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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 464 0 Browse Search
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Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 106 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 74 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 64 0 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 62 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 58 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1202 (search)
you have heard. Jocasta You must, unless you take wings and fly away. Messenger Ah! Why did you not let me go after my good news, instead of forcing me to disclose evil? Those two sons of yours are resolved on deeds of shameful recklessness, a single combat apart from the army; they addressed to Argives and Thebans alike words I would they had never uttered. Eteocles, taking his stand on a lofty tower, after ordering silence to be proclaimed to the army, began: [and said: “O captains of Hellas,] chieftains of Argos here assembled, and you people of Cadmus, do not barter your lives for Polyneices or for me! For I myself excuse you from this risk, and will engage my brother in single combat; and if I slay him, I will possess my house alone, but if I am conquered I will hand down the city to him alone. You men of Argos, give up the struggle and return to your land, do not lose your lives here; there are enough of the Sown-men who lie dead.” So he spoke; then your son Polyneices rus
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 865 (search)
Teiresias For Eteocles I would have closed my lips and refrained from all response, but to you I will speak, since it is your wish to learn. This country, Creon, has been long afflicted, ever since Laius became a father against the will of the gods, begetting hapless Oedipus to be his own mother's husband. That bloody destruction of his eyes was planned by the gods as an example to Hellas; and the sons of Oedipus went foolishly astray in wishing to throw over it the veil of time—as if they could outrun the gods! For by robbing their father of his due honor and allowing him no freedom, they enraged the luckless man; so he, suffering and disgraced as well, breathed dreadful curses against them. And I, because I left nothing undone or unsaid, incurred the hatred of the sons of Oedipus. But death inflicted by each other's hands awaits them, Creon; and the many heaps of the slain, some from Argive, some from Theban spears, shall cause bitter lamentation in the land of Thebes. Alas for
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 549 (search)
and this to you, Polyneices; Adrastus has conferred a foolish favor on you; and you too have shown little sense in coming to lay your city waste. Suppose you conquer this land—may it not happen!—tell me, by the gods, how will you set up a trophy to Zeus? How will you begin the sacrifice after your country's conquest or inscribe the spoils at the streams of Inachus: “Polyneices after giving Thebes to the flames dedicated these shields to the gods”? O my son, may you never win such fame from Hellas! If, on the other hand, you are beaten and your brother's cause prevails, how will you return to Argos, leaving countless dead behind? Some one will be sure to say: “Adrastus, you made an evil betrothal; we are ruined by the marriage of one bride.” You are eager for two evils, my son, the loss of those there and ruin in the midst of your efforts here. Lay aside your violence, my sons, lay it aside; two men's follies, once they meet, result in very deadly evil. Chorus Leader O gods, a
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 469 (search)
f plunging into deadly enmity with this man, doing others harm and suffering it myself, as is now the case. But he, after consenting to this and calling the gods to witness his oath, has performed none of his promises, but is still keeping the sovereignty in his own hands together with my share of our heritage. And now I am ready to take my own and dismiss the army from this land, receiving my house in turn to dwell in, and once more restore it to him for an equal period, instead of ravaging our country and bringing scaling-ladders against the towers, as I shall attempt to do if I do not get my rights. I call the gods to witness that spite of my just dealing in everything I am being unjustly robbed of my country, a most unholy act. I have made my points, mother, without stringing together words to entangle you, but urging a fair case, I think, in the judgment of the wise and the simple. Chorus Leader To me, although I was not born and bred in Hellas, your words seem full of sense.
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 261 (search)
ound I fear? Everything seems a danger to the daring, when their feet begin to tread an enemy's country. Still I trust my mother, and at the same time mistrust her, the one who persuaded me to come here under truce. Well, there is help at hand, for the altar's hearth is close and the house is not deserted. Come, let me sheath my sword in its dark scabbard and ask these women standing near the house, who they are. Ladies of another land, tell me from what country do you come to the halls of Hellas? Chorus Leader Phoenicia is my native land where I was born and bred; and the grandsons of Agenor sent me here as first-fruits of the spoil of war for Phoebus. But when the noble son of Oedipus was about to send me to the hallowed oracle and the altars of Loxias, the Argive army came against his city. Now tell me in return who you are, who have come to this fortress of the Theban land with its seven gates. Polyneices My father was Oedipus, the son of Laius; my mother Jocasta, daughter of
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1 (search)
ter of Menoeceus, and Creon is my brother by the same mother. They call me Jocasta, for so my father named me, and I am married to Laius. Now when he was still childless after being married to me a long time in the palace, he went and questioned Phoebus, and asked for us both to have sons for the house. But the god said: “Lord of Thebes famous for horses, do not sow a furrow of children against the will of the gods; for if you beget a son, that child will kill you, and all your house shall wade through blood.” But he, yielding to pleasure in a drunken fit, begot a child on me; and afterwards, conscious of his sin and of the god's warning, he gave the child to shepherds to expose in Hera's meadow and the crag of Cithaeron, after piercing his ankles with iron spikes; from which Hellas named him Oedipus. But Polybus' horsemen found him and took him home and laid him in the arms of their mistress. So she suckled the child that I had borne and persuaded her husband she was its mothe