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d glory of our House. At that time, the Catholic king was fully employed in personally regulating his finances, and in preparations to chastise the pirates of Algiers, as well as to extort from Portugal a renunciation of its claims to extend the boundaries of Brazil. The sovereign of France was engrossed by the pressing anxieties attending the dismissal of an odious ministry, and the inauguration of domestic reform; so that neither of the princes seemed at leisure to foment troubles in North America. Yet, next to Du Barry and her party, there was no such sincere mourner for Louis the Fifteenth as George the Third. The continuance of the cordial understanding between the two crowns would depend upon the persons in whom the young king should place his confidence. To conciliate his good will, the Chap. I.} 1774. May. London Court Gazette announced him as king of France, though English official language had heretofore spoken only of the French king, and the Herald's office still
but faintly expressed their spirit, members from all the colonies declared their sympathy with their suffering countrymen in Massachusetts, most thoroughly approved the wisdom and fortitude with which opposition to ministerial measures had hitherto been conducted, and earnestly recommended perseverance according to the resolutions of the county of Suffolk. Knowing that a new parliament must soon be chosen, they ex- Chap. XI.} 1774. Sept. pressed their trust that the united efforts of North America would carry such conviction to the British nation of the unjust and ruinous policy of the present administration, as quickly to introduce better men and wiser measures. To this end they ordered their own resolutions with the communications from Suffolk county to be printed. But their appeal to the electors of Britain was anticipated. The inflexible king, weighing in advance the possible influence of the American congress, overruled Lord North, and on the last day of September sudden
3: Congress will make the last appeal if necessary. October, 1774. Washington was convinced that not one thinking Chap. XIII.} 1774. Oct. man in all North America desired independence. He ardently wished to end the horrors of civil discord, and restore tranquillity upon constitutional grounds, but his indignation at thetry are determined to push matters to extremity, more blood will be spilled on this occasion, than history has ever yet furnished instances of in the annals of North America. Ross, a Pennsylvanian, moved that Massachusetts should be left to her own discretion with respect to government and the administration of justice as well ae must then tell you that we will never submit to any ministry or nation in the world. A second congress was appointed for May, at which all the colonies of North America, including Nova Scotia and Canada, were invited to appear by their deputies. The ultimate decision of America was then embodied in a petition to the king, wri
lly diffused through all ranks and orders of people in any country on the face of the earth, as it now is through all North America. If the late acts of parliament are not to be repealed, the wisest step for both countries is to separate, and not to spend their blood and treasure in destroying each other. It is barely possible that Great Britain may depopulate North America; she never can conquer the inhabitants. So wrote Joseph Warren, and his words were the mirror of the passions of his ce post of honor, because it is the post of danger; and while struggling for the noblest objects, the eyes not only of North America and the whole British empire, but of all Europe are upon you. Let nothing unbecoming our character as Americans, as citizens and Christians, be justly chargeable to us. Whoever considers the number of brave men inhabiting North America, will know, that a general attention to military discipline, must so establish their rights and liberties, as under God, to rende
seven regiments in Boston should be directed to leave a place where they could do no good, and without intention might do harm, and who was persuaded that the navy by itself was able to worry Massachusetts into submission without shedding a drop of blood, once more pressed his opinions upon the government. The contest, said he, will cost more than we can gain by success. We have not strength to levy internal taxes on America; many amongst ourselves doubt their equity; all the troops in North America are not enough to subdue the Massachusetts; the most successful conquest must produce the horrors of civil war. Till the factious chiefs can be secured, judicial proceedings would confer the palm of martyrdom without the pain; and he urged an immediate withdrawal of the troops, the abandonment of all ideas of internal taxation, and such concessions as could be made with dignity. Lord North was disquieted. He rejected the propositions of congress, which included the repeal of the act
heir dispositions, moreover, are not unfriendly to us. The savages will be more likely to be our friends than our enemies. The two characteristics of this people, religion and humanity, are strongly marked in all their proceedings. We are not exciting a rebellion. Resistance by arms against usurpation and lawless violence, Chap. XXI.} 1775. Feb. is not rebellion by the law of God or the land. Resistance to lawful authority makes rebellion. Hampden, Russell, Sydney, Holt, Somers, Tillotson, were no rebels. If an act of parliament is null and void, it is lawful to resist it. This people under great trials and dangers, have discovered great abilities and virtues, and that nothing is so terrible to them as the loss of their liberties. They act for America and posterity. If there is no possible medium between absolute independence and subjection to the authority of parliament, all North America are convinced of their independence, and determined to defend it at all hazards.
ngress were applauded with perfect unanimity. On the twenty-third, the mediating interposition of the assembly of Jamaica was considered, and was recognised as a proof of their generous and affectionate interest, and their patriotic endeavors to fix the just claims of the colonists upon permanent constitutional principles; and the convention of the Old Dominion Chap XXV.} 1775 Mar. renewed their assurances, that it was the most ardent wish of their colony and of the whole continent of North America, to see a speedy return of those halcyon days when they lived a free and happy people. To Patrick Henry this language seemed likely to lull the public mind into confidence, at a time when the interruption of the sessions of the general assembly left them no opportunity, in their legislative capacity, of making any provision to secure their rights from the further violations with which they were threatened. He therefore proposed that this colony be immediately put into a posture of de
owed by Heaven with qualities that made him the most fit to create a free nation, and to become the most celebrated among men. The sagacity of Vergennes traced the relation of the American revolution to the history of the world. The spirit of revolt, said he, wherever it breaks out, is always a troublesome example. Moral maladies, as well as those of the physical system, can become contagious. We must be on our guard, that the independence which produces so terrible an explosion in North America, may not communicate itself to points that interest us in the hemispheres. We long ago made up our own mind to the results Chap. Xxxiii} 1775 July which are now observed; we saw with regret that the crisis was drawing near; we have a presentiment that it may be followed by more extensive consequences. We do not disguise from ourselves the aberrations which enthusiasm can encourage, and which fanaticism can effectuate. The subject, therefore, grew in magnitude and interest for the