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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 3 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 9, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Palatines. (search)
een provided for them at her own expense. This first company of Palatines was first landed on Governor's Island, New York, and afterwards settled near the site of Newburg, Orange co., N. Y., in the spring of 1709. In 1710 a larger emigration of Palatines to America occurred, under the guidance of Robert Hunter, governor of New York. These, about 3,000 in number, went farther up the Hudson. Some settled on Livingston's Manor, at Germantown, where a tract of 6,000 acres was bought from Livingston by the British government for their use. Some soon afterwards crossed the Hudson into Greene county and settled at West Camp; others went far up the Mohawk and settled the district known as the German Flats; while a considerable body went to Berks county, Pa., and were the ancestors of many patriotic families in that State. Among the emigrants with Hunter a violent sickness broke out, and 470 of them died. With this company came John Peter Zenger (q. v.) and his widowed mother, Johanna.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Tyler, Robert Ogden 1831-1874 (search)
Tyler, Robert Ogden 1831-1874 Military officer; born in Greene county, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1831; graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1853; and was assigned to frontier duty. In April, 1861, he accompanied the expedition for the relief of Fort Sumter and was present during its bombardment on May 17. In August of that year he organized the 4th Connecticut Volunteers, and was made its colonel. Under his leadership it became one of the most efficient regiments in the army. He was appointed brigadier-gen- eral of volunteers in November, 1862; and distinguished himself at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Spottsylvania, and Cold Harbor. He was brevetted major-general of volunteers and major-general, United States army, in 1865. After the war he was assigned to duty in the Quartermaster's Department at New York City, San Francisco, Louisville, Charleston, and Boston. He died in Boston, Mass., Dec. 1, 1874.
om I knew personally. The list of wounded is very much larger of course. At Savage's Station alone, I am told, four hundred have been taken, all the buildings about here having been filled to repletion. It is certain that the wounded are well taken care of. Major Russell is a relative of Gen. McClellan. He was an able, popular and efficient officer. Col. Pratt was reckoned among the most capable and trusty volunteer officers in the service. He is the son of Zadoc Pratt, Greene county, N. Y., which he represented two years in the State Senate. Col. Pratt was a man of fortune and of education, and had traveled extensively in Europe. Captain Easton was a most capable artillerist, and as brave as he was capable. He won honorable mention in the battle at Drainesville, as also did Lieut. Prime, who was killed with him. He lost all his pieces, but not until he had lost his life in trying to keep them from the enemy. Dr. Doolittle, of Duryea's Zouaves, who was wounded