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Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 81 3 Browse Search
John Dimitry , A. M., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.1, Louisiana (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 67 1 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 67 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 62 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 41 5 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 37 5 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 36 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 35 7 Browse Search
William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik 30 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 23 3 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Dick Taylor or search for Dick Taylor in all documents.

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ol. Fulkerson commanding; the troops recently under command of Brig.-Gen. Edward Johnson; and the division of Gen. Ewell. comprising the brigades of Gens. Elzey, Taylor, Trimble. and the Maryland Line, consisting of the 1st Maryland regiment and Brockenbrough's battery, under Brig.-Gen. Geo. H. Stewart, and the 2d and 6th Virgin as Cross-Keys, some seven miles on. Ewell's three brigades, under Trimble, Elzey, and Stewart, ranged from right to left, with his artillery in the center. Gen. Dick Taylor, with a Louisiana, and Col. Patton, with a Virginia brigade, came to his aid when wanted. Gen. Fremont's order of battle, a mile and a half long, was formhind them. We were even successful at first over Winder on our right; but to no purpose, since the odds against us were constantly increasing ; and, at length, Dick Taylor's Louisiana brigade, which had flanked our left by an unobserved advance through the forest, made so sudden and overwhelming a dash at Col. Candy's battery on o
e. McCall's Div. K Meade's Brigade. L Seymour's Brigade. M Reynolds's Brigade.   N Cavalry.   Art. Reserve. O Robertson's Battery. P Tidball's Brigade. Bartlett's brigade of Slocum's division. Franklin's corps in reserve; Taylor's and Newton's brigades being distributed on weak points of the line. First line was held as shown, from noon to 8 P. M., when the Reserves were moved up to sustain it. Gen. Slocum's division arrived about 8 1/2 P. M. The whole line retired totheir men worn out with desperate fighting, were left on the hard-fought field, where nearly one-fourth of the division had been killed or wounded. The noise of this vehement struggle had brought Hooker, from our left, and Burns's brigade, and Taylor's 1st New Jersey brigade, from Slocum's division, to the aid of McCall; so that we were doubtless in force to have won the battle just after we had lost it, had any daylight remained. Gen. Sumner, speaking from hear-say, thus mistakenly reports
attack sufficed to keep open the road for Gen. Dick Taylor, who, evacuating Fort Bisland, and burninly made May 5-9. by our army to Alexandria; Taylor, evacuating Fort De Russy, again retreating onthe flying Rebels, nearly to Grand Ecore; when Taylor's force was so reduced that it did not seem woe gunboats. An intercepted letter showed that Taylor had purposed to attack Brashear City the day pad so sore an experience; to say nothing of Dick Taylor's return, strongly reenforced, from the sidsiege had left nearly all Louisiana open to Dick Taylor, who would inevitably retrace his steps acrways cowards. It was still early morning when Taylor, Mouton, and Green, as well as Hunter, were in, in which they had repulsed two assaults; but Taylor was too weak to make the great venture. If hein defenses. Moving north instead of east, Taylor's van, under Green, menaced Donaldsonville, whe Teche, pursuant to orders, the Rebels, under Taylor and Green, followed sharply on his track, and,[7 more...]
a regiment could be gleaned; so that it is probable that the superiority in numbers was temporarily on his side; but why not seek directly a collision, which Fighting Joe would so readily have accorded? Why shun the convenient and inspiring neighborhood of Cedar Mountain and Bull Run for one more remote, and which invoked ominous recollections of South Mountain and the Antietam? Grant was beginning to be triumphant in Mississippi, and would soon be thundering at the gates of Vicksburg; Dick Taylor, chased almost out of Louisiana by Banks, could do little toward the rescue of threatened Port Hudson: why not spare Longstreet to needy, beseeching Jo. Johnston, enabling him to overwhelm Grant and then to crush out Banks, restoring the Confederate ascendency on the Mississippi, while simply holding on along the Rappahannock, trusting to the great advantages afforded to the defensive by the rugged topography of that region, and to the terrors inspired by the memories of Fredericksburg an
d by the way the Rebel rear-guard under Gist, breaking it and capturing 3 guns: our advance — badly delayed by the non-arrival of pontoons at the Chickamauga — bivouacking on the crest of the ridge east of that stream, and resuming the pursuit at dawn next morning; Nov. 27. Osterhaus leading, followed by Geary, and he by Cruft; and going into Ringgold, 5 miles farther, close on the heels of the flying enemy. Cleburne was now in command here — a man always hard to drive — and the gap in Taylor's or White Oak ridge, through which he was retreating, was one easy to hold and difficult to carry. Having guns advantageously posted, he refused to be hurried; while our men, flushed and exultant, could not be restrained from attacking, though our guns were still behind, having been detained at the crossing of the Chickamauga, where the enemy had burned the bridge behind him. A most gallant but rash effort was made to drive him out, wherein the 13th Illinois was honorably conspicuous. Tw
Mansfield, where he encountered the Rebel Army of the trans-Mississippi, under Kirby Smith, Dick Taylor, Mouton, and Green, numbering not less than 20,000 men. Here Banks, reaching our front at 1 1s, our line fell back up the hill to the 16th corps, which was concealed just behind the crest. Taylor's battery for a time fell into the hands of the enemy. General Smith made all preparations t followed the Rebels until night put an end to the pursuit. In the last charge, we recaptured Taylor's battery, which had been lost in the earlier pa<*>t of the action, and retook two guns of Nim'sys claims a Rebel victory where it is possible to do so — makes no victory out of this; while Dick Taylor — who addresses the Rebel army as Major-General commanding, though Kirby Smith was commander and says that we fought and won at Pleasant Hill with 15,000 against 22,000 The simple fact that Taylor, and Pollard after him, with Kirby Smith's report of the campaign, are silent with regard to the
been worsted in a fight with Forrest's cavalry — our commanders had fired their gunboats and transports, lest they should fall into the enemy's hands; and the flames had extended to the stores on the levee and the commissary's and quartermaster's depots, involving a loss of $1,500,000 worth of provisions, &c., just when they could worst be spared. Gen. Thomas reports this destruction needless and unjustifiable. It being no longer doubtful that Hood — who bad been reenforced by part of Dick Taylor's army from below — was about to follow his vanguard across the Tennessee--Gen. Thomas directed a concentration of the 4th and 23d corps on Pulaski, with intent to impede rather than seriously dispute the Rebel advance on Nashville. Hood's infantry, according to our best advices, now exceeded 40,000; his cavalry were 12,000, well equipped, in high spirits, under their boldest and most skillful leader; so that, including artillery, the entire Rebel force, well concentrated, was not far fr<
by Gen. Grierson, south-eastward through north Alabama to Tupelo on the Mobile railroad, which was thoroughly broken up southward to Okolona; Col. Karge, by the way, surprising Dec. 25. a Rebel camp at Verona, dispersing the force holding it, capturing 32 cars, 8 warehouses filled with ordnance and supplies, which were being loaded for Hood's army on 200 wagons taken by Forrest from Sturgis at Guntown. All were destroyed. At Okolona, Grierson intercepted Dec. 27. dispatches from Dick Taylor, at Mobile, promising reenforcements, which deserters said would arrive at 11 A. M. next day. he decided, therefore, to attack at daylight, and did so: the Rebels being intrenched at a little station known as Egypt, with 4 guns on platform cars, and some 1,200 to 2,000 men. While the fight was in progress, two trains came up the road with reinforcements for the enemy; but Grierson interposed between these and his stationary foes, repelling the former, and routing the latter; capturing and
t many of them green conscripts — boys and old men — and not to be relied on. He was indisposed to attempt the defense of extensive works with such a force; but Dick Taylor, his superior, had been here, and ordered him to hold the town at all hazards — disappearing on a southward-going train directly afterward. Forrest, with a dous remaining corps — the 13th, Gen. Gordon Granger--participated, as we have seen, in the reduction of the forts at the mouth of Mobile bay. During the year, Gen. Dick Taylor crossed the Mississippi and assumed command of the Confederate forces in Alabama. At length, after the overthrow of Hood, in Tennessee, the 16th was returnet with Wilson's demonstration from the north on central Alabama, to attempt the reduction of Mobile and its remaining defenses, See page 650. now held, under Dick Taylor, by Gen. Maury, with a force estimated at 15,000 men. The forces employed by Gen. Canby consisted of the 13th and 16th corps aforesaid, with a division of c
XXXV. death of President Lincoln—Peace.—Johnston — Davis — Taylor — Kirby Smith. The President at City Point he enters Richmond letter to Weitzel recruiting stopped celebration at Fort Sumter the President assassinated by J. Wilkes eut.-General : and thus passed out of existence the second army of the Confederacy. The surrender to Gen. Canby of Gen. Taylor's Rebel forces in Alabama was effected at Citronelle, May 4, as the result of negotiations commenced April 19. More wemaining fugitives, with a small but select escort of mounted men, took their way southward: perhaps intent on joining Dick Taylor or Kirby Smith, should either or both be still belligerent, or, at the worst, hoping to make their way to some petty p 26. with Gen. Osterhaus, acting for Gen. Canby, a capitulation substantially identical with that accorded by Canby to Dick Taylor; the stipulation for transportation and subsistence inclusive. This requirement involved the Government in very mo