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The Rocketts murder. --Most of the Mayor's session, last Saturday morning, was spent in the examination of Sydney Wicker, John Champion, Charles Tensor, and John Carter, charged with stabbing and killing George P. Wright alias Doyle, on the 2d of July. The witnesses generally implicated Wicker and Champion in the affray, none of them testifying that Carter was engaged in it. The Mayor remanded all the prisoners for examination before the Hustings Court on the 25th inst, and admitted Carter to bail in $1,000, because of his light suspicion of guilt.
Sent to the Penitentiary. --For the past two days the time of Judge Lyons's Court has been taken up in the trials of Charles Tensor and John Champion, charged, with the murder, at Rocketts, some time in May last, of a white man named George P. Wright.--The evidence elicited before the Court left very little doubt of their connection with the affair, and the juries very promptly rendered verdicts of "guilty" in both cases.--Tensor was sentenced to five years imprisonment in the Penitentiary, and Champion is to have seven years sojourn in the same institution.
Pardons refused. --The Governor has refused to pardon Charles Tensor, Sidney Wicker, and John Champion, recently convicted of the murder of a man named Doyle, and sentenced to the Penitentiary for a limited term of years. Since the examination and conviction of these parties, evidence has been discovered and presented to the Governor tending to prove that the offence was committed by another person, to wit, a member of Hayward's cavalry; but he thinks that the facts have not been sufficiently made out to warrant him in granting the pardon asked for, and therefore they will have to undergo the sentence imposed upon them by the law.