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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Confederate cruisers. (search)
tlantic, she visited Bermuda, where she obtained supplies of coal. During the summer she continued her cruise in the Atlantic, destroying merchantmen in the neighborhood of the United States coast. On the 5th of October the Florida arrived at Bahia, in Brazil, where she found the United States sloop-of-war Wachusett, Commander N. Collins. She took a position near the shore about half a mile from the Wachusett. A Brazilian corvette, as a precaution, took a berth between the two vessels. The temptation to violate the neutrality of the port of Bahia was too great for Captain Collins, and he resolved to run down the Florida and sink her at her anchorage. It was his design to give the act the appearance of an accident, but the plan was so badly carried out that the capture of the vessel assumed the character of a perfectly unjustifiable outrage. Before daylight, on the morning of October 7th, the Wachusett got under way, passed the Brazilian corvette, and ran into the Florida,
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 16: career of the Anglo-Confederate pirates.--closing of the Port of Mobile — political affairs. (search)
rebels were lawful belligerents, and that the Florida was one of their vessels of war. The Government disavowed the act of its agents in the Port of Bahia as a violation of neutrality laws and the rights of Brazil, and Consul Wilson, known to have been implicated in the capture, was recalled, and Captain Collins was suspended and ordered before a court-martial. At the same time, the assumption of the Brazilian Government was disallowed, and the hospitality it had afforded to the Florida at Bahia, was denounced as an act of intervention in derogation of the law of nations, and unfriendly and wrongful, as it was manifestly injurious to the United States. exceptions have been taken to the use of the title of pirate applied to the vessels and men like the Florida, Alabama, and others, and their officers and crews. The Secretary of State (W. H. Seward), with all the light that international arrangements and the laws of nations, as well as the letter and spirit of definition on these
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., chapter 48 (search)
, Dorcas Prince and Union Jack. the Alabama and Confederate steamer Georgia at Bahia. capture of the Gilderslieve, Justiana, Jaben Snow, Amazonian, Talisman and Cor crews were removed. On the 11th of May the Alabama landed her prisoners at Bahia, and was ordered by the Brazilian authorities to leave the port in twenty-four er Federal naval force, to respect the United States. The British residents of Bahia did all in their power to make Semmes' stay pleasant, congratulating themselvesof the United States was being rapidly driven from the ocean, and this although Bahia derived its chief importance from its trade with that country. While the Alabama was in Bahia, the Confederate steamer Georgia, Commander William L. Maury commanding, anchored in the port, much increasing the respect of the Governor for the ce on the coast of Brazil. After the Alabama bade farewell to the Georgia at Bahia, she was put under press of sail, and quickly overhauled the Gilderslieve, of N
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 56: commerce-destroyers.-their inception, remarkable career, and ending. (search)
derate cruisers. Her cruising-ground extended from the latitude of New York to the southward of Bahia, in Brazil. In the vicinity of Fernando Noronha, Maffitt picked up a vessel called the Lapwinmerchant vessels, proceeding thence to Teneriffe, and on the 5th of October, 1864, he arrived at Bahia. For a wonder, the U. S. S. Wachusett happened to be in Bahia when the Florida entered the poBahia when the Florida entered the port and anchored a mile distant. while a Brazilian corvette, in anticipation of a difficulty between the vessels, took position near the Florida. The latter vessel had received permission from the aels; although Captain Semmes had been allowed to do pretty much as he pleased by the Governor of Bahia, and also by the Governor of Fernando de Noronha. American officers in pursuit of Confederatezil accepted, only stipulating that the Florida and those captured in her should be sent back to Bahia Mr. Secretary Seward did all in his power to make amends for the mistake which had been committe
stroying in ten days 33 vessels; while the Chickamauga, in a short cruise, burned vessels valued in all at $500,000. The Florida likewise darted along our coast, doing great damage there and thereafter; finally running into tile Brazilian port of Bahia; Oct. 5, 1864. having just captured and burnt the bark Mondamon off that port. Here she met the U. S. steamer Wachusett, Capt. Collins, and care to anchor, as a precaution, in the midst of the Brazilian fleet and directly under the guns of thWachusett and her prize soon appeared in Hampton roads; where the latter was sunk by a collision a few days afterward. There call be no reasonable doubt that, if the Florida was a fair, honest vessel, her capture was a foul one. Our consul at Bahia, Mr. T. F. Wilson, had seasonably protested against the hospitality accorded to her in that port, but without effect. As he was known to be implicated in the capture, is official recognition as consul was revoked. On a representation of the cas
Doc. 18.-destruction of the Hatteras. Capt. Raphael Semmes's report. C. S. Steamer Alabama, Bahia, May 17, 1868. I arrived at Galveston (under sail) on the eleventh of January, and just before nightfall made the enemy's fleet lying off the bar, consisting of five ships of war. One of the steamers was soon after perceived to get under way, and steer in our direction. I ordered steam to be got up, but set sail on the ship as a decoy, that I might entice the enemy's ship sufficiently far from the fleet to offer her battle. I wore ship and stood away from the bar, permitting the enemy to approach me by slow degrees. When the enemy had approached sufficiently near, I took in all sail, and wearing short around, ran up within hail. It was now dark, it being about seven o'clock. The enemy hailed, What ship is that? We responded, Her Majesty's steamer Petrel. The reply was, I will send a boat on board. We now hailed in turn, to know who the enemy was, and when we had re
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), The Confederate cruisers and the Alabama : the Confederate destroyers of commerce (search)
she left Barbadoes for a cruise which proved to be one of the most brilliant in the history of the Confederate navy. From the latitude of New York city to that of Bahia, Brazil, this gallant vessel roamed the Western Atlantic. In May, the big Clarence was taken off the Brazilian coast, and Lieutenant Charles W. Read, a most darinAugust 7th she began her career under Captain John Newland Maffit, with a crew of but twenty-two men. She had an adventurous career till she ran into the harbor of Bahia, Oct. 5, 1864, where she encountered a vessel of Wilke's flying squadron, the Wachusett. Commander Napoleon Collins, in violation of the neutrality laws, suddenlyh across the Atlantic she went, preying on the merchant vessels of the United States until, on the 5th of October, Lieutenant Morris brought her into the harbor of Bahia. Commander N. Collins, of the United States war-ship Wachusett, then in that port, on October 7, 1864, broke the laws of neutrality and ran into and captured th
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), Naval chronology 1861-1865: important naval engagements of the Civil war March, 1861-June, 1865 (search)
cuated and blew up Fort Powell. The monitor Tecumseh was blown up by a Confed. torpedo. August 6, 1864. Adml. Farragut shelled Fort Gaines, Mobile Bay. August 8, 1864. Surrender of Fort Gaines, Mobile Bay, to Adml. Farragut and Gen. Granger. August 23, 1864. Fort Morgan, Mobile Bay, surrendered unconditionally. By its surrender, Federals captured 200 prisoners and 60 pieces of artillery. October, 1864. October 7, 1864. Confed. cruiser Florida captured at Bahia, Bay of San Salvador, Brazil, by U. S. S. Wachusett, Commander Collins. October 27, 1864. The Confed. ram Albemarle sunk by Lieut. Cushing, in the Roanoke River. October 31, 1864. Capture of Confed. batteries and their ordnance and ordnance stores, at Plymouth, N. C. November, 1864. November 11, 1864. U. S. S. Tulip destroyed by boiler explosion off Ragged Point, Va. 49 officers and men killed (all of crew but 10). December, 1864. December 9, 1864. The
ure and cruise of the Clarence the capture of the Florida Captain C. M. Morris the Florida at Bahia correspondence the Georgia Cruises and captures the Shenandoah Cruises and captures the At locality he crossed the equator, destroying the commerce of the Northern states on his route to Bahia. Here he obtained coal, and also had some repairs done to the engines, when the United States sse, fired a few ineffectual shots at the infringer upon the neutrality of the hospitable port of Bahia. The Confederate was taken to Hampton Roads. Brazil instantly demanded her restoration intact to her late anchorage in Bahia. Lincoln was confronted by a protest from the different representatives of the courts of Europe, denouncing this extraordinary breach of national neutrality, which pt expressed his regret that the sovereignty of Brazil had been violated; dismissed the consul at Bahia, who had advised the offense; and sent the commander of the Wachusett before a court-martial.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Beardslee, Lester Anthony, 1836- (search)
Beardslee, Lester Anthony, 1836- Naval officer; born in Little Falls, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1836; was graduated at the Naval Academy in 1856; brought the Confederate steam-sloop Florida, captured off Bahia, Brazil, to the United States as prize master in 1864; and while in command of the Jamestown in 1879, discovered, surveyed, and named Glacier Bay, Alaska; promoted rear-admiral in 1895.