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Your search returned 88 results in 44 document sections:
William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik, Chapter 1 . (search)
James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical. (search)
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of cavalry operations. (search)
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10, Chapter 16 : (search)
The Daily Dispatch: January 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], The clerical suicide. (search)
House of delegates. saturday, Jan. 26, 1861.
The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county.
Prayer by Rev. J. B. Jeter, of the 3d Baptist Church.
A communication was received from the Senate informing the House of the passage of House bill entitled an --"act authorizing the payment of forfeited commissions and damages to the executor of Charles Holden, Dec'd, late Sheriff of the county of Harrison;-- and Senate bills --for the relief of Charity Casey,-- and --authorizing the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad Company to construct a branch of their road to some point on the North Carolina line, and to increase its capital stock.--
The bill for the relief of Charity Casey was taken up, and being explained, was passed.
The bill concerning the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad was taken up and read, when a motion was submitted by Mr. Watts to lay the bill on the table.
Opposed by Messrs. Bisbie, Segar, Riddick, Collier, and
The Daily Dispatch: January 29, 1861., [Electronic resource], Resistance to the laws. (search)
House of Delegates.
Monday, Jan. 28th, 1861.
The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county.
Prayer by Rev. M. D. Hoge, of the Second Presbyterian Church.
A communication was received from the Senate, announcing the passage of a number of bills.
The House referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances Senate bill for the relief of Ro. Y. Overby, of Mecklenburg county, from an erroneous assessment of land.
Senate Bills Passed.--To amend an act entitled an act incorporating the Princess Anne Savings Bank, passed Feb. 27th, 1860: to incorporate the Virginia Steam Sugar Refinery Company.
Bills Referred.--The Senate bill "to incorporate the Richmond City Insurance Company of Richmond" was referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, on motion of Mr. Keen. He said that some days since the gentleman from Petersburg had submitted a bill of a similar character to the Committee on Banks, and the com
The Daily Dispatch: April 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], Evening session. (search)
Evening session.
The Convention, in Committee of the Whole, (Mr. Price, of Greenbrier, in the chair,) proceeded to the consideration of amendments to the 8th section, proposed by Mr. Sneffey, of Smythe, and Mr. Campbell, of Washington county, both of which were lost.
Mr. Summers, of Kanawha, proposed a further amendment, by striking out the words "they concede," in the third line, which was adopted.
Mr. Montague, of Middlesex, moved to fill the blank thus created by inserting the words "they acknowledge."
The amendment was lost — yeas 29, nays 90.
Mr. Goode, of Bedford, moved to amend by inserting the words "they assert," in the place of the words "they concede," already stricken out. Rejected, after debate by Messrs. Goode and Baldwin.
Mr. Tare, of Brooke, offered an amendment, which was defeated.
The 8th resolution, as amended by Mr. Summers, was then adopted.
Mr. Montague moved that the Committee rise.
It was, he said, now 5 o'clock, and he