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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Morgan's Indiana and Ohio Railroad. (search)
's lines. But if he expected to be reinforced by the balance of his command, he was disappointed. Those he left behind were entirely surrounded, and out of ammunition. The fords were in the hands of the Federal forces, and all hope of final escape was gone. The officers wisely surrendered and made an end of their hardships. Morgan continued his flight until he was literally run down, as a fox is run down by hounds, and captured near Salinesville, a village in the southern part of Columbiana county, on the 26th. The force which pursued him from Buffington was a semi-brigade under Colonel B. H. Bristow, of the Eighth Kentucky Cavalry, an officer noted for his indomitable grip, and regarded as the most relentless and persistent pursuer in all our forces. He did not, as Duke says, surround Morgan, in the usual accepted meaning of that term among soldiers. He rode onto him-tread off his tail and rear, as it were-and finally rode over and through him, scattered his men right and le
ston to Reedsville, where they succeeded in crossing over, with the loss of about twenty-five men who were killed by the fire of the gunboats. Another portion went up to Longgreen Bottom, stealing all that lay in their way, crossing over at Harrisonville, and turning right around, struck for the river again, about forty miles below Buffington, where Coleman of Colonel Cluke's command surrendered all his force to about fifty men. The balance of Morgan's band accompanied their leader to Columbiana County, where they were all captured by General Shackleford. So ends the great Morgan raid. It has proved one of the most remarkable events of the war, and God grant it may never be repeated. * * * The battle of Buffington Island. National fleet on Ohio River below Buffington Island, Monday, July 20. The uniform peace which sat brooding with dove-like wings over the State of the Beautiful River was broken for the first time during the threatened invasion under Bragg; but fate
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 3: political affairs.--Riots in New York.--Morgan's raid North of the Ohio. (search)
nd led by Morgan, fled up the river, and attempted to cross to Belleville by swimming their horses. The gun-boat Moore, Lieutenant-commanding Fitch, interfered, and after about three hundred had thus escaped, the remainder, still led by Morgan, fled inland to McArthur, and, on a zig-zag line, pushed on in a northeasterly direction, fighting squads of militia, burning bridges, and plundering a little, until they were enveloped by militia and Home Guards, near New Lisbon, the capital of Columbiana County, with Shackleford's pursuing column in their rear, and compelled to surrender, July 26, 1868. first informally to Major Rae, of Shackleford's cavalry, and, half an hour later, formally to Shackleford himself: Thus ended, in death or captivity, the career of more than four thousand bold raiders, who entered the Free-labor States three weeks before, excepting a little more than three hundred, who escaped at Belleville, under Colonel Adam R. Johnson, and found refuge in Southwestern Virg
of the Cumberland was made the Twentieth Army Corps on January 9, 1863, under Brigadier-General A. McD. McCook, who held it until October 9, 1863, when it was merged in the Fourth Corps, which had been created on September 28th. It was prominent in the engagement at Liberty Gap, Tennessee, June 25th, during the advance of the army to Tullahoma, and eight of its brigades were in the battle of Chickamauga. Major-General Alexander McDowell McCook (U. S.M. A. 1863) was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, April 22, 1831, and was the son of Major Daniel McCook, whose eight other sons also served in the Civil War. He did garrison duty in the West and was an instructor at West Point. He was colonel of the First Ohio at Bull Run, and then, as brigadier-general of volunteers, went to the department of the Ohio, where he had a command, and, later, a division at Shiloh and elsewhere, until he headed the First Corps, Army of the Ohio, in the Kentucky campaign against Bragg. He had been ma
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), McCook, Alexander McDowell 1831- (search)
McCook, Alexander McDowell 1831- Military officer; born in Columbiana county, O., April 22, 1831; a son of Maj. Daniel McCook (q. v.); graduated at West Point in 1852; served against the Indians in New Mexico in 1857; was assistant instructor of tactics at West Point in 1858-61; and was colonel of the 1st Ohio Regiment at the battle of Bull Run. In September, 1861, he was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers, and in July, 1862, having distinguished himself at Shiloh and Corinth, he was promoted majorgeneral. He fought in the battle of Perryville in command of the 1st Corps of the Army of the Ohio, and commanded the right wing in the battle at Stone River (q. v.). He was afterwards in command of the 20th Army Corps, and fought in the Alexander McDowell McCook. battle of Chickamauga (q. v.). In 1880 he was promoted to colonel of the 6th Infantry; in 1890 to brigadier-general; and in 1894 to major-general; and was retired April 22, 1895.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morgan, John Hunt 1826- (search)
ed upon his front. Hemmed in, about 800 of his men surrendered, and the remainder, leaving all their plunder behind them, followed their leader up the river, and again attempted to cross to Belleville by swimming their horses. About 300 crossed, but the remainder were driven back by a gunboat, when Morgan fled inland to McArthur, fighting militia, burning bridges, and plundering. At last he was obliged to surrender to General Shackleford, July 26, 1863, at New Lisbon, the capital of Columbiana county. Morgan and some of his officers were confined in the Ohio penitentiary at Columbus, from which he and six of them escaped in November, and joined the Confederate forces in northern Georgia. The race between the troops of Morgan and his pursuers had continued three weeks, without cessation, at the rate of 35 miles a day. Morgan afterwards received an ovation at Richmond as a great hero. When Longstreet left Knoxville, Tenn., late in 1863, he lingered awhile between there and the V
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wellsville, (search)
Wellsville, A city in Columbiana county, O., 20 miles north of Steubenville. About 2 miles below the present city the family of Logan, the great Mingo chieftain, was massacred in 1774. See Logan (Ta-Ga-jute).
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen, Woman as physician. (search)
ian Myers, born May 30th, 1819, in Montgomery County, Maryland. Her parents were natives of Buiks County, Pennsylvania, and members of the Society of friends. When she was two years old, they moved into the District of Columbia, where she received her early education, attending a private school in Washington City. In the year 1832, unwilling to remain longer under the demoralizing influence of a slave-holding community, they again changed their residence, and settled on a farm in Columbiana County, Ohio. Here the whole household co-operated in industry and the most rigid economy, to secure for themselves a quiet and happy home. Samuel Myers was evidently a man of practical religious character, and strong individuality,--one whom unwearying diligence, careful reading, and meditation had developed into a good reasoner and a sound philosopher. Having had experience in teaching, and taking a deep interest in his children, it was his daily practice to aid them in their studies as wel
Loss of life by the flood in Ohio. --The Pittsburg Gazettes says: The damage to property and the loss of life along the streams in Columbiana county, Ohio, is said to be appalling. Near Elkton it is reported four houses were taken down the stream during the night, with all the inmates and contents. Many persons were drowned, and the property totally destroyed.