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, Hempel's ed., III. 264. and, writing or conversing, used only friendly words of the United States, as a noble country. Ibid., 349, 350; Muller, 25, 31. During all his life coming in contact with events that were changing the world, he painted them to his mind in their order and connection. Goethe's Werke, XXXIII. 167. Chap. II.} Just before the French revolution of 1830, he published his opinion that the desire for self-government, which had succeeded so well in the colonies of North America, was sustaining the battle in Europe without signs of weariness; Ibid., XXXII. 331. and, twenty years before the movements of 1848, he foretold with passionless serenity that, as certainly as the Americans had thrown the teachests into the sea, so certainly it would come to a breach in Germany, if there should be no reconciliation between monarchy and freedom. Goethe's Briefe, 1419, 1420. Schiller was a native of the part of Germany most inclined to idealism; in medieval days t
passion; adopted measures for enforcing the traditional absolutism of parliament by majorities of three to one: corresponding majorities in February, 1778, reversed its judgment, repealed the punitive acts, and conceded every thing which the colonies Chap. V.} 1778. had demanded. There was a general cry for peace. Edward Gibbon to J. Holroyd, 2 Dec., 1777, and 4 Dec., 1777. The king, in January, 1778, confessed to Lord North: The time may come when it will be wise to abandon all North America but Canada, Nova Scotia, and the Floridas; but then the generality of the nation must see it first in that light. Donne, II. 118. Lord Rockingham was convinced himself and desired to convince the public of the impossibility of going on with the war. Chat. Cor., IV. 488. Donne, II. 123. On the second of February, Fox spoke against its continuance, went over the whole of the American business, and was heard with favor. The ministers said not one word in reply; and on the division s
Chapter 8: The king of Spain baffled by the backwoodsmen of Virginia. 1778-1779. while congress unwillingly gave up the hope of dis- Chap. VIII.} 1778. lodging England from the continent of North America, the negotiations between the elder and the younger branch of the house of Bourbon changed the attitude of the belligerent powers. I observe with pain, so reported Count Montmorin in October, and so he was obliged continually Oct. to report, that this government singularly fears the prosperity and progress of the Americans; Montmorin to Vergennes, 19 Oct., 1778. and this fear, which was in part the cause of its excessive illhumor at our engagements with them, Ibid. may often turn the scale to the side of the English. Spain will be much inclined to stipulate for such a form of independence as may leave divisions between England and her colonies. Montmorin to Vergennes, 15 Oct., 1778. The cabinet of Versailles rushed into the war to Chap. VIII.} 1778. cr
nce, on the principle that each should have a monopoly of its own share. Richard Henry Lee brought up the subject anew, and, avoiding a collision with the monopoly of France, he proposed that the right of fishing on the coasts and banks of North America should be reserved to the United States as fully as they enjoyed the same when subject to Great Britain. This substitute was carried by the vote of Pennsylvania and Delaware, with the four New England states. But the state of New York, gung a breach of the rules of congress by a change in form, moved resolutions, that the United States have a common right with the English to the fisheries on the Chap. IX.} 1779. banks of Newfoundland, and the other fishing-banks and seas of North America. The demand was for no more than Vergennes confessed to belong to them by the law of nations; and Gerry insisted that unless the right received the guarantee of France, or the consent of Great Britain, the American minister should not sign a
manage: it is in power independent, and will be so in act as soon as any occasion shall call forth that power. In North America, the civilizing activity of the human race forms the growth of state. In this new world we see all the inhabitants nfore long they will be found trading in the South Sea, in Spice Islands, and in China. This fostering happiness in North America doth produce progressive population. They have increased nearly the double in eighteen years. Commerce will open most useful, enterprising spirits, will emigrate to the new one. Much of the active property will go there also. North America is become a new primary planet, which, while it takes its own course in its own orbit, must shift the common centre o to them things as they really do exist in nature, shall form the earliest, the most sure and natural connection with North America, as being, what she is, an independent state. The new empire of America is like a giant ready to run its course. Th
Chapter 15: War in the South: Cornwallis and Gates. 1780. rivalry and dissension between Clinton and Corn- Chap. XV.} 1780. wallis already glowed under the ashes. The formerhad written home more of truth than was willingly listened to; and, though he clung with tenacity to his commission, he intimated conditionally a wish to be recalled. Germain took him so far at his word as to give him leave to transfer to Cornwallis, the new favorite, the chief command in North America. All opposition in South Carolina was for the moment at an end, when Cornwallis entered on his separate command. He proposed to himself no less than to keep possession of all that had been gained, and to advance as a conqueror at least to the Chesapeake. Clinton had left with him more than five thousand effective troops, besides more than a thousand in Georgia; to these were to be added the regiments which he was determined to organize out of the southern people. As fast as the districts submi
in concert with Clinton, and supported by the New York delegation in congress, Arnold, pleading his wounds as an excuse for declining active service, solicited and obtained orders to that post, which included all the American forts in the Highlands. Clinton entered with all his soul into the ignoble plot which, as he believed, was to end the war. After a correspondence of two months between him and the British commander-in-chief, through Major John Andre, adjutant-general of the army in North America, on the thirtieth of August, Arnold, Aug. 30. insisting that the advantages which he expected to gain for himself by his surrender were by no means unreasonable, and requiring that his conditions should be clearly understood, laid a plan for an interview at which a person fully authorized was to close with his proposals. The rendezvous was given by him within the American lines, where Colonel Sheldon held the command; and that officer was instructed to expect the arrival at his quart
nd for it new readers. The young men of France, even of the nobility, shared its principles, Memoires de Segur, i. 264. which infiltrated themselves through all classes. The new minister of the marine had in the army of Rochambeau a son, whom sons of the new minister of war and the Duke de Broglie were soon to follow. But the philosophers, like the statesmen of France, would not have the United States become too great: they rather desired to preserve for England so much strength in North America, that the two powers might watch, restrain, and balance each other. Raynal, IX. 318, ed. 1781. Meantime Prince Kaunitz, in preparing the preliminary articles for the peace congress at Vienna, adopted the idea of Vergennes that the United States should be represented, so that direct negotiations between them and Great Britain might proceed simultaneously with those of the European powers; and his paper was pronounced by Marie Antoinette to Chap. XXI.} 1781. be a masterpiece of po