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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
issippi Regiment. Ordered to report to General Hood, Washington Artillery, March 16, ‘64. April 30, ‘64, General Shoup's Headquarters. Foreman, Arthur L., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War June 2, ‘63, to rank Sept. 29, ‘63, report to General Bragg. Passed Board Dec. 8, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, Wright's Battery, Sept. 30, ‘63, to April 30, ‘64, 2d Kentucky Regiment. Ford, Peter R., Assistant Surgeon, passed Board at Bowling Green, Feb. 3, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, to Nov. 30, ‘63, Calvert's Battery, Dec. 31, ‘63, Key's Battery, April 30, ‘64, Hotchkiss' Battery. Foster, Robert C., contract (promoted), passed Board at Chattanooga April 18, ‘63, as Surgeon, made by S. H. Stout, Nov. 16, ‘62, $80, Acting as Post-Surgeon, Catoosa Springs. Appointed by Secretary of War to rank July 17, ‘63. Fontaine, R. A., contract $80, $100, made by J. P. Logan Nov. 3, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 3, ‘63, Empire Hospital, Atlanta, Ga. Forbes, Ja