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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
operations beyond the Rappahannock, and approaching the capital of the United States, must relieve Richmond of all immediate danger. Mr. Lincoln says he is making history; forgetful of the execrable figure he is likely to be in it. Our papers to-day contain the following: Yankee Cruelty; Forty-three Negroes Drowned.-One of the most atrocious incidents of the whole war was yesterday related to us by a gentleman of this city, who obtained the facts from Capt. Jas. G. White, of King William County, who vouches for the accuracy of the statement. Some days ago, when the Yankees made their raid to Aylett's, they visited the place of Dr. Gregg, living in the neighborhood, and took from their comfortable homes forty-three negroes, who were hurried off to,York River and placed on board a vessel bound Northward. Along with these negroes, as a prisoner, was a gentleman named Lee, a resident and highly respectable citizen of King William, who has since been released and allowed to ret
ps, having no shelter to cover them, and often nothing to eat, on that dark winter's night. June 7, 1863. We are living in fear of a Yankee raid. They have a large force on York River, and are continually sending parties up the Pamunky and Mattapony Rivers, to devastate the country and annoy the inhabitants. Not long ago a party rode to the house of a gentleman on Mattapony; meeting him on the lawn, the commander accosted him: Mr. R., I understand you have the finest horses in King William County? Perhaps, sir, I have, replied Mr. R. Well, sir, said the officer, I want those horses immediately. They are not yours, replied Mr. R, and you can't get them. The officer began to curse, and said he would burn every house on the place if the horses were not produced. Suiting the action to the word, he handed a box of matches to a subordinate, saying, Burn! In half an hour Mr. R. saw fourteen of his houses in a light blaze, including the dwelling, the kitchen, corn-houses and barn
he opposite side of the Pamunky River, and one was marked with the name Tingle. It was an excessively warm Sunday morning; but as the young soldier's furlough only extended to the following day, there was no time to be lost. Dr. B. and the brother set out upon their melancholy mission, having obtained a cart, one or two men, and given an order at a neighbouring carpenter's shop for a coffin. After crossing the river they found the three graves, at the place designated, in the county of King William. The one marked Tingle contained the body of a Federal and one of a Confederate soldier, but not the brother. The next one opened was not the right one; but the third contained the much-loved remains, which were easily recognized by the anxious brother. Tenderly and gently, all wrapped in his blanket, he was transferred from his shallow grave to his soldier's coffin, and then conveyed to S. H., to be placed by his friend Middleton. It was now night, the moon shone brightly, and all wa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Fifth annual meeting of the Southern Historical Society, October 31st., 1877. (search)
uch larger), we will have no difficulty in meeting all of our expenses. But we are in pressing need of means to enable us to adequately prosecute our great work, and we know not how a lover of the truth of history can better employ funds than by contributing them to the use of the Southern Historical Society. In conclusion, we would express our growing sense of the importance of collecting now, the material for a true history of our great struggle for Constitutional freedom, and we earnestly appeal to all who can add anything of value to our collection, to do so at once. By order of the Executive Committee. Dabney H. Maury, Chairman. J. Wm. Jones, Secretary. The report was unanimously adopted. The President then announced the selection of General E. W. Pettus, of Selma, as Vice-Pesident for Alabama; and Col. Thos. H. Carter, of King William county, Va., formerly Chief of Artillery of Rodes' Division, A. N. V., as a member of the Executive Committee to fill a vacancy.
nding the First New York Mounted Rifles, and Colonel Spear, of the Eleventh Pennsylvania cavalry, came upon the looked — for rebel force of cavalry and citizens. This was in the midst of a severe rain-storm which had been pouring all day, and the mud was knee-deep; yet the rebels were gallantly charged, dispersed, and chased ten miles, their camp destroyed, about twenty killed, and seventy wounded and taken prisoners. The remainder made good their escape by recrossing the river into King William County. The Union force comprised the Forty-fifth, Sixth, and Twenty-second National colored troops the First New York Mounted Rifles, the Eleventh Pennsylvania cavalry, parts of Hart's and Belger's batteries, and some five hundred of Kilpatrick's Richmond raiders. The only organized rebel force encountered were the Fifth and Ninth Virginia cavalry, having, however, many mounted and armed, though ununiformed citizens in their ranks, who claimed to be non-combatants. On the raid large
ded, also one missing; but, in consideration of the fact that Longstreet's corps was at or near Newton, ten miles from Aylett's, and Pickett's division at the White House, twelve miles from where we landed, I think they were as fortunate as could be expected. . . . J. H. Gillis, Lieut. Com. and Sen. Officer, off Yorktown. To A. R. Admiral Lee. A National account. Yorktown, Va., June 6, 1863. We have just returned from one of those interesting little expeditions through King William County, Va., that are now termed raids. The whole affair was a perfect success. It was carried out in a soldierly way, and one of the most satisfactory features of the affair was the absence of plundering and pilfering, which on too many former occasions have been permitted to a fearful extent. While our forces were at West-Point, Major-General Keyes proposed the expedition, and the coast being clear for operations, an expedition was gotten up and put in execution during the past few days.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 3: political affairs.--Riots in New York.--Morgan's raid North of the Ohio. (search)
o a point within ten miles of Richmond, alarming Wise, the citizens, and the Confederate authorities to such a degree, that orders were issued for the closing of all places of business, and causing the Mayor to call upon the inhabitants to Remember New Orleans, and to array themselves in defense of their homes. Turning northward, Spear galloped to Hanover Court-House and beyond, destroying the railway and capturing General W. H. F. Lee, wounded at Beverly Ford. Then sweeping through King William County, he returned to White House, then held by Keyes; who, on the 1st of July, moved five or six thousand troops toward the Chickahominy, under General Gettys, with fifteen hundred cavalry in advance, with orders to push on north of Richmond, destroy the railway bridge over the South Anna, and so cut Lee's communications with the Confederate capital. This, and much more that was expected, was not accomplished, and Keyes fell back, to the great relief of the Confederates in and around Rich
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
ommittee has been enlarged; there have been one or two changes in it, and it is now composed as follows: General J. A. Early, Lynchburg, President of the Society; Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, Essex county, Vice-President; Rev. J. William Jones, Secretary and Treasurer; General D. H. Maury, Chairman Executive Committee; Lieutenant-Colonel Archer Anderson, Major Robert Stiles, Richmond; Colonel R. E. Withers, Wytheville; Colonel William Preston Johnston, Lexington; Colonel Thomas H. Carter, King William county; Colonel George W. Munford; Colonel William H. Palmer, Colonel R. L. Maury, Captain A. M. Keiley, J. L. M. Curry, D. D., Moses D. Hoge, D. D., Rev. A. W. Weddell, Richmond; Colonel R. H. Dulaney, Loudon county; General Eppa Hunton, General Wm. H. Payne, Warrenton; General G. W. C. Lee, Lexington; Captain Theo. S. Garnett, Colonel Walter H. Taylor, Norfolk city; Major Charles S. Stringfellow, Petersburg. The constitution provides that members of the Executive Committee shall reside
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 7.48 (search)
of William Dondridge, Esq., of Elson Green, King William, Va., a captain in the British navy. (3) Dorathea married (1747) Colonel Nathaniel West Dandridge, a full brother of her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Spotswood. Mrs. Dorathea Dandridge died in 1773, in the forty-sixth year of her age. (4) Robert was a subaltern officer under Washington. In 1756,. while with a scouting party, he was killed near Fort du Quesne. XIV.--Ann Catherine married Colonel Bernard Moore, of Chelsea, King William county, Va., a gentleman seventh in descent from Sir Thomas Moore, of Chelsea, England, the author of Utopia. Mrs. Moore was elegant in person and manners. The daughter of a haughty British Governor, she was a strong adherent to the royal government, while her husband and children sympathized with the patriot cause in the revolution. Once, when her husband was absent, upon a sudden alarm of Indians she ordered up all hands, manned and provisioned a boat, and made good her retreat down to Wes
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragraphs. (search)
and Treasurer--Rev. Dr. J. William Jones, Richmond, Va. Executive Committee--General D. H. Maury, chairman; Colonel Archer Anderson, Major Robt Stiles, Colonel George W. Munford, Colonel William H. Palmer, Colonel R. L. Maury, Captain A. M. Keiley, Rev. Dr. J. L. M. Curry, Rev. Dr. M. D. Hoge, Rev. Dr. A. W. Weddell, Major C. S. Stringfellow, and Rev. Dr. J. William Jones, of Richmond; Colonel Walter H. Taylor and Captain Theo. S. Garnett, of Norfolk; Colonel Thomas H. Carter, of King William county, Va.; Colonel R. E. Withers, of Wytheville; Colonel William Preston Johnston, of Baton Rouge,La.; Colonel R. H. Dulaney, of Loudoun county, Va.; General Eppa Hunton and General William H. Payne, of Warrenton, Va.; and General G. W. C. Lee, of Lexington, Va. Vice-Presidents of States--General I. R. Trimble, Maryland; Governor Z. B. Vance, of North Carolina; General M. C. Butler, of South Carolina; General A H. Colquitt, of Georgia; General E. W. Pettus, of Alabama; Colonel W. Call, of
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