Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Washington county (Rhode Island, United States) or search for Washington county (Rhode Island, United States) in all documents.

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, in relation to the marking of Western tobacco; by Mr. Carpenter, of requiring the Board of Public Works to furnish to this House any information which may seem pertinent, in their judgment, to the question involved in the petition of Edward McMahan and other contractors on the Covington and Ohio Railroad; by Mr. Friend, of reporting a bill making it unlawful for negroes to own or keep dogs in the county of Chesterfield. Bills Reported.--A bill for the relief of Emory Edwards, of Washington county, in the State of Maryland; a bill for the relief of T. D. Fendall, Administrator; a bill to increase the pay of the Commonwealth's Attorney for the Circuit Court of Ohio county; a bill authorizing the payment of $147.75 to Captain Wm. H. Werth, of Company A, of the 101st Regiment Virginia Militia; a bill refunding to Samuel A. McMechen and John G. Harness, Jr., a sum of money paid by them on an erroneous assessment of land; a bill exempting from taxation the property of the Virginia Me