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then, were the events in Sicily. And in Italy the city of Thurii came to be founded,In 444 B.C., two years later than by Diodorus' chronology. for the
following reasons. When in former times the Greeks had founded Sybaris in Italy, the city had enjoyed a
rapid growth because of the fertility of the land. For lItaly, the city had enjoyed a
rapid growth because of the fertility of the land. For lying
as the city did between two rivers, the Crathis and the Sybaris, from which it derived its name, its inhabitants, who tilled an extensive
and fruitful countryside, came to possess great riches. And since they kept granting
citizenship to many aliens, they increased to such an extent that they were considered to be
far the first among the inhabitants of Italy; indeed
they so excelled in population that the city possessed three hundred thousand
citizens.Now there arose among the Sybarites a leader of the
people named Telys,In 511
B.C. who brought charges against the most influential men and persuaded the Sybarites
Now Zaleucus was by birth a Locrian of Italy,As distinguished
from the two Locri in Greece. a man of noble family, admired for his education, and a pupil of
the philosopher Pythagoras. Having been accorded high favour in his native city, he was chosen
lawmaker and committed to writing a thoroughly novel system of law, making his beginning, first
of all, with the gods of the heavens. For at the outset in the
introduction to his legislation as a whole he declared it to be necessary that the inhabitants
of the city should first of all assume as an article of their creed that gods exist, and that,
as their minds survey the heavens and its orderly scheme and arrangement, they should judge
that these creations are not the result of Chance or the work of men's hands; that they should
revere the gods as the cause of all that is noble and good in the life of mankind; and that
they should keep the soul pure from every kind of evil, in the belie
438 B.C.When Theodorus was archon in Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Marcus Genucius and
Agrippa Curtius Chilo. In Italy, during this year, the
nation of the Campani was formed, deriving their name from the fertility of the plain about
is probably derived from the Latin word campus ("plain").In Asia the dynasty of the
Cimmerian Bosporus, whose kings were known as the Archaeanactidae, ruled for forty-two years;
and the successor to the kingship was Spartacus, who reigned seven years.The capital of this kingdom was Panticapaeum, on the present Straits of Kertch.
In Greece the Corinthians were at war with the Cercyraeans, and after preparing
naval armaments they made ready for a battle at sea. Now the Corinthians with seventy
excellently equipped ships sailed against their enemy; but the Cercyraeans opposed them with
eighty triremes and won the battle, and then they forced the surrender of Epidamnus and put to death
B.C.When Crates was
archon in Athens, the Romans elected as consuls
Quintus Furius Fusus and Manius Papirius Crassus. This year in Italy the inhabitants of Thurii, who had been gathered together from many
cities,See chap. 11. divided into factions over
the question from what city the Thurians should say they came as colonists and what man should
justly be called the founder of the city. The situation was
that the Athenians were laying claim to this colony on the grounds, as they alleged, that the
majority of its colonists had come from Athens;
and, besides, the cities of the Peloponnesus, which
had provided from their people not a few to the founding of Thurii, maintained that the colonization of the city should be ascribed to them.
Likewise, since many able men had shared in the founding of
the colony and had rendered many services, there was much discussion on the matter, since each
one of them was eager to have