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The Daily Dispatch: may 15, 1861., [Electronic resource], War Movements. (search)
A tall "Boy."
--Wm. Haley (6 feet 10 inches in height) is a member of Capt. Wm. White's company of Washington county "Mountain Boys," now encamped in this place.
Haley is an old hand at "soldiering," and is all familiar with the smell of "burnt gunpowder" as with that of "toasting coffee"--having fought the Mexican guerillas from Vera Crun to the Mexican Capital, under Major Lady and Capt.
(now Col.) Cummings, in many desperate conflicts.--Abingdon Democrat.
--David, a slave owned by Wynsham Robertson, of Washington county, was yesterday put in jail as a runaway.
The Daily Dispatch: June 15, 1861., [Electronic resource], Wilmington, N. C., June 13 1861. (search)
Mr. George Gose, and old and well known citizen of Washington county, died suddenly last week.
Mounted Riflemen
--A splendid body of Mounted Riflemen, from Washington county, passed up Main street yesterday morning.