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the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, George Benson (search)
f a numerous family grow up and distinguish themselves not only in support of the same principles, but in the graces of a Christian life. George Benson was soon remarked for a seriousness of temper, and a disposition to study, which induced his parents to devote him to the Christian ministry; and for this purpose, after having passed through the usual course of grammar learning, he was sent to the academy kept by Dr. Dixon, of Whitehaven, already mentioned as having had the honour to number Taylor of Norwich, among its alumni. Here, however, he continued only about a year, after which he removed to the University of Glasgow. His family appear to have been orthodox, and he himself was brought up in Calvinistic principles, which, however, he abandoned at an early period in the course of his preparatory studies. Indeed, he does not appear at any time to have considered himself as bound down to the profession of a system of human formation, but to have endeavoured, from the first, to de
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, John Taylor, (search)
John Taylor, of Norwich,—best known under that designation, he having spent the most active, ould seem to be clearly in favour of Pudsey, Mr. Taylor remained patiently for nearly seven years lohonourably known to the world, were afforded Mr. Taylor by his removal to Norwich. Here he found a professed, than the Assembly's Catechism. Mr. Taylor's first publication was a prefatory discours main doctrines of the Gospel, as that which Dr. Taylor has published against the doctrine of originhrase on the Epistle to the Romans, Among Dr. Taylor's manuscripts, is a paraphrase and practicals history a Sketch of the Life of the late Dr. J. Taylor, of Norwich, from the Universal Theologicar to this place rests what was mortal of John Taylor, D. D. Reader, expect no eulogium from this stordent admirer of his talents and virtues. Dr. Taylor left one surviving son, Mr. Richard Taylor, Of another grandson, the late excellent Mr. John Taylor, of Norwich, an interesting and de. taile[8 more...]
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, Caleb Rotheram, D. D. (search)
the academies of Northampton and Daventry pointed him out to the trustees of the Warrington academy, on the decease of Dr. Taylor, as the fittest person to succeed him as theological tutor in that institution. He, however, declined the invitation, is highly cultivated taste. On his arrival, the establishment of the academy (consisting, in addition to Mr. Aikin, of Dr. Taylor, theological tutor, and Mr. Holt, mathematical tutor) was considered as complete, as far, at least, as the funds of theassages by the heathen writers, and to point out the superiority of Christian to Heathen philosophy. On the death of Dr. Taylor, and the refusal of Mr. Clark, Mr. Aikin was unanimously chosen to fill the vacant chair of theology; which he continueless temptation to deviate from the strict line in recommending it to his pupils. It is not intended to insinuate that Dr. Taylor did not endeavour to the utmost of his power to act up to the full spirit of the admirable and impressive exhortation a