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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2,462 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 692 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 516 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 418 0 Browse Search
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War 358 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 298 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 230 0 Browse Search
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 190 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 186 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 182 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the Colonization of the United States, Vol. 1, 17th edition.. You can also browse the collection for France (France) or search for France (France) in all documents.

Your search returned 64 results in 9 document sections:

ts name from their remembrance of home, and in France it was usual to esteem them the discoverers ofnfleur; and the fishermen of the north-west of France derived wealth from the regions, which, it waspeans. In July, Verrazzani was once more in France. His own narrative of the voyage is the earlid the knowledge of the country; and he gave to France some claim to an extensive territory, on the p of its fishermen; who, amidst the miseries of France, still resorted to Newfoundland. There existsso humble an interest. But Chabot, admiral of France, Charlevoix, Nouv. Fr. i 8. a man of bravee inhabitants of the north Chap. I.} 1540. of France; and no mines of silver and gold, no veins abo situated between nearly the same parallels as France. Soon after a short peace had terminated the t delay, and left 1604. Mar. 7. the shores of France, not to return till a permanent French settlemel was wrecked. Poutrincourt, who had visited France, and was now returned with supplies, himself r[16 more...]
rida was the result of jealous bigotry. For France had begun to settle the region with a Chap. Iigious zeal, and by a passion for the honor of France. The expedition which he now planned was intrmerous streams were called after the rivers of France; and America, for a while, had its Seine, its a monumental stone, engraved with the arms of France, was proudly raised; and as the company lookedof 1626. so called in honor of Charles IX. of France, first gave a name to the country, a century bing the most feeble on shore upon the coast of France, carried the rest to the queen of England. Thna. The result of this attempt to procure for France immense dominions at the south of our republicarch was gone, and there were no supplies from France; April passed away, and the expected recruits if it had been protected, would have given to France an empire in the south, before England had pla of the fiery Gascon was but a passing storm. France disavowed the expedition, and relinquished all[6 more...]
eft the university of Oxford, to take part in the civil contests between the 1569 to 1575 Huguenots and the Catholics in France, and with the prince of Navarre, afterwards Henry IV., was learning the art of war under the veteran Coligny. The Protes the pope, which gave to Spain a paramount title to the North American world; and as a prince he sought a counterpoise to France in an intimate Spanish alliance, which he hoped to confirm by the successive marriage of one of his sons after the other its settlements in the New World. Already four hundred vessels came annually from the harbors of Portugal and Spain, of France and England, to the shores of Newfoundland. The English were not there in such numbers as other nations, for they still was determined to secure to England those delightful countries Chap. III.} 1584. Mar. 25. from which the Protestants of France had been expelled. Having presented a memorial, he readily obtained from Elizabeth a paten Hakluyt, III. 297—301. Ha
dy a veteran in the service of humanity and of Christendom. His early life had been given to the cause of freedom in the Low Countries, where he had fought for the independence of the Batavian Republic. Again, as a traveller, he had roamed over France; had visited the shores of Egypt; had returned to Italy; and, panting for glory, had sought the borders of Hungary, where there had long existed an hereditary warfare with the followers of Mahomet. It was there that the young English cavalier di-8 hatan, who was then residing in what is now Gloucester county, on York River, at a village to which Smith was conducted through the regions, now so celebrated, where the youthful Lafayette hovered upon the skirts of Cornwallis, and the arms of France and the Confederacy were united to achieve the crowning victory of American independence. The passion of vanity rules in forests as well as in cities; the grim warriors, as they met in council, displayed their gayest apparel before the Englishma
was the long wars between German and Slavonic tribes which imparted to the slave-trade its greatest activity, and filled France and the neighboring states with such numbers of victims, that they gave the name of the Slavonic nation to servitude itsereserves in its language the record of the barbarous traffic in Slaves. Hune's Darstellung, i. 102 and ff. Nor did France abstain from the slave-trade. At Lyons and Verdun, the Jews were able to purchase slaves for their Saracen customers. ciprocal doom of the captive. Bigotry inflamed revenge, and animated the spirit of merciless and exterminating warfare. France and Italy were filled with Saracen slaves; the number of them sold into Christian bondage exceeded the number of all the hereditary slavery had disappeared from English society and the English constitution, and six years after the commons of France had petitioned for the emancipation of every serf in every fief, a Dutch manof-war entered James River, and landed twenty
never known so many great naval actions in such quick succession. This was the war in which Blake, and Ayscue, and De Ruyter, gained their glory; and Tromp fixed a broom to his mast in bravado, as if to sweep the English flag from the seas. Cromwell was not disposed to trammel the industry of Virginia, and Maryland, and New England. His ambition aspired to make England the commercial emporium of the world. His plans extended to the possession of the harbors in the Spanish Netherlands; France was obliged to pledge her aid to conquer, and her consent to yield Dunkirk, Mardyke and Gravelines; and Dunkirk, in the summer of 1658, was given up to his ambassador by the French king in person. Nor was this all: he desired the chief harbors in the North Sea, and the Baltic; and an alliance with Sweden, made not simply from a zeal for Protestantism, was to secure him Bremen, and Elsmore, 1657 and Dantzig, as his reward. Thurloe, VI. 478. Heeren's Works, i. 158. In the West Indies, hi
ly-discovered continent, within the short space of two centuries, have infused themselves into the life-blood of every rising state from Labrador to Chili, have erected outposts on the Oregon and in Liberia, and, making a proselyte of enlightened France. have disturbed all the ancient governments of Europe, by awakening the public mind to resistless action, from the shores of Portugal to the palaces of the czars. The trading company of the west of England, in- 1606 corporated in the same pay thousand of those who frequented conventicles. D'Ewes's Jour. 517. Strype's Whitgift, 417. Neal's Puritans, i. 516. It was proposed to banish them, as the Moors had been banished from Spain, and as the Huguenots were afterwards driven from France. This measure was not adopted; but a law of savage ferocity, ordering those, who, for a month, should be absent from the English service, to be interrogated as to their belief, menaced the obstinate non-conformists with exile or with death. 3
er title on the ground of dis- 1603. covery, had been granted by Henry IV. of France, and which had been immediately occupied by his subjects; nor could it be suppoful adjustment of jarring pretensions. Yet, even at that period, the claims of France were not recognized by England; and a new patent confirmed to July 12. Sir Wilrsonal beauty, hurried England into an unnecessary and disastrous conflict with France. The siege of Rochelle invited the presence of an English fleet; but the expedebec. Hazard, i. 314, 315. Perhaps an indifference to the issue prevailed in France; but the pride of honor and of religion seconded the claims to territory; and tonsequences were obvious. As the neighborhood of the indefinite possessions of France foreboded the border feuds of a controverted jurisdiction, so the domestic dispigion; when even Holland was bleeding with the anger of vengeful factions; when France was still to go through the fearful struggle with bigotry; when England was gas
to England the same allegiance as the free Hanse Towns had rendered to the empire; as Normandy, when its dukes were kings of England, had paid to the monarchs of France. It was also resolved not to accept a new charter from the parliament, for that would imply a surrender of the old. Besides, parliament granted none, but by way re the fleet, which was designed to take possession of the settlements on the Hudson, reached the shores of America. It was a season of peace between England and France; and yet the English forces, turning to the north, made the easy conquest of Acadia—an acquisition which no remonstrances or complaints could induce the protectorthe same grounds, find in its unreasonable fears an excuse for its cruelties. The argument justifies the expulsion of the Moors from Spain, of the Huguenots from France; and it forms a complete apology for Laud, who was honest in his bigotry, persecuting the Puritans with the same good faith with which he recorded his dreams. Th