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Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 81 3 Browse Search
John Dimitry , A. M., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.1, Louisiana (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 67 1 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 67 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 62 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 41 5 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 37 5 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 36 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 35 7 Browse Search
William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik 30 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 23 3 Browse Search
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almost without food, yet hour after hour unrelieved. They stood up like heroes, every man of them, and amid that hell of shot, gave blow for blow and shout for shout. The old mountain wolf, Colonel Wolford, with his grim and stolid courage, was there. Colonel Bond, at the head of his glorious regiment. the One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois, with his smiling, earnest face, was where the conflict raged the fiercest, encouraging his men, if possible, to deeds of still greater daring; and Captain Taylor, with the fragments of the Forty-fifth Ohio, was there with his gallant boys. It was sublime. The skirmish grew almost to the dignity of a battle, Foiled at all points, the enemy vindictively burled upon our wearied and battle-torn lines fresh and overwhelming numbers. And here, at about four P. M., the gallant Sanders fell, it is thought mortally wounded. Courage and physical endurance could do no more, and our brave boys fell back, surrendering the hill in front of our left to the
suit, and the Twenty-ninth recrossed the river the same night. Sending out a reconnoissance the next morning, under Lieutenant-Colonel Schadt, of the Thirtieth Missouri, it was found that the enemy had never halted in his flight until ten miles from the field of battle, and that they were then in full and rapid retreat toward Trinity or Harrisonburgh. The forces of the enemy were Texan troops, General (or Prince) Polignac's brigade, consisting of the Seventeenth consolidated Texas, Colonel Taylor, three Texan regiments, Colonels Alexander, Stephens, and Hopp, and one battalion Louisiana cavalry, Major Caldwell. The fight was plainly visible from the bluffs of Natchez — every movement of the enemy, every change of our men could be distinctly seen, and the male and female citizens of this loyal city, who had lined the banks to see their brave boys drive the Yankees and niggers into the river, had the satisfaction of seeing one thousand Southrons, with a reserve of five hundred mor
t Director, assisted by Dr. Weeks. Some of the surgeons remained on the field of battle to treat our wounded there. Mr. Day, of the Sanitary Commission, and Rev. Mr. Taylor, of the Christian Commission, also remained behind on the field. These two gentlemen were at Jacksonville when the news of the battle was telegraphed Saturdary our dead. At Sanderson, it is understood, that some wounded had to be left with a surgeon in charge. At Baldwin, Mr. Day, of the Sanitary Commission, and Rev. Mr. Taylor, of the Christian Commission, await the arrival of wounded stragglers and of the enemy. Mr. Day has been twice before a prisoner in the pursuit of his callinring the flag away. The battery fell into the enemy's hands. During the excitement Captain Bailey took command, and brought out the regiment in good order. Sergeant Taylor, company D, who carried the battle-flag, had his right hand nearly shot off, but grasped the colors with the left hand, and brought it out. I took my posit
ght have vainly assailed for a: month,) but claim that so soon as we leave the rivers they will fall on us for destruction. This certainly does not find corroboration in the fact that they surrendered to forces which marched across the country. Of this sort was the unfinished obstruction of piles about nine miles below here, which the gunboats had to tear away to allow the huge transports to pass through. As nearly as I can learn, Walker has two thousand men, mostly infantry, south of us. Taylor has, perhaps, as many at Alexandria, and it is probable that they may be united at the latter place. Banks has some, doubtless, in his front about Opelousas. The Red River has not been used for large transports or gunboats since May last, being hitherto too low. The Webb, Missouri, Grand Duke, and Mary Keene are at Shreveport, armed. The distances on this river from the Mississippi are: Black River, forty miles; De Russy, seventy miles; Alexandria, one hundred and forty miles; Shrevepor
ll them that I could not take them. I could not write you of every thing, if I were to consume the whole day; but I can tell you that I got on better than any other lady in Meridian, and I will say that the General and officers who staid at my house acted the gentleman to me; but I could not, would not go through what I have again, for all that is in Meridian. Mrs.----was grossly insulted. Mrs. D. was cursed blue; but you must send her folks down there word that she is still alive. Mr. Taylor, her uncle, has not a second change, nor any of his family. I did not lose a particle of clothing, and only those things that I have mentioned. My grown girl, Violetta, got ready to go, but as good fortune would have it, I had heard an officer express himself on slavery, so I went to him and got him to scare it out of her. I was lucky, so many negroes went from about here; all of Mr. McElmore's, Semmes's, and Dr. Johnston's — he had but two old ones, all are gone. I do not think that
enemy's flag of truce was not a flag of truce, or at least was not respected by those who sent it, for Federal pickets were fired on and prisoners taken before the flag could possibly have reached its destination. Moreover, I am informed by Adjutant Taylor that when he went to meet the flag, with his white handker-chief waving, he was fired upon, and had to retreat. Thus the battle opened, leaving non-combatants, women, and children to make their escape through the rain of shot and shell, whiloss is fourteen killed, forty-six wounded, and perhaps thirty prisoners, taken from the hospitals. It is difficult to estimate the rebel loss, as their killed and wounded were mostly buried by themselves or taken off in their retreat. Adjutant Taylor estimates their loss at three hundred killed, and the usual proportion of wounded. Cairo advices from points passed on their retreat indicate heavier losses. One thing is certain — they came, they saw, and they got most terribly thrashed
ce I brought with me, and leave the river guarded all the way through. The rebels are retreating before the army, and, as usual, are destroying every thing that can fall into our hands, treating public and private property alike. This is the last hold they will have in this country, and they seem determined to wreak their vengeance on the unoffending inhabitants who have some little cotton to dispose of. Their destructiveness has been a death-blow to the rebellion in this State, and General Dick Taylor has left a name behind him to be execrated when the rebellion is long past. Confederate money is worth here one quarter of a cent on the dollar, or the most I have heard offered is three cents. The currency of a country is the best proof of its prosperity. The health of the squadron, I am happy to say, continues good. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, David D. Potter, Rear-Admiral. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C.
erection of a bridge. Owing to the width of the stream, the inclemency of the weather, and other drawbacks, it was not completed until late at night, when the General crossed over and moved to within a short distance of Natchitoches, twenty-five miles distant. On Thursday morning he advanced to the town, and was met by the enemy, whom he completely routed after a brisk but short skirmish. The rebels lost six or eight killed and wounded and twenty-five prisoners. Union loss none. General Dick Taylor commanded the rebels. His force was supposed to number one thousand men at least. All day Friday General Lee waited for the infantry and artillery to come up, and this morning, learning that the rebels were falling back toward Pleasant Hill, he started in pursuit with the First brigade, Colonel Lucas; Third brigade, Colonel Robinson; Fourth brigade, Colonel Dudley. The Fourteenth New-York cavalry had the advance, under command of Major Bassford. After marching a distance of fift
their arrival at our front, Kirby Smith and Dick Taylor both harangued the new levies, exhorting thr command of General Kirby Smith. That Generals Dick Taylor, Mouton, Green, and Price were also thee centre, and Colonel Benedict's on the left. Taylor's battery L, First regulars, had four guns in he rebels on the right gave them possession of Taylor's battery, and forced our line still further bnd throwing aside their arms. In this charge, Taylor's battery was retaken, as were also two of theming an echelon to his brigade. Two pieces of Taylor's battery were placed in the rear of Dwight's which was concealed just behind the crest. Taylor's battery for a time fell into the hands of the pursuit. In the last charge we recaptured Taylor's battery, which had been lost in the earlier g to the reports of prisoners, Kirby Smith, Dick Taylor, Green, Magruder, and Price are all in the Addresses and orders. The following is General Taylor's address to his army: headquarters
out our pickets, and in a drenching rain, lay down to get a few hours' sleep, of which we all stood very much in need; but fate ordained it otherwise. General Kilpatrick had set his heart upon taking Richmond, and for that purpose he detailed Major Taylor with four hundred men of his (Taylor's) command, consisting of First Maine, Fourth Pennsylvania, and Sixteenth Pennsylvania, who were to lead the advance, and all the rest were to follow in due time. The preliminaries were all arranged and thTaylor's) command, consisting of First Maine, Fourth Pennsylvania, and Sixteenth Pennsylvania, who were to lead the advance, and all the rest were to follow in due time. The preliminaries were all arranged and the enterprise ready to be carried into execution, when we were attacked. This, of course, knocked the project on the head, and it had to be abandoned. The night was awful dark. The rebs came down upon us with a yell that made us think of Pandemonium; but we soon got our lines formed and advanced upon them, when they hastily fell back, not, however, until they had killed the Lieutenant-Colonel of the Sixth Michigan, and captured about two hundred of the men of that regiment. We now directed