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an, referring so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the Land Office to the Committee on Finance; by Mr. Magruder, of allowing the Board of Public Works to occupy and use as part of their office the room now occupied in part by the Auditor of Public Accounts, south of and adjoining their present office, (next to the Second Auditor's office,) the Governor being required to assign such other room or rooms in the Capitol to the First Auditor, and to have them arranged according to the requirements of the public service. [Referred to a special committee.] Stay Law.--Mr. Keen called up his resolution offered yesterday, that a special committee be appointed with instructions to report a bill providing for a Stay Law. The question was on the substitute offered by Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county, directing the Committee of Courts of Justice to inquire into said subject and report thereon. The question was debated, when finally, without a vote thereon, The House adjourned.