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Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 81 3 Browse Search
John Dimitry , A. M., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.1, Louisiana (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 67 1 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 67 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 62 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 41 5 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 37 5 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 36 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 35 7 Browse Search
William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik 30 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 23 3 Browse Search
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ems, charged first, but were met by fully a regiment of the enemy, posted behind the buildings and drawn up in the garden and orchard, and, after a spirited fight, were compelled to fall back. The First Pennsylvania, coming up, charged next. Col. Taylor, leading part of the regiment, struck the enemy in front, while Lieut.-Colonel Gardiner, with the balance, dashed on his flank next to the house, forcing him back at both points, cutting him off from the house, and gaining his rear, drove him emy's cavalry concealed in the woods fired, wounding me through the leg. I still retained command until five o'clock P. M., when orders were given to retreat, when, becoming very much exhausted from loss of blood, I turned over the command to Colonel Taylor, of the First Pennsylvania reserve cavalry, and left the field. He reports that shortly afterward he received orders to report to General Buford, and assisted in covering the withdrawal of his command across the river. In closing my repor
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Casualties in the First New-Jersey cavalry. (search)
Colonel Wyndham, and consisted of his own regiment, the First New-Jersey cavalry, First Maryland cavalry, Lieut.-Col. Deems, and First Pennsylvania cavalry, Lieut.-Col. Taylor. Each brigade was formed in three columns by squadrons, the First brigade on the right, and the Second on the left. The ground between Kelly's Ford and Brittle scattered in the melee, the First New-Jersey, Lieut.-Col. Broderick at their head, charged, and was followed in turn by the First Pennsylvania, led by Lieut.-Col. Taylor. At first, as each regiment came charging into the fight, the enemy were forced back, and though their force was much larger than ours, they continued to fted an empty pistol at the head of Mr. Reb, who surrendered at discretion. On the way to the rear the same man took another rebel prisoner in the same way. Lieut. Taylor, company M, First Maine, captured a man on foot. The rebs pursued, and he made the man run before his horse. When the man gave out he made him take hold of h
saw Bayou, Thursday, June 18, via Cairo, Wednesday, June 24. On the sixteenth, the rebel General Anderson, with a division belonging to the command of Major-General Dick Taylor, marched from Richmond toward Lake Providence, where Gen. Reid was stationed with a small Federal force, consisting of the First Kansas and Sixteenth Wisthan it was, the enemy retreated, with heavy loss. On the same day, General Mower marched on Richmond, from Sherman's Landing, with his brigade of infantry and Taylor's old Chicago battery, under command of Capt. Barrett. On reaching the Tensas, he met the rebel pickets and drove them in. The rebels burned the bridges, and undomptness — our troops, in their impetuosity and daring, overcoming the disparity in numbers on the part of the enemy. It is likely, from indications, that the entire force of Gen. Dick Taylor (who, by the way, is a son of old Zack) has skedaddled to the Red River country. For further accounts of this affair, see Supplement.
o an end, and give them a chance to see their homes again. We can only hear rumors of what is going on between Banks and Taylor, at Vicksburgh, on the Cumberland, and in Virginia, and the want of reliable news from the army and the impossibility of ncis was: As the mountain wouldn't come to Mohammed, Mohammed went to the mountain. It is even so with our captor, General Taylor, who, as his supporting force does not come up, must needs fall back to see what has become of it, and it is also so they have been brought down the river, and the non-arrival of the rebel force from Arkansas, which have put an end to Gen. Taylor's plans. Vicksburgh, according to the rebel account, was surrendered on the fourth of July, not to Grant, but to Admild send fifteen thousand men to reenforce General Banks's worn-out army, by which means Banks could capture or annihilate Taylor and Sibley, and render his authority secure through the whole department. Second. He should advance with the remainde
and eighty staff-officers. The names of the former are as follows: Lieutenant-General John C. Pemberton, Pa.; Major-General Stevenson, Ala.; Major-General Martin Luther Smith, La.; Major-General Forney, Ala.; Major-General Bowen, Mo.; Brigadier-General Lee,----; Brigadier-General Moore, La.; Brigadier-General Hebert, La.; Brigadier-General Abraham Buford, Ky.; Brigadier-General Schoepff; Brigadier-General Baldwin; Brigadier-General Harris, Tenn.; Brigadier-General Vaughan, Mo. ; Brigadier-General Taylor; Brigadier-General Cummings; Brigadier-General Gardner; Brigadier-General Barton; Brigadier-General Withers, La. Pemberton, as is well known, is a Philadelphian by birth, who early in life married a Southern lady, and has since cast his lot with that section. He has been a trusted friend of Jeff Davis, and was by him intrusted with the special defence of Vicksburgh. He denies having made the speech attributed to him about the last dog, etc. It must have been invented probably b
efore our readers the full particulars. General Taylor, with Walker's division, fought the enemy ter seeing Colonel Majors well on his way, General Taylor returned via Washington and Opelousas, and could make a combined movement. Two of General Taylor's staff had been urging on preparations fo the construction of skiffs and flats. Major-General Taylor arrived at General Mouton's headquarterns in the impending attack. Shortly after General Taylor's arrival at Mouton's headquarters, one ofhey were rowing away, waving their hats to General Taylor and General Mouton, who were on the bank wture. The boat expedition having left, Generals Taylor and Mouton proceeded below Pattersonvilley matter of importance being now ready, Major-General Taylor waited with confidence for the boom of ve it shamefully away. In half an hour Generals Taylor, Mouton, and Green, with their respectiveana and Texas. This brilliant campaign of General Taylor had another great object in view and one o
e else than their stock, have been rendered almost if not entirely bankrupt by the raid. If the people of Pennsylvania will not fight to protect the State from invasion, the sufferers have a right to claim. compensation from the common treasury of the State. The State professes to protect its citizens in the enjoyment of all their rights, and there is no justice in withholding the common tribute from individual sufferers. Among the many unfortunate, perhaps the greatest sufferer is ex-Sheriff Taylor, from whom the rebels captured a drove of fat cattle in Fulton County. His loss is some seven thousand dollars. The route of Jenkins was through the most densely populated and wealthiest portion of the county. From this point he fell back to Greencastle and south of it, thence he proceeded to Mercersburgh, from where a detachment crossed the Cove Mountain to McConnellsburgh and struck down the valley from there. The main body, however, was divided into plundering parties, and sco
errupted except by the troops in front. About eleven o'clock A. M. on the third, I received notice from the commanding officer of the Sixth corps that he was about to attack the enemy's position between Hazel Run and Fredericksburgh, and wished me to assist. I immediately formed three storming columns, the first column commanded by General Neill, composed of the Seventh Maine, Lieutenant-Colonel Conner, the Seventy-seventh New-York, Lieutenant-Colonel French, the Thirty-third New-York, Colonel Taylor, and a portion of the Twenty-first New-Jersey, Lieutenant-Colonel Mettler. The second column, under the command of Colonel Grant, Acting Brigadier-General, was composed of the Second Vermont, Colonel Woolbridge the Sixth Vermont, Colonel Barney, and the Twenty-fifth New-Jersey, Colonel Morrison. The third column was composed of the Third Vermont, Colonel Seaver, the Fourth Vermont, Colonel Stoughton, and a portion of the Twenty-first New-Jersey, Colonel Van Hauten, led by Colonel Seave
, which partly covered them, down toward the great plain at the southern termination of the range of hills. Colonel McPhail, who, with a part of the cavalry, had crossed to the east side of the range, and kept in line in my rear, ready to charge upon the Indians when they should be disloged from the broken ground, now passed my line and pursued the enemy out on the open plain. After I recrossed the range I met Major Bradley, and united the seven companies. He, in conjunction with Captains Taylor's and Anderson's companies of the cavalry — dismounted — had performed much the same service on the west slope of the range of hills, that I had done on the east and summit, driving the enemy from hill to hill southward, a distance of four or five miles from camp to the termination of the range. Happily no casualties happened in my command. Indeed, the Indians from the first encounter gave way, seeming to realize the superior range of our guns — yielding ridge after ridge and ravine<
s and ammunition. To which I replied, June fifteenth, informing him that I had no means of relieving him, adding: General Taylor will do what he can on the opposite side of the river. Hold the place as long as you can, and, if possible, withdrawis very important to keep Banks and his forces occupied. In a despatch, dated June twentieth, I sent him word that General Taylor had intended to attack the enemy opposite Port Hudson on the night of the fifteenth, and attempt to send cattle acrosf railroad. Inform me as soon as possible what points will suit you best. Your despatches of the twelfth received. General Taylor, with eight thousand men, will endeavor to open communications with you from Richmond. To this communication Gener which he said that, though living on greatly reduced rations, he had sufficient for twenty days, I informed him that General Taylor had been sent by General E. K. Smith to cooperate with him from the west bank of the Mississippi, and that in a day o