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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 148 0 Browse Search
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.) 120 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 90 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 64 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 64 0 Browse Search
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 60 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 42 0 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2 40 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 38 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3 24 0 Browse Search
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atent, December 10, 1779, which has, — Copper,100100 Zinc,75 or,80 Iron,1010 Also the sterro-metal of Rosthorn, Austria, 1861, which has, — Copper,55.0457.63 Tin,0.830.15 Zinc,42.36 or,40.22 Iron,1.771.86 Austrian navy brass has, Austrian navy brass has, — Copper,60. Zinc,38.12 Iron,1.8 Chinese Packfong has, — Copper,40.04 Zinc,25.4 Iron,2.6 Nickel,31.6 See alloy. Ai′guille. A needle. Among masons, a stoneboring tool. A priming-wire. Aim-front′let. A piece of wood ho0.93.7.6. Bell-Metal (Overman) Aich's Metal, English Patent, Feb. 3, 186060.38.1251.5 Rosthorn's Gun-Metal, Austria, 186155.040.8342.361.77 Rosthorn's Gun-Metal (another analysis)57.630.1540.221.86 Navy Brass, Austria60.38.121.8 PariAustria60.38.121.8 Parisian Clock Bells72.26.51.5 Birkholz Metal, United States Patent, Mar. 11, 186260.38.2. An English work of 1853 cites the addition of one to two per cent of iron to brass to give strength and sonorousness; and further states that large
rawn, leaving a fuse-hole in the rear through which the charge is exploded in about 1 1/4 seconds. o o is a Spanish bullet containing a charge of powder and a fulminate. p is the Swiss federal bullet. p p, the Swiss Wurstemberger bullet. q and q are views of the Jacob's bullet and shell. r and r are views of the Peter's ball, having an interior tige; one view shows it distended and battered. s is the Belgian bullet. t, Pritchell's bullet. u, Mangeot's bullet. v v, Austrian bullets. w w, Deane and Adams's bullets, with tails. x, English bullet, with wad. y, Sardinian bullet. z, Beckwith's bullet. a a, steel-pointed bullet. b b, the Charrin bullet, with zinc or steel point. c c, c c, Tamissier's steel-pointed bullet; one view showing it intact, and the other after compression in the grooves of the rifle. d d, the Saxon bullet. e e, the Baden modification of the Minie, with tinned iron cup. f f, Wilkinson's bullet. g g, Whitwort
ith the necessary docks, etc., was about $100,000,000. In the making of the Suez Canal, the total amount of earth removed amounted to about four hundred million cubic yards. By working day and night, the machines of M. Borel and Lavelley were able to remove 78,056 to 108,000 cubic metres per month. After ten years of labor this great work was completed. Upon the 17th of November, 1869, the opening of the canal was inaugurated in the presence of the Empress Eugenie and the Emperor of Austria, and of princes, ambassadors, and men of science from Europe and America. The transit between the two seas was safely made by the fleet. But the requisite depth had not been attained. Seventeen and a half feet of draft could be carried through the canal. Since then the depth has been increased to twenty-two feet, and ultimately will be twenty-six feet. The length of the canal is 100 miles. The established surface-width is about 328 feet, except in difficult cuttings, where it is 19
njab. Presented to the Queen by the East India Company, in 1850; weighed in the rough 800 carats, cut to 186 1/16 carats; recut to 103 3/4 carats. — Brande. Austrian. A rose-cut diamond of 139 1/2 carats. Sir Isaac Newton suggested that the diamond is combustible, but the first to establish the fact were the Florentine Acamanufacture.) A mode of extracting the sugar from cane or beet-root by dissolving it out with water. It is adopted in some establishments in British India and in Austria. The sugar-yielding material is fed in at the hopper a and cut into slices in the cylinder b by knives driven by band-wheel r, and issues at the opening o into tnged that messages can be simultaneously transmitted in opposite directions on the same line-wire. The first telegraph of this kind was devised by Dr. Gentl of Austria, in 1853, and modified by Frieschen and Siemens-Holske in 1854; but it is only within the past few years that any duplex systems have been put into successful ope
f paper the dots and dashes composing his alphabet. The paper itself is now generally dispensed with, at least in this country, and the signals read by sound, — a practice which conduces to accuracy in transmission, as the ear is found less liable to mistake the duration and succession of sounds than the eye to read a series of marks on paper. Bain, in 1846, patented the electro-chemical telegraph which dispensed with the relay-magnet at intermediate stations; and subsequently Gintl, in Austria, and Bonelli, constructed telegraphs of this class, varying in details from that of Bain. See electro-chemical telegraph. Wheatstone's first telegraph comprised five pointing needles and as many line wires, requiring the deflection of two of the needles to indicate each letter. His first dial instrument was patented in 1840; modifications were, however, subsequently made in it. The transmission of messages was effected by a wheel having fifteen teeth and as many inter-spaces, each r
adopts Snider's improvement on the Enfield. France, the Chassepot. Belgium, the Albini. Holland, the Snider. Turkey, the Remington and Winchester. Austria, the Wanzl. Sweden, the Hagstrom. Russia, the Laidley and Berdan. Switzerland, the Winchester. Portugal, the Westley-Richards. Prussia, the needle-ious combinations, bound together, by heavy pressure, with cements, clay, coal-tar, or the residuum of starch-manufacture. The latter is used in the Belgian and Austrian works. Dehaynin's works in Belgium turn out 175,000 tons of this fuel per year. It leaves six per cent of ashes. The Northern Railway of Austria has works whiAustria has works which produce 15,000 tons per annum; prisms 9 × 5 × 4 1/2 inches, weighing eight pounds, evaporating seven pounds of water per pound of fuel. The coal is compressed with the refuse of starch-works as a cement, and dried in a kiln heated overhead by a current of hot air. Small coal two parts and clay one part, molded into blocks l
sed through a bath of melted zinc. Gal-van′o-graph. (Engraving.) An Austrian process. A plate of silvered copper is covered by an artist with different co The composition is a secret. One workman with a wheel having a diameter of 5 Austrian yards will spin 3,500 yards per minute. It is used for many descriptions of fr.Tin.Zinc.Iron. Common formula91 Stirling's (English)50251 – 8 Rosthorn's (Austrian)55.040.8342.361.77 Rosthorn's (Austrian)57.630.1540.221.86 Navy (Austrian)60Austrian)57.630.1540.221.86 Navy (Austrian)6038.121.8 Birkholtz (U. States)60382.0 Copper.Aluminum.Zinc.Iron. Keirs (English, 1799)1007510 Lancaster's (English)9010 See alloy. The Rosthorn (AustrAustrian)6038.121.8 Birkholtz (U. States)60382.0 Copper.Aluminum.Zinc.Iron. Keirs (English, 1799)1007510 Lancaster's (English)9010 See alloy. The Rosthorn (Austrian) alloys are known as sterro-metal. One variety is soft, ductile, and capable of being worked into sheets or wire. The other is hard, and is represented as suitaAustrian) alloys are known as sterro-metal. One variety is soft, ductile, and capable of being worked into sheets or wire. The other is hard, and is represented as suitable for ordnance. From experiments made at the Imperial arsenal at Vienna, its tensile strength was, after single fusion, 28 tons to the square
tch-splint ma-chine′. Matches of cylindrical form have been made by compressing the quadrangular slips or drawing the wood through holes in a draw-plate. The Austrian circular matches are cut from planks of clean grained wood, by means of hand-planes carrying a series of steel tubes, which produce long, thin splints of wood ofrnace passing with the metalliferous fumes to a series of condensing-chambers. See condenser. See previous article. The latter is the plan adopted at Idria in Austria, the former in Bavaria and California. Dr. Ure's retort-furnace, erected at Landsberg in Bavaria, resembles the apparatus for the distillation of coalgas. In Sana, a Neapolitan, in 1618. Burrell asserts that the Jansens, father and son, made the first microscope and presented it to Prince Maurice and Archduke Albert of Austria. The invention was, however, clearly anticipated by Roger Bacon. Spectacles were in use A. D. 1200. The double microscope was invented by Farncelli in 1624.
edle. Nee′dle-gun. (German, Zundnadelgewehr.) A fire-arm which is loaded at the breech with a cartridge carrying its own fulminate, and which is ignited by a needle or pin traversing the breech-block and struck by the hammer. There are many guns of this construction, such as the converted Enfield (see converting); but the one which has attained so great celebrity, though by no means the best of its class, is the Prussian needle-gun, which performed so effective a part in the Prusso-Austrian war of 1866. See fire-arm, cut C, Plate XVI. The French chassepot-gun is shown at B, same plate. The Prussian piece was invented by Mr. Dreyse, who is said to have spent over thirty years in trying to construct a perfect breech-loading fire-arm. It was introduced to some extent into the Prussian service about 1846, but was much improved afterward. It has since been superseded in the North German army by the Mauser rifle (Fig. 3308). A shows the breech mechanism in position for load
essarily at a standstill. M. Bruet, the inventor of the new register, has now overcome this difficulty by a contrivance, by means of which, as soon as the wheels cease to act on the indicator, the clock which forms part of the machine keeps the tell-tale hand moving at a rate which credits the driver with eight kilometers (about five miles) an hour, or two francs, according to the Parisian tariff. Table of Lengths of Foreign Road Measures. Place.Measure.U. S. Yards. ArabiaMile2,146 AustriaMeile (post)8,297 BadenStuden4,860 BelgiumKilometre1,093.63 BelgiumMeile2,132 BengalCoss2,000 BirmahDain4,277 BohemiaLeague (16 to 1°)7,587 BrazilLeague (18 to 1°)6,750 BremenMeile6,865 BrunswickMeile11,816 CalcuttaCoss2,160 CeylonMile1,760 ChinaLi608.5 DenmarkMul8,288 DresdenPost-meile7,432 EgyptFeddan1.47 EnglandMile1,760 FlandersMijle1,093.63 FlorenceMiglio1,809 France 1, 60931 miles = 1 kilometre. Kilometre1,093.6 GenoaMile (post)8,527 GermanyMile (15 to 1°)8,1