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Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 21: Mr. Davis's first session in Congress. (search)
l conflict for private advantage, and favoring the wider expanse of our Union. If envy and jealousy and sectional strife are eating like rust into the bonds which our fathers expected to bind us, they come from causes which our Southern atmosphere has never furnished. As we have shared in the toils, so we have gloried in the triumphs of our country. In our hearts, as in our history, are mingled the names of Concord, and Camden, and Saratoga, and Lexington, and Plattsburg, and Chippewa, and Erie, and Moultrie, and New Orleans, and Yorktown, and Bunker Hill. Grouped together, they form a record of the triumphs of our cause, a monument of the common glory of our Union. What Southern man would wish it less by one of the Northern names of which it is composed? Or where is he who, gazing on the obelisk that rises from the ground made sacred by the blood of Warren, would feel his patriot's pride suppressed by local jealousy? Type of the men, the event, the purpose it commemorates, that
nment in preserving the Union, enforcing the laws, protecting the property and rights of the people, and also the raising of such money, and other means, as may be required to carry on the foregoing objects.--Commercial Advertiser. A large meeting of citizens, irrespective of party, was held at Erie, Pa., this evening. Resolutions were adopted, pledging the hearts and hands of Erie city and county to maintain the integrity of the Government and honor of the flag. The Wayne Guards, of Erie, and other companies, will offer their services to the Governor.--Evening Post, April 17. This afternoon, a coasting schooner was discovered lying in Newark Bay, with a palmetto flag flying at its masthead. A party of glass-house boys procured a boat, and proceeding to the vessel, ordered the captain to lower the flag and substitute in its place the Stars and Stripes. The captain refused, when they threatened to pitch him overboard and sink the vessel. The American flag was soon sprea
, issued an order calling upon the colored citizens to enlist into the Sixth regiment of that State, then forming. The regiment was to be composed entirely of colored persons. A skirmish took place near Sparta, Tenn., between a small party of Union troops, under the command of Col. Wynkoop, and a superior force of rebels, resulting, after a fight of nearly an hour's duration, in the retreat of the Nationals.--(Doc. 169.) Enthusiastic war meetings were held at Providence, R. I., and Erie, Pa.--Great excitement existed in the Union fleet at Port Royal, S. C., in expectation of the rebel ram Georgia making her appearance among them. An order directing that a draft of three hundred thousand militia be immediately called into the service of the United States, to serve for nine months, unless sooner discharged, was this day issued from the War Department.--(Doc. 170.) In order to provide for the suffering poor of New Orleans, Gen. Butler issued an order assessing the sec
igs, Vinton, Monroe, Noble, Morgan, and Hocking. At Camp Chase — Franklin, Pickaway, Fairfield, Fayette, Madison, Clark, Perry, Muskingum, Guernsey, Coshocton, Licking, Knox, Delaware, Union, Champaigne, Logan, Shelby, Morrow, Carroll, Harrison, Tuscarawas, Vanwert, Paulding, Defiance, Williams, Marion, Mercer Auglaize. For Camp Cleveland — Cuyahoga, Medina, Lorain, Ashland, Wayne, Holmes, Rich land, Crawford, Wyandotte, Hardin, Hancock, Putnam, Henry, Wood, Lucas, Ottowa, Sandusky, Seneca, Erie, Huron, Lake, Ashtabula, Geauga, Trumbull, Mahoning, Portage, Summit, and Stark. At Camp Pittsburgh, in the city of Pittsburgh — Columbiana, Jefferson, and Belmont. The military commissioners of the several counties are especially requested to exert themselves in securing a prompt response to this call. The troops will all be organized into regiments and well armed before being ordered into service; and now, fellow-citizens of the State, in the name and behalf of the best government on e<
ve, And this last one of her household band, How she had hoped to save! But that hope died out on the fatal day, So sorrowful and black, When strangers brought unto her door That only darling back-- Not as he went, so strong and brave And full of life, alack! Oh! sad it was to hear her mourn In that wide, lonely home; Not a ray of comfort or of hope To radiate the gloom, Not a kindred — step beside her own, To follow to the tomb. One came to her, but not of kin, Only an aged slave, And spoke, as she never spoke before-- Perhaps grief made her brave; The swelling tide of a mighty grief Impulsive accents gave. “Missus, you mourn, for your last boy Will never come back more. You took my children, one by one, From the little cabin-door; De Lord took yours, now I forgive-- I never could before.” “I pity you in de lonesome house, For I knows how; Not one left to bury either of us, We're even now But de good Lord helps sufferina hearts Dat to him bow.” Erie. home, Feb. 2
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 8: our northern frontier defences.—Brief description of the fortifications on the frontier, and an analysis of our northern campaigns. (search)
rilliant termination to the campaign in that quarter. Had such victories been gained on the Montreal or eastern portion of the frontier, they would have led to the most important results. The plan of operations for the campaign of 1814 was of the same diverse and discordant character as before. But the command of the troops had now fallen into the hands of young and energetic officers; and Brown, assisted by such men as Wood, McCrea, Scott, Ripley, Miller, soon gained the victories of Fort Erie, Chippewa, and Lundy's Lane; while McComb and McDonough drove back the enemy from the line of Lake Champlain. With these operations terminated the Northern campaign of 1814, the last which has been conducted on that frontier. Let us now turn to the system of works projected for the defence of this line. The first works are at the Falls of St. Mary, on the western extremity of the line. The second works are at Mackinaw. The third works are at the foot of Lake Huron. The four
or Washington, receiving on the way advices that he had been, upon a careful canvass and comparison of the Electoral votes by Congress, proclaimed February 13th. by Vice-President Breckinridge the duly elected President of the United States, for four years from the 4th of March ensuing. Immense crowds surrounded the stations at which the special train halted wherein he, with his family and a few friends, was borne eastward through Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, Albany, New York City, Trenton, Newark, Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Harrisburg, on his way to the White House. He was everywhere received and honored as the chief of a free people; and his unstudied remarks in reply to the complimentary addresses which he day by day received indicated his decided disbelief in any bloody issue of our domestic complications. Thus, at Indianapolis, where he spent the first night of his journey, he replied to an address of welcome from Gov. Morton,
Greatly descended men.--The son of Light-Horse Harry Lee, of Revolutionary renown, commands the forces of Virginia. His chief aid is J. A. Washington, the only living representative of Washington. The great-grandson of Thomas Jefferson commands the Howitzer Battery at Richmond. A grandson of Patrick Henry is Captain of the Virginia forces. The descendants of Chief Justice Marshall are in the ranks and in command.--Erie (Pa.) Observer, May 25.
rge, rumored removal of the remains of, P. 127, 128; poem on the removal of the remains of, P. 127 Washington Home Guard, of Alexandria, Va., D. 77 Washington, John B., taken at Fairfax Court House, Va., D. 90; incident of his capture, P. 111 Washington Navy Yard, traitors arrested at, 47 Washington Oath, the, Doc. 158 Washita, Fort, D. 43 Watkins, W. W., D. 72 Waul, General, of Texas, D. 18 Waverly, N. Y., Union at, D. 35 Wayne Guards, the, of Erie, Pa, D. 26 Webber, —, Rev., D. 57 Weber, Max, Col., 20th Regiment, N. Y. S. V., D. 102; Doc. 366 Webster, Fletcher, D. 37 Weed, Thurlow, Doc. 5 Welch, —, Rev., D. D., D. 83 Weld, H. Hastings, Rev., P. 133 Weld, L. L., poem by, P. 103 Weller, M. L., Rev., a soldier in the rebel army, P. 131 Wells, T. D., D. D., D. 38 Wesendonck, Hugo, speech at the Union meeting, N. Y., Doc. 107 Wesleyan Mission Society of London, Dr. McClintock's speech
Lee, John Weatherspoon, John McClough, Stephen D. Bugsby, Robert Hall, Benjamin Symmes. The first on the list still lives; the others are dead. Edmund Gates was killed in the battle of Chippewa; and Abiel R. Shed was killed in the sortie of Fort Erie, 1813. One of the most signal sacrifices made by Medford to the cause of the country, in that war, was the death of Lieutenant John Brooks, son of General Brooks, who graduated at Harvard College in 1805, studied medicine with his father, ananner o'er thee flying, Her castle and her camps around. And friendship there shall leave its token; And beauty there in tears may melt; For still the charm may rest unbroken, So many tender hearts have felt. Then rest, lamented youth; in honor, Erie shall still preserve thy name; For those who fell 'neath Perry's banner, Must still survive in Perry's fame. Dec. 17, 1836, Medford was called to part with another officer high in command in the army of the United States. Among the brave, the