Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 18, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for King William County (Virginia, United States) or search for King William County (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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s being done in this department. Addresses were also delivered by Revs. J. L. Burrows, J. B. Jeter, L. W. Seeley, J. B. Watkins, A. E. Dickinson, J. Walker, and others. It was determined to hold the next annual meeting at Beulah, King William county, and Rev. J. B. Solomon appointed to preach the introductory sermon. A resolution exhorting the churches to give more attention to the religious instruction of the colored people was adopted. Rev. G. G. Exall read the circular le to the churches. Dr. W. H. Gwathmey offered a series of resolutions calling upon the churches to humble themselves before God, and to be earnest in prayer, that seasons of refreshing may be sent upon us. This resolution was passed after stirring addresses by Drs. Gwathmey, Jeter, Solomon, and Fonerden. Rev. R. H. Land was appointed to prepare the next circular letter. After a pleasant session the Association adjourned to meet next year at Beulah, King William county, Virginia.
Sudden death. --A negro named Sam, belonging to Dr. Waring, of King William county, was seized with apoplexy or disease of the heart yesterday morning at 7 o'clock, at the lamp post above the St. Charles Hospital. A gentleman who saw his condition took hold of him and laid him on the pavement, where he soon breathed his last.