Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Denmark (Denmark) or search for Denmark (Denmark) in all documents.

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ge's Chapel. twenty-four carriages, and consisted members of the royal family of England, of Denmark, who accompanied the bride England, the Count of Flanders, and the great of State of England. It was in four carriages, and was made up of his Highness the Duke of Cambridge, Prince , of Denmark the Danish Minister in London and the Ladies and gentlemen in attendance bride. The processio was by Col. Seymour who stood near at hand in press of men. They all passed into chapel-- of Danish and Pengsian, and and German green and blue, picked out English scarlet; and as the lest of ththe three steps of the haut pas. On the sister of the bride, the lovely Princess Dagmar of Denmark, followed by her Royal mother, leading in each hand the Princess Thyra and Prince Waldmar all lrince of Wales the arms of Great Britain, medallions of the Princess Alexandra, and the arms of Denmark. The cornice was formed of large pearls. The cake was decorated with orange blossom and jasmi