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at one time judge of the court and subsequently editor of a newspaper, and who was descended from the Abraham Inlow mentioned, has written a long argument in support of his alleged kinship through this source to Mr. Lincoln. He emphasizes the striking similarity in stature, facial features, and length of arms, notwithstanding the well established fact that the first-born child of the real Nancy Hanks was not a boy but a girl; and that the marriage did not take place in Bourbon, but in Washington county. had attained some prominence in the world, persons who knew both himself and his father were constantly pointing to the want of resemblance between the two. The old gentleman was not only devoid of energy, and shiftless, but dull, and these persons were unable to account for the source of his son's ambition and his intellectual superiority over other men. Hence the charge so often made in Kentucky that Mr. Lincoln was in reality the offspring of a Hardin or a Marshall, or that he ha
February 9, 1863, was assigned to the military department of East Tennessee, then commanded by General Donelson. In this region he had command of a brigade under Donelson and Maury, and was kept on the alert against raiding parties of the enemy. On the 7th of September, 1863, when all the available Confederate forces had been ordered to Bragg at Chattanooga, and after Burnside with his army corps had occupied Knoxville, about 500 Federal infantry advanced as far as Telford's depot in Washington county. A small force of Confederates under Gen. Alfred E. Jackson was in the upper corner of northeast Tennessee.. Col. Henry L. Giltner, of the Fourth Kentucky cavalry, with a small body of troops occupied the department of southwestern Virginia. When Jackson and Giltner heard of this advance of the detachment from Burnside's army, they united their forces and under Jackson's command marched. to attack the Federals. They encountered the Union troops with about equal numbers on the 8th o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of cavalry operations. (search)
e of office in Richmond. Many a cavalryman mortgaged his property to supply himself with horses, and had to pay in greenbacks after the war what was expected of our Government. The Government was very short of transportation; it could not send the men and horses back to their homes when necessary to exchange their jaded ones for fresh horses; neither would it pay the extra expense he incurred to accomplish this object. Take this illustration: A member of a company, whose home was in Washington county, Southwestern Virginia, has his horse wounded near Martinsburg, or Shepherdstown, in Jefferson county. How long a time will it take that man to carry his jade back home and hunt up a fresh horse? To keep that animal in camp to consume the scanty rations doled out to the active horses reported for duty was poor management; but we had no men detailed at camp for that purpose, and yet a cavalryman without a horse during an active campaign was a mere camp dog, and the good soldiers would
ring with impunity. The Cherokees had been encouraged during the summer to join insurgent loyalists in ravaging the American settlements west of the mountains as far as Chiswell's lead mines. Against this danger, Jefferson organized, in the south-western counties of the state of which he was the governor, a regiment of four hundred backwoodsmen under the command of Colonel William Campbell, brother-in-law of Patrick Henry; and in an interview with William Preston, the lieutenant of Washington county, as the southwest of Virginia was then called, he dwelt on the resources of the country, the spirit of congress, and the character of the people; and for himself and for his state would admit no doubt that, in spite of all disasters, a continued vigorous resistance would bring the war to a happy issue. At Waxhaw, Cornwallis halted for a few days, and, Chap. XVI.} 1780 Sept. 16. that he might eradicate the spirit of patriotism from South Carolina before he passed beyond its borders,
, in relation to the marking of Western tobacco; by Mr. Carpenter, of requiring the Board of Public Works to furnish to this House any information which may seem pertinent, in their judgment, to the question involved in the petition of Edward McMahan and other contractors on the Covington and Ohio Railroad; by Mr. Friend, of reporting a bill making it unlawful for negroes to own or keep dogs in the county of Chesterfield. Bills Reported.--A bill for the relief of Emory Edwards, of Washington county, in the State of Maryland; a bill for the relief of T. D. Fendall, Administrator; a bill to increase the pay of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the Circuit Court of Ohio county; a bill authorizing the payment of $147.75 to Captain Wm. H. Werth, of Company A, of the 101st Regiment Virginia Militia; a bill refunding to Samuel A. McMechen and John G. Harness, Jr., a sum of money paid by them on an erroneous assessment of land; a bill exempting from taxation the property of the Virginia Me
an, referring so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the Land Office to the Committee on Finance; by Mr. Magruder, of allowing the Board of Public Works to occupy and use as part of their office the room now occupied in part by the Auditor of Public Accounts, south of and adjoining their present office, (next to the Second Auditor's office,) the Governor being required to assign such other room or rooms in the Capitol to the First Auditor, and to have them arranged according to the requirements of the public service. [Referred to a special committee.] Stay Law.--Mr. Keen called up his resolution offered yesterday, that a special committee be appointed with instructions to report a bill providing for a Stay Law. The question was on the substitute offered by Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county, directing the Committee of Courts of Justice to inquire into said subject and report thereon. The question was debated, when finally, without a vote thereon, The House adjourned.
House of delegates. saturday, Jan. 26, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county. Prayer by Rev. J. B. Jeter, of the 3d Baptist Church. A communication was received from the Senate informing the House of the passage of House bill entitled an --"act authorizing the payment of forfeited commissions and damages to the executor of Charles Holden, Dec'd, late Sheriff of the county of Harrison;-- and Senate bills --for the relief of Charity Casey,-- and --authorizing the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad Company to construct a branch of their road to some point on the North Carolina line, and to increase its capital stock.-- The bill for the relief of Charity Casey was taken up, and being explained, was passed. The bill concerning the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad was taken up and read, when a motion was submitted by Mr. Watts to lay the bill on the table. Opposed by Messrs. Bisbie, Segar, Riddick, Collier, and
House of Delegates. Monday, Jan. 28th, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county. Prayer by Rev. M. D. Hoge, of the Second Presbyterian Church. A communication was received from the Senate, announcing the passage of a number of bills. The House referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances Senate bill for the relief of Ro. Y. Overby, of Mecklenburg county, from an erroneous assessment of land. Senate Bills Passed.--To amend an act entitled an act incorporating the Princess Anne Savings Bank, passed Feb. 27th, 1860: to incorporate the Virginia Steam Sugar Refinery Company. Bills Referred.--The Senate bill "to incorporate the Richmond City Insurance Company of Richmond" was referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, on motion of Mr. Keen. He said that some days since the gentleman from Petersburg had submitted a bill of a similar character to the Committee on Banks, and the com
Mount, Liberty, Goodson and Princeton. On motion of Mr. Claiborne, it was Resolved, That the Clerk be instructed to procure for the use of the members of the Senate, 250 copies of the Report of the Board of Commissioners for the Purchase of Arms, &c.," appointed under act of last Assembly." On motion of Mr. Carraway, the Senate adjourned. House of Delegates. Tuesday, Jan, 29th, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county. Prayer by Rev. M. D. Hoge, of the Second Presbyterian Church. A communication was received from the Senate, announcing the passage of sundry House and Senate bills by that body; also the adoption of a resolution for the appointment of a joint committee to provide a hall for the accommodation of the State Convention. The House agreed to the latter, and the Speaker appointed the following committee. viz: Messrs. Saunders, Montague and Hunter. Bills Reported.--The follow
Evening session. The Convention, in Committee of the Whole, (Mr. Price, of Greenbrier, in the chair,) proceeded to the consideration of amendments to the 8th section, proposed by Mr. Sneffey, of Smythe, and Mr. Campbell, of Washington county, both of which were lost. Mr. Summers, of Kanawha, proposed a further amendment, by striking out the words "they concede," in the third line, which was adopted. Mr. Montague, of Middlesex, moved to fill the blank thus created by inserting the words "they acknowledge." The amendment was lost — yeas 29, nays 90. Mr. Goode, of Bedford, moved to amend by inserting the words "they assert," in the place of the words "they concede," already stricken out. Rejected, after debate by Messrs. Goode and Baldwin. Mr. Tare, of Brooke, offered an amendment, which was defeated. The 8th resolution, as amended by Mr. Summers, was then adopted. Mr. Montague moved that the Committee rise. It was, he said, now 5 o'clock, and he