Browsing named entities in Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States.. You can also browse the collection for B. F. Terry or search for B. F. Terry in all documents.

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rate of 1,000 per month. We will receive the first delivery in about ten days. I have ordered 1,200 Texan Rangers under Terry and Lubbock, fully armed and equipped, to report to you for service, understanding from them that you can furnish horses, 1861, fully one-half of General Johnston's troops were unarmed, and whole brigades remained without weapons for months. Terry's Texas Rangers, one of the best-equipped and most efficient regiments at the front, report, October 30th, twenty varietiad been lying in the swamps for six months, sick and crippled, and was added to the nucleus of an army at Bowling Green. Terry's splendid regiment of Texan Rangers, which was detained in Louisiana, dismounted, was, at its own request and on Generall authority of the War Department, and a few detached companies, without any special sanction, from (I believe) Alabama. Terry's regiment has joined; the other, De Yeuve's, from Louisiana, has not. I presume it could not be spared. Being thus e
eceived from General Buckner of the advance of the enemy in considerable force, I had ordered forward all my available force to his support. Hardee's division and Terry's regiment have arrived. Here, and in advance, our force may be estimated at 12,000 men. Correct returns cannot be obtained until after a little organization. Twegiment, Colonel Brown. Twenty-third Tennessee Regiment, Colonel Martin. Eighteenth Tennessee Regiment, Colonel Palmer. reserve. Texas Regiment of Cavalry, Colonel B. F. Terry. Artillery-Harper's and Spencer's batteries. Infantry-Tennessee Regiment, Colonel Stanton. By command of General Johnston: W. W. Mackall, Assistant In pursuance of this policy, on the 9th of November General Johnston sent Colonel Cleburne, with 1,200 infantry, half a section of artillery, and a squadron of Terry's Rangers, on a reconnaissance. He was to go to Jamestown, Kentucky, and Tompkinsville, while Zollicoffer was coming westward by Jacksboro and Jamestown, Tennesse
uld employ his infantry and artillery against them; and he gave Colonel Terry orders to that effect. The Confederate cavalry were chiefly used as flankers, watching the fords. But Terry took seventy-five of his Rangers, and fell upon a body of the enemy, said in their account to deployed as skirmishers. When he found himself in front of a foe, Terry's fierce and impetuous courage, trained in the border warfare of thbeing followed. His loss was four killed and ten wounded, all from Terry's regiment except two slightly wounded in Marmaduke's battalion. Tbeen allowed, at their own request, to report to General Johnston. Terry was his personal friend. They had since been very actively and use On the Confederate side the chivalric Captain Meriweather and private Terry were killed, and three privates wounded. Forrest returned tnd have thrown forward a strong advance to Woodsonville, with which Terry's cavalry had a successful rencounter on the 17th instant, in which