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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 8, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for France (France) or search for France (France) in all documents.
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Louisiana troops.
--We notice the arrival in our city of a very effective and handsomely equipped regiment, composed chiefly of Louisiana Creoles, and commanded by experienced officers, who have been educated in the military schools of France.
This is the 13th Regiment of Louisiana, commanded by Col. Mandeville Marigny, who was educated at the Polytechnics school in France; was the military companion and associate of the late Duke of Orleans, and is a Creole gentleman renowned for his chiFrance; was the military companion and associate of the late Duke of Orleans, and is a Creole gentleman renowned for his chivalry and soldierly qualities.
The Lt. Col., Jules Denis, is also a splendid officer, and the Major, Dumonteil, served with distinction in the Crimean war. This regiment has marching orders for Manassas, and will, we doubt not, sustain in the coming conflicts the high repute of the Louisiana Creoles for gallantry and patriotism.
E. La Sere, Esq, formerly a distinguished member of Congress from Louisiana, is Quartermaster of this regiment.
We learn also that another fine regiment, 900 stro
The Prospect of recognition.
--The Columbus Sun publishes a letter from a gentleman in Liverpool, in which the writer, after expressing his sympathy with the cause of the South, says:
"We cannot think it possible that the Governments of this country and France will see their operatives starve for want of a raw material necessary to them, and which you have and want to exchange for goods or money.
The thing appears incredible, and we conclude that sooner than allow such a state of things the blockade must be raised.
While you are willing to let us have the cotton, it does not seem right that we should be prevented.
The Government and people are watching all these contingencies very closely, and a few months must decide something important in this respect.
I have seen Col. Chambers' letter, which shows a noble patriotism, and with such feelings animating your people you must triumph.
I think your people will present to the world an imposing spectacle of self-devotion, an
Public sympathy in the West Indies.
--The following note from Mr. A. J. Gonzalea appears in the Charleston Mercury:
The Northern press, in order to disengage, if possible, the Lincoln Government from the fearful position in which it has placed itself towards the South and several European powers, is making desperate efforts, first, to enlist in its behalf the prejudices of France as against England; and second, threatens Spain with the loss of Cuba.
Now, sir, the enemies of our peace and of our domestic institutions — the Abolition host — are utterly deceived, if they ever expect any respectable portion of the Cuban people to side with them in the iniquitous war they are waging against our homes and our rights as freemen.
Far from doing so, the people of the West Indies would hall with pleasure the re-establishment of Southern institutions in all those islands which, previous to the birth of Abolitionism, were ruled by European nations