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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Wait. Heraldry. Benj. P. Hollis, F. H. C. Woolley, Charles B. Dunham, Dr. J. Edson young, William F. Kingman. Library and Collections. Miss Mary E. Sargent, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Walter F. Cushing, Miss Katherine H. Stone, Joseph H. Wheeler, Cleopas B. Johnson, Benj. F. Fenton. Historic Photographs and Portraits. Will C. Eddy, John H. Hooper, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin. Members. Number previously reported, 192. Alden, Miss E. L. Bissell, Hezekiah. Broderson, N. H. Davis, Miss E. A. Fernald, Mrs. M. T. Fitch, Arthur E. Fitch, Mrs. A. E. Gill, Miss Adeline B. Hatch, George S. Hobbs, Lewis F. Hobbs, Mrs. Victoria B. Litchfield, Parker R. Locke, E. F. Lovering, Frank W. Manning, Leonard J. Parker, Wm. I. Pike, Chester J. Sampson, E. J. Sawyer, Miss Z. Start, Prof. Edwin A. Tay, Mrs. Anna J. Thompson, Abijah. Tufts, James W. Wheeler, Joseph H. Whitmore, Wm. H. Young, Dr. J. Edson.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Medford Historical Society. (search)
argent, Miss Mary E. Saville, George W. W. Saville, Mrs. Helen E. Sawyer, Miss Z. Segitz, Myra E. Shultis, Mark. Shultis, Mrs. Kate D. Simpson, James B. Start, Prof. Edwin A. Start, Mrs. Philena C. Stetson, George W. Stickney, Allison M. Stickney, Mrs. Allison M. Stone, Miss Katherine H. Street, John D. Street, Miss Mary B. Sturtevant, James S. Deceased.Swan, Charles H. Swift, Miss Caroline E. Symmes, Amelia M. Symmes, Arthur C. Tay, Mrs. Anna J. Teele, Edward W. Thompson, Abijah. Thompson, Mrs. Susan B. Thompson, William A. Tucker, Charles D. Tufts, James W. Wait, William Gushing. Wait, Francis A. Wait, Miss Hetty F. Wait, Miss Sarah H. Washburn, Miss M. L. Weitz, Herbert A. Wellington, Mrs. H. E. Wheeler, Joseph H. Deceased.Whitmore, William H. Wilber, Nahum E. Wilber, Mortimer E. Wilcox, Miss E. J. Wilcox, Miss Martha C. Wild, Miss Helen T. Winkley, Will
The Daily Dispatch: November 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], Stampede of negroes from King George county. (search)
Stampede of negroes from King George county. --The Fredericksburg Recorder of Saturday, says that some thirty slaves escaped from King George county on Sunday night week. They succeeded in getting a way by procuring the scow used at Washington's Ferry, and going either to the Maryland shore or to one of the enemy's ships in the river. The slaves belonged as follows: To H. G. Howland, 21; T. B. B. Baber 2; Tay oe Washington, 2; Nicholas Quisenberry, 3.
Wanted --To hire, a negro Boy, from 14 to 16 years of age. Apply at Brackett's Old Tay n Broad st, between 1st and 2d. ly 15--2t*