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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 202 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 132 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 56 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 44 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 34 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 28 0 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 20 0 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 18 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 16 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 14 0 Browse Search
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M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 2, line 67 (search)
alm ' He saw, now conquered; there in squalid huts ' Awhile he lay, and trod the hostile dust ' Of Carthage, and his ruin matched with hers: ' Each from the other's fate some solace drew, ' And prostrate, pardoned heaven. On LibyanThe Governor of Libya sent an officer to Marius, who had landed in the neighbourhood of Carthage. The officer delivered his message, and Marius replied, 'Tell the Governor you have seen Caius Marius, a fugitive sitting on the ruins of Carthage,' a reply in which he non human flesh. For Antaeus see Book IV., 660. OEnomaus was king of Pisa in Elis. Those who came to sue for his daughter's hand had to compete with him in a chariot race, and if defeated were put to death. tyrant king of Thrace, ' Nor of Antaeus, Libya's giant brood, ' Were hung such horrors; nor in Pisa's hall 'Were seen and wept for when the suitors died. ' Decay had touched the features of the slain ' When round the mouldering heap, with trembling steps ' The grief-struck parents sought and
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 3, line 1 (search)
eoples know not how to fear. He orders Curio to stem the waves And cross to lands Sicilian, where of old Or ocean by a sudden rise o'erwhelmed The land, or split the isthmus right in twain, Leaving a path for seas. The mighty deep There labours ever lest again should meet The mountains rent asunder. Nor were left Sardinian shores unvisited: each isle Is blest with noble harvests which have filled More than all else the granaries of Rome, And poured their plenty on Hesperia's shores. Not even Libya, with its fertile soil, Their yield surpasses, when the southern wind Gives way to northern and permits the clouds To drop their moisture on the teeming earth. This ordered, Caesar leads his legions on, Not armed for war, but as in time of peace Returning to his home. Ah! had he come With only Gallia conquered and the North,It may be remarked that, in B.C. 46, Caesar, after the battle of Thapsus, celebrated four triumphs: for his victories over the Gauls, Ptolemaeus, Pharnaces, and Juba. Wh
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 3, line 169 (search)
ere driven into the enclosure. It is not unlikely that they piled their weapons before being so measured, and Lucan's account would then be made to agree with that of Herodotus. Francken, on the other hand, quotes a Scholiast, who says that each hundredth man shot off an arrow. See Mr. J. A. R. Munro's paper in vol. xxii. of the Hellenic Society's publications, at p. 296. The Persian told the number of his host; Nor when th' avenger Agamemnon. of a brother's shame Loaded the billows with his mighty fleet, Beneath one chief so many kings made war; Nor e'er met nations varied thus in garb And thus in language. To Pompeius' death Thus Fortune called them: and a world in arms Witnessed his ruin. From where Afric's god, Two-horned Ammon, rears his temple, came All Libya ceaseless, from the wastes that touch The bounds of Egypt to the shore that meets The Western Ocean. Thus, to award the prize Of Empire at one blow, Pharsalia brought 'Neath Caesar's conquering hand the banded world.
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 4, line 583 (search)
passages of cavernous rocks, Antaeus' kingdom called. From ancient days This name was given; and thus a swain retold The story handed down from sire to son: 'Not yet exhausted by the giant brood, 'Earth still another monster brought to birth, 'In Libya's caverns: huger far was he, 'More justly far her pride, than Briareus With all his hundred hands, or Typhon fierce, Or Tityos: 'twas in mercy to the gods 'That not in Phlegra's For Phlegra, the scene of the battle between the giants and the godsspirit: private hatred too Roused him to war. For in the former year, When Curio all things human and the godsCurio was tribune in B.C. 50. His earlier years are stated to have been stained with vice. Polluted, he by tribune law essayed To ravish Libya from the tyrant's sway, And drive the monarch from his father's throne, While giving Rome a king. To Juba thus, Still smarting at the insult, came the war, A welcome harvest for his crown retained. These rumours Curio feared: nor had his troops (
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 4, line 715 (search)
forced The armed breasts against each other driven Pressed out the life. Thus not upon a scene Such as their fortune promised, gazed the foe. No tide of blood was there to glut their eyes, No members lopped asunder, though the earth Was piled with corpses; for each Roman stood In death upright against his comrade dead. Let cruel Carthage rouse her hated ghosts By this fell offering; let the Punic shades, And bloody Hannibal, from this defeat Receive atonement: yet 'twas shame, ye gods, That Libya gained not for herself the day; And that our Romans on that field should die To save Pompeius and the Senate's cause. Now was the dust laid low by streams of blood, And Curio, knowing that his host was slain, Chose not to live; and, as a brave man should, He rushed upon the heap, and fighting fell. In vain with turbid speech hast thou profaned The pulpit of the forum; waved in vain From that proud Reading 'arce,' not 'arte.' The word 'signifer' seems to favour the reading I have preferred; a
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 5, line 1 (search)
crimes and bloodshed, through long years of peace, 'Ye fled its outburst: now in session all 'Are here assembled. See ye how the gods Weigh down Italia's loss by all the world 'Thrown in the other scale? Illyria's wave 'Rolls on our foes: in Libya's arid wastes 'Is fallen their Curio, the weightier part Dean Merivale says that probably Caesar's Senate was not less numerous than his rival's. Duruy says there were 200 senators in Pompeius' camp, out of a total of between 500 and 600. Mommseess of the Seas, Was decked with gifts; Athena, old in fame, Received her praise, and the rude tribes who dwell On cold Taygetus; Massilia's sons Their own Phocaea's freedom; on the chiefs Of Thracian tribes, fit honours were bestowed. They order Libya by their high decree To serve King Juba's sceptre; and, alas! On Ptolemaeus, of a faithless race The faithless sovereign, scandal to the gods, And shame to Fortune, placed the diadem Of Pella. Boy! against the common herd Fierce is thy weapon. A
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 6, line 1 (search)
he haste and tumult of a war Forced to completion. Yet this labour huge Was spent in vain. So many hands had joined Or Sestos with Abydos, or had tamed With mighty mole the Hellespontine wave, Or Corinth from the realm of Pelops king Had rent asunder, or had spared each ship Her voyage round the long Malean cape, Or had done anything most hard, to mould The world's created surface. Here the war Was prisoned: blood predestinate to flow In all the parts of earth; the host foredoomed To fall in Libya or in Thessaly Was here: in such small amphitheatre The tide of civil passion rose and fell. At first Pompeius knew not: so the hind Who peaceful tills the mid-Sicilian fields Hears not Pelorus C. del Faro, the N.E. point of Sicily. sounding to the storm; So billows thunder on Rutupian shores,The shores of Kent. Unheard by distant Caledonia's tribes. But when he saw the mighty barrier stretch O'er hill and valley, and enclose the land, He bade his columns leave their rocky hold And seize on
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 6, line 263 (search)
anquished, ere the fight, they fled In cloud of terror on their rearward foe, So rushing on their fates. Thus had the war Shed its last drop of blood and peace ensued, But Magnus suffered not, and held his troops Back from the battle. Thou, O Rome, hadst been Free, happy, mistress of thy laws and rights Were Sulla here. Now shalt thou ever grieve That in his crowning crime, to have met in fight A pious kinsman, Caesar's vantage lay. Oh tragic destiny! Nor Munda's fight Hispania had wept, nor Libya mourned Encrimsoned Utica, nor Nilus' stream, With blood unspeakable polluted, borne A nobler corse than her Egyptian kings: Nor Juba Juba and Petreius killed each other after the battle of Thapsus, to avoid falling into Caesar's hands. See Book IV., line 5. lain unburied on the sands, Nor Scipio with his blood outpoured appeased The ghosts of Carthage; this had been thy last Disaster, Rome; nor had the blameless life Of Cato ended: and Pharsalia's name Had so been blotted from the book of
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 6, line 750 (search)
isages of sorrow. Sire and son 'The Decii, who gave themselves to death 'In expiation of their country's doom, 'And great Camillus, wept; and Sulla's shade 'Complained of fortune. Scipio bewailed 'The scion of his race about to fall ' In sands of Libya: Cato, greatest foe ' To Carthage, grieves for that indignant soul ' Which shall disdain to serve. Brutus alone ' In all the happy ranks I smiling saw, ' First consul when the kings were thrust from Rome. ' The chains were fallen from boastful Cashade of Pompeius was to foretell his fate to Sextus. ' A surer prophet, in Sicilian fields 'Shall speak thy future-doubting even he ' What regions of the world thou shouldst avoid ' And what shouldst seek. O miserable race! ' Europe and Asia and Libya's plains,Cnaeus was killed in Spain after the battle of Munda; Sextus at Miletus; Pompeius himself, of course, in Egypt. ' Which saw your conquests, now shall hold alike ' Your burial-place-nor has the earth for you ' A happier land than this.' H
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 7, line 647 (search)
shall he Enter the city, who on such a field Finds happiness? Whate'er in lands unknown Thine exiled lot, whate'er the Pharian king May place upon thee, trust thou in the gods; Trust the long story of the favouring fates: 'Twere worse to conquer. Then forbid the tear, The nation's grief, the weeping of mankind, And let the world adore thee in defeat As in thy triumphs. With unaltered gaze Look down upon the kings, thy subjects still; Look on the realms and cities which they hold, Egypt and Libya, gifts from thee of yore; And choose the country that befits thy death. Larissa first was witness of thy fall, Thy noble mien, as victor of the fates; And loud in sorrow, yet with gifts of price Fit for a conqueror flung back her gates And poured her citizens forth. ' Our homes and fanes To thee are open; would it were our lot With thee to perish; of thy mighty name Still much survives and conquered by thyself, Thyself alone, still couldst thou to the war All nations call and challenge fate