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Your search returned 520 results in 188 document sections:
B.C.When the events of
this year had come to an end, in Athens Diocles took over the chief office,Of archon. and in Rome Quintus Fabius and Gaius Furius held the
consulship. At this time Hannibal, the general of the Carthaginians, gathered together both the
mercenaries he had collected from Iberia and the
soldiers he had enrolled from Libya, manned sixty
ships of war, and made ready some fifteen hundred transports. On these he loaded the troops, the siege-engines, missiles, and all the other accessories.
After crossing with the fleet the Libyan Sea he came to land in Sicily on the promontory which lies opposite Libya and is called Lilybaeum; and at that very time some Selinuntian cavalry were tarrying in those
regions, and having seen the great size of the fleet as it came to land, they speedily informed
their fellow citizens of the presence of the enemy. The Selinuntians at once dispatched their
letter-carriers to the Syracusans,