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Your search returned 1,940 results in 721 document sections:
Isocrates, On the Peace (ed. George Norlin), section 99 (search)
For how could one surpass GorgiasCf. Isoc. 15.268. Gorgias of Leontini in Sicily, pupil of Teisias, came to Athens on an embassy in 427 B.C., who dared to assert that nothing exists of the things that are, or ZenoThis is Zeno of Elea, in Italy, and not the founder of the Stoic School of philosophy. Zeno and Melissus were disciples of Parmenides., who ventured to prove the same things as possible and again as impossible, or Melissus who, although things in nature are infinite in number, made it his task to find proofs that the whole is one!
Flavius Josephus, The Wars of the Jews (ed. William Whiston, A.M.), Book I, section 27 (search)
Lycurgus, Against Leocrates, section 26 (search)
Lysias, Against Andocides, section 6 (search)
For Andocides is by no means unknown either to foreigners or to our own people, such has been the impiety of his conduct; since it needs must be that, if they are specially outstanding, either good or evil deeds make their doers well-known. And besides, during his absence abroad he has caused commotion in many cities, in Sicily, Italy, the Peloponnese, Thessaly, the Hellespont, Ionia and Cyprus: he has flattered many kings—everyone with whom he has had dealings, except Dionysius of Syracuse
Pseudo-Xenophon (Old Oligarch), Constitution of the Athenians (ed. E. C. Marchant), chapter 2 (search)