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Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 16: ecclesiastical History. (search)
t. 24, 1867. Rev. H. R. Timlow was the acting pastor from Oct., 1867, to March 31, 1870; and was succeeded by Rev. Samuel Bell, who was installed Nov. 1, 1870, and resigned May 29, 1872. Rev. D. W. Kilburn supplied the pulpit from Sept. 1, 1873, to Sept. 1, 1874. The church is at present destitute of a pastor. Deacons. Elected.Remarks. John WhippleOct. 7, 1842Removed from the City. I. T. WinchesterFeb. 29, 1848Removed from the City. Lyman MorseMay 4, 1849Removed from the City. John B. TaylorApril 11, 1851 George N. BlissApril 24, 1857Removed from the City . Wm. H. PettingellSept. 2, 1869. Saint Peter's Church (Episcopal).β€”The Parish of St. Peter's Church was organized at a meeting held Oct. 27, 1842. Religious services were held in the Town Hall until the completion of the church, which was commenced in 1843, and consecrated Jan. 31, 1844. This church was erected on the easterly side of Prospect Street, between Harvard and Austin streets, and was constructed of wood,
Wanted β€” to Buy or Lease --A small near Richmond. Address, at Kin Va., (stating terms. John B. Taylor.
is detachments were taken, they took none of the enemy; so that account stands pretty well balanced. His next campaign was in Mexico. Before he went there. General Taylor had beaten the Mexicans in four great battles. He had carried the war into the very heart of their country, and had killed or captured all their fighting men. The rest were a mere mob β€” the very scum of the Mexican rabble β€” the offscouring of the face of the earth. Santa Anna, with a gallant army, attacked General Taylor at Buena Vista on the 22d of February. He was defeated, and retired with his army latterly disorganized. He made a prodigious march of a thousand miles, and with a do, on the 18th April, not two months after. Opposed to this rabble, Scott had the best appointed army the old United States had ever sent forth. He had all General Taylor's regulars, which he had most ungenerously taken from him. He had all the best officers of the army. He had an abundance of artillery, and the most improved
r the want of proper nursing and the various comforts indispensable to the recovery of the sick. If the hospitals do not furnish ample accommodations for the purpose, it is the duty of all who are blessed with means to receive them into their private residences, except in cases where the disease is contagions. However much of personal case we may sacrifice, the reflection of having done a good action ought surely to be a sufficient recompense. We have already alluded to the establishment of three hospitals, by the Georgians, in this city. At the third, which is at Taylor's factory, corner of 24th and Franklin streets, the preparations are incomplete, yet a large number of sick soldiers have unexpectedly arrived there. It is necessary that the managers should be temporarily assisted, and we therefore invite the citizens residing in the neighborhood for a few days. Any perscot who desires, to engage in a work of benevolence and humanity, can easily find opportunities of doing so.
ding some fifty, yards with a slight fosse beyond it. This work has been enlarged by the enemy, and considerably strengthened by uniting the cods, times making a defensive position in the rear. Taylor's hill, the site of Gen. Tyler's encampment before the battle of Manassa, has been re-occupied, and a regiment or more have pitched their tents there within a few days. It is about twelve hundred yards beyond the village of Falls Church, and is reached by a gradual ascent. Upon the summit is Taylor's tavern, a quaint-looking, old fashioned house, and in front an oak grove with little undergrowth of bushes, forming an admirable place for a camping ground.--Here and at Langley, some five miles distant, seem to be the strongholds of the Federals outside of their fortifications. Yesterday a reconnaissance was made in the direction of Taylor's hill, and the true state of affairs discovered. Capt. Rosser, who is now stationed near Annandale, turned his battery into light artillery, and
The Daily Dispatch: March 14, 1862., [Electronic resource], One hundred and twenty-five Dollars reward. (search)
allegiance. The parties work at Sampson & Pae's foundry, and it having been suspected that they were disloyal, the matter was tested by requesting them to take the oath of allegiance, which they utterly refused to do, declaring they were Union men and would rather die than raise their arms in defence of the Southern Confederacy. They were very bold in the enunciation of their treasonable sentiments, but will no doubt have the starch taken out of them considerably before they get out of limbo. John B. Taylor, of Baltimore, Md., was arrested for deserting from Captain Goldsborough's company, 1st Maryland Regiment. The levanting soldier was taken in charge by the 1st Lieut. of his company, and will be detained till called for. Up to 5 o'clock yesterday evening, five soldiers and seven citizens had been taken in custody, some of the latter for drunkenness. We understand that a Yankee telegraph operator was arrested near Dumfries, Va., yesterday, and brought to Richmond on the train.
ames H. Fuller, William Ratcliff and Elijah Vance. Buckingham.--Colonel Waller Ford, Dr. William Chappel and Peter R. Patterson. Campbell.--Bolling Clark, Richard Morgan, John R. McDaruel. Caroline.--William R. B. Wyatt, Robert Hudgin, Richard H. Garrett. Carroll.--John Wilkenson, Samuel D. Staples and Benjamin Cooley. Charlotte.--Robert F. Gaines, Thomas T. Bouldin and Zechariah Bugg. Chesterfield.--Woodson W. Hancock, Charles W. Friend and William H. Garnett. Graig.--Dr. John B. Taylor, William A. Waugh and George Hutchinson. Clarke.--William A. Castleman, Colonel Benjamin Morgan and Colonel Thomas Humphrey. Cumberland.--Valentine Parish, Ambrose Ford and John W. Wilson. Dinwiddie.--Thomas B. Hamlin, W. M. Gill and William Young. Essex.--Thomas Croxton, Leonard P. Sale and Muscoe Garrett. Fayette.--Edward B. Bailey, Hudson M. Dickinson and James Montgomery. Floyd.--Bayant Hylton, Noah B. Moore and Thomas W. Williamson. Franklin.--James S. Calloway,