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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 11 (search)
anks of the James River and in the Valley of the Shenandoah. This I shall only do so far as may be necessary to set forth their relations with the general system of operations. The force under General Butler was assembled at Yorktown and at Gloucester Point, on the opposite side of the York River, during the month of April. It was composed of the Eighteenth Corps, under General W. F. Smith, and the Tenth Corps, The Tenth Corps was composed of three divisions under BrigadierGen-erals Terry, Ames, and Turner; the Eighteenth Corps, of two divisions of white troops, under Brigadier-Generals Brooks and Weitzel, and a division of colored troops, under Brigadier-General Hinks. which General Q. A. Gillmore had lately brought from the coast of South Carolina. General Butler had in addition a division of horse, under General Kautz; this division was, at this time, at Norfolk and Portsmouth. The strength of the army was somewhat above thirty thousand of all arms. At Yorktown, Butler
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 12 (search)
ad caused the withdrawal of the main Confederate force from Butler's front at Bermuda Hundred. Butler then threw forward Terry's command, which advancing found that the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad had been left quite uncovered. It appears thave to relieve it. But instead of waiting the arrival of Longstreet, they withdrew on the morning of the 16th. One part of Terry's force accordingly proceeded to destroy the track, while the other was moved up the turnpike in the direction of Richmonadvanced far when it encountered the head of a hostile column hastening down from Richmond towards Peters burg, whereupon Terry withdrew to Bermuda Hundred. The attack was renewed by Hancock and Burnside on the morning of the 17th. The former ss division was con centrated near the fork of the Darby and Long Bridge roads. made a direct attack, with the division of Terry, and succeeded in carrying the line, capturing three colors and two or three hundred prisoners; but the enemy soon rallie
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, Index. (search)
0; Gillmore's and Kautz's abortive attempt to capture, 500; partial success of Smith's forces, 503; noncapture-circumstances of Hancock's march, 504; Hancock ordered to assist Smith before, 504; Grant's expectation of easy capture by Smith, and failure to notify Meade of intended attack, 504; Lee's army arrived in, 506; Meade's indorsement on noncap-ture of, 506; Smith's suspension of operations for the night, 506; Grant compelled to sit down before it, 507; Petersburg and Richmond Railroad, Terry's failure to destroy, 509; Hancock's and Burnside's assault—the enemy driven on whole line, 509; Hancock and Burnside's renewed assault, 510; Grant commences intrenching a systematic line, 511; Lee draws closer round Petersburg, and repulses every new assault, 511; Jerusalem plankroad-Hill strikes between Second and Sixth corps, 512; Stoney Creek, the battle of, 513; Reams' Station, Wilson's defeat and escape, with loss of trains and artillery, 513; Nottoway Station, cavalry action at, 513;