warship), 222, 237. Taney, —, 291. Tatnall, Commodore, Josiah, 73, 82, 169, 170,172. Taylor, General, 54, 271. Gen. Richard, 72, 91-92, 95, 202, 349, Taylor, Gen., Richard. 350, 351, 352-53, 438, 455, 456, 457, 458, 587, 590, 591-92, 598. Comment on Jackson, 94. Description of battle near Port Republic, 95-96. Account of the battle of Sharpsburg, 285-86. Account of battle of Chancellorsville, 309-10. Account of battle of Cold Harbor, 441-42. Statement concerning Johnston-Sherman conference, 588. Col. Thomas, 495. Col. Walter H., 88.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Jones, Charles Colcock 1804-1863 (search)
Jones, Charles Colcock 1804-1863 Clergyman; born in Liberty county, Ga., Dec. 20, 1804; received his theological training at Andover and Princeton Theological Seminaries; was ordained in the Presbyterian Church, and became active in the work of educating the negro race. His publications include Religious instruction for negroes in the Southern States; Suggestions on the instruction of negroes in the South; and a History of the Church of God. He died in Liberty county, Ga., March 16, 1863. Lawyer; born in Savannah, Ga., Oct. 28, 1831; graduated at Princeton in 1852; admitted to the bar of Georgia in 1856; during the Civil War he served as colonel of artillery. Among his historical works are Monumental remains of Georgia; Historical sketch of the Chatham artillery; Life of Gen. Henry Lee; Commodore Josiah Tatnall; Jean Pierre Purry; Richard Henry Wilde; Siege of Savannah in 1779; De Soto and his March through Georgia, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Port Royal Sound, expedition to (search)
he entrance to the sound, between Hilton Head and Phillip's Island, was guarded by the Confederates with a strong battery on each side—Forts Walker and Beauregard. Within the sound was a small Confederate flotilla, commanded by the veteran Commodore Tatnall, formerly of the United States navy. It was called the Mosquito fleet. The guns of the guarding forts were silenced, and on the morning of Nov. 7 Dupont's fleet passed into the sound and drove Tatnall's vessels into shallow water. The NaTatnall's vessels into shallow water. The National forces took possession of Port Royal Island and the neighboring ones, and found them deserted by the planters and their families. Most of the slaves remained. They refused to follow their masters. Groups of them actually stood upon the shore with little bundles containing all their worldly possessions, ready to go on board the ships of the invaders, who, they had been told, were coming to steal or sell the negroes in Cuba, or to kill and bury them in the sound. In the conflict with
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pulaski, Fort, capture of (search)
by the Confederates early in the year. Gillmore reported that it might be done by planting batteries of rifled guns and mortars on Big Tybee Island. A New York regiment was sent to occupy that island, and explorations were made to find a channel by which gunboats might get in the rear of the fort. It was found, and land troops under General Viele went through it to reconnoitre. Another expedition went up to the Savannah River by way of Wassaw Sound, and the gunboats had a skirmish with Tatnall's Mosquito fleet (see Port Royal). Soon afterwards the Nationals erected batteries that effectually closed the Savannah River in the rear of Pulaski, and at the close of February, 1862, it was absolutely blockaded. General Gillmore planted siege guns on Big Tybee that commanded the fort; and on April 10, 1862, after General Hunter (who had succeeded General Sherman) had demanded its surrender, and it had been refused, thirty-six heavy rifled cannon and mortars were opened upon it, under th
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tatnall, Josiah -1871 (search)
Tatnall, Josiah -1871 Naval officer; born near Savannah, Ga., Nov. 9, 1796; entered the United States navy in 1812; rose to captain in 1850; first served in the frigate Constellation, and assisted in the repulse of the British at Craney Island in 1813. He afterwards served under Perry and Porter, and was engaged on the Mexican coast during the war against Mexico. He entered the Confederate service; improvised a flotilla known as the Mosquito Fleet, and attempted to defend Port Royal Sound against Dupont. He commanded at Norfolk when the Merrimac was destroyed, and the Mosquito Fleet at Savannah. He died in Savannah, Ga., June 14, 1871.
Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 2: the Port Royal expedition. (search)
under way, stood toward the enemy's vessels, commanded by Commodore Josiah Tatnall, formerly of the U. S. Navy, and opening fire, soon causedew, and the Isaac Smith to follow, and standing in, opened fire on Tatnall's steamers, and drove them within the headlands, coming themselves In giving these instructions the flag-officer stated that he knew Tatnall well; he was an officer of courage and plan, and that it was not arts, and the vital duty of the flanking column was to take care of Tatnall, and destroy his vessels if he attempted that movement. With thrange of the earthworks, when the enemy opened. The force of Commodore Tatnall lay just within an imaginary line connecting the two forts. sing those advancing and now within fair range of the earthworks. Tatnall's were what are known as river steamers, extremely vulnerable, boiaim and rapidity of fire of the enemy. As the columns advanced, Tatnall's steamers withdrew, but when the main column turned they again pu
Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 3: strategic Reconnoissances. (search)
en they would return, they preferred doing so under the cover of the night. The gunboats passed on, and reaching the part of the river nearest to the highest land on Wilmington Island, their farther progress was at least temporarily prevented by a double row of heavy piles driven across the channel. They anchored and despatched boats from the different vessels to examine numerous creeks and the upper part of the river. At 5 P. M. five Confederate steamers, one bearing the flag of Commodore Tatnall, came to anchor at the upper end of St. Augustine's Creek. The telegraph wire was seen on the marsh between Savannah and Fort Pulaski, and was cut. General Wright and others made careful examination as to the advantage of a military occupation of Wilmington Island, to which General Sherman had directed his attention. At 11.15 A. M. of the following day (28th), five Confederate vessels attempted to pass down the Savannah River to Fort Pulaski, with scows in tow. A force of gunboats
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