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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2,462 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 692 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 516 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 418 0 Browse Search
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War 358 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 298 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 230 0 Browse Search
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 190 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 186 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 182 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 23, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for France (France) or search for France (France) in all documents.

Your search returned 7 results in 5 document sections:

Later from Europe.Arrival of the Arago. New York, March 22. --The Arago, from Southampton on the 6th inst., has arrived. There was a renewed activity in cotton and considerable advance in the price. The Europa had left Liverpool for Queenstown, to take the cargo of the Australasian to New York. It was rumored that Russia had decided upon Lent as the time for the voluntary emancipation of the serfs. The Ministry of Holland had resigned. Austria, England, France, and Prussia, had demanded of Denmark a delay in its action on the budget before the Holstein Chambers. Count Cavour had brought to the notice of the Italian Legislature the necessity of settling the Roman question. The demand for discount in the London market had increased. The London Times says the new Tariff bill of the U. States establishes protective duties on the most extravagant scale, and the result will be an almost absolute prohibition on imports from Europe, more detrim
oldiers of the 3d Regiment of the Grenadiers of the Guard, consisting of 1,787 men, officers and soldiers, nearly all perished, as two years after, only forty-one of them, including their colonel? General Tendal, who was wounded, had returned to France; while of the two other regiments of Grenadiers, composed of men nearly all of whom were born in the south of France, a considerable number were saved.--The Germans lost, in proportion, a much larger number of men than the French. Though many ofFrance, a considerable number were saved.--The Germans lost, in proportion, a much larger number of men than the French. Though many of the latter were reduced almost to nudity by the Cossacks having stolen their clothes, they did not die from the effects of cold in the same numbers as the Northerners, whom one would have expected to brave out that dreadful campaign with greater impunity. There is a singular mystery about the effects of cold — mysterious as these countries round which it consolidates its impenetrable barrier. When your great natural philosopher calculates with extraordinary nicety the laws of heat, we cannot
The position of the Pope. --A French Bishop, who has lately had an interview with the Pope, gives out that his Holiness is firmly resolved not to quit Rome under any circumstances whatever, and reports the following as the substance of a statement made by the Pope in the course of conversation. The Pope has not the least doubt that sooner or later France will withdraw her troops, and that the Piedmontese will take possession of his small remaining territory. But this "crowning act of spoliation" will in no way change the conduct of the Holy Father. "I may perish," he says, "but the Papacy will not perish. I may suffer martyrdom, but the day will come when my successors will enter into the full possession of their rights. St. Peter was crucified, and I am here." It being remarked to the Sovereign Pontiff that he would very soon be penniless, he replied that he was quite devoid of anxiety upon that subject, since he should always be sure of finding three francs a day to live up
three hundred miles to attack the enemy's capital — that this was not an unusual distance for an invading army to march from its basis of operation — that from its front, at Smolensko, to its rear at Mentz on the Rhine, (that is, all the way from France,) the French army of invasion had entire and peaceable possession of the whole country. We will now show that the most renowned Captains that have lived, made, each, at least one or more expeditions more extravagant than this. But who are theseof 1200 miles, leaving no garrisons in his rear, and keeping up no communication whatever with either Spain or Carthage. He established his base, of operations among the Cis-Alpine Gauls, not in Spain, as Napoleon's base was at Smolensko, not in France. The Gauls became Carthaginians to him, as the Poles were French to Napoleon. The same year, he crossed the Po, and defeated the Romans on the Trebia. The next year, he passed the Apennines, and destroyed the Roman army of Flaminius at Thrasyme
uth. By R.Milton Cary, Capt. F Company 1st Regiment Virginia Volunteers."--"The bayonet is the weapon of the brave. "This neat and comprehensive little manual ought to be in the hands of all the volunteers of the South. The bayonet has become the great weapon of modern warfare. This book, which the compiler informs us is a translation from the French, the plates being facsimiles of those obtained from Paris, conveys the latest and most approved instruction for bayonet exercise, as used in France, the most military nation of the world. "Brown and Arthur; an Episode from 'Tom Brown's School Days,'" by the same Richmond publishers, and from the hand of an accomplished Virginia lady, Mrs. Anna Meade Chalmers, whose noble labors in the cause of female education have entitled her to the lasting gratitude and admiration of hosts of warm and generous hearts throughout the sunny South. This admirable compilation, though referring immediately to the school life of boys, contains so much