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Plato, Republic, Book 1, section 343a (search)
philosophers used this and similar terms (1) of stupidity, (2) as a type of the minor ills of the flesh. Horace, Satire i. 4. 8, ii. 2. 76, Epictet. i. 6. 30A)LL' AI( MU/CAI MOU R(E/OUSI. and doesn't wipe your face clean, though you need it badly, if she can't get you to knowLiterally, “if you don't know for her.” For the ethical dative cf. Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew, I. ii. 8 “Knock me here soundly.” Not to know the shepherd from the sheep seems to be proverbial. “Shepherd of the people,” like “survival of the fittest,” may be used to prove anything in ethics and politics. Cf. Newman, Introduction Aristotle Politics p. 431, Xenophon Memorabilia
Plato, Republic, Book 3, section 393d (search)
And lest you may say again that you don't understand, I will explain to you how this would be done. If Homer, after telling us that Chryses came with the ransom of his daughter and as a suppliant of the Achaeans but chiefly of the kings, had gone on speaking not as if made or being ChrysesCf. Hazlitt, Antony and Cleopatra: “Shakespeare does not stand reasoning on what his characters would do or say, but at once becomes them and speaks and acts for them.” but still as Homer, you are aware that it would not be imitation but narration, pure and simple. It would have been somewhat in this wise. I will state it without meter for I am not a poet:From here to 394 B, Plato gives a prose paraphrase of
Plato, Republic, Book 3, section 395d (search)
they imbibe the reality.Cf. 606 B, Laws 656 B, 669 B-C, and Burke, Sublime and Beautiful iv. 4, anticipating James, Psychology ii. pp. 449, 451, and anticipated by Shakespeare's (Cor. III. ii. 123) “By my body's action teach my mind/ A most inherent baseness.” Or have you not observed that imitations, if continued from youth far into life, settle down into habits and (second) natureCf. my paper on *FU/SIS, *MELE/TH, *)EPISTH/MH, T.A.P.A. vol. xl. (1910) pp. 185 ff. in the body, the speech, and the thought?” “Yes, indeed,” said he. “We will not then allow our charges, whom we expect to prove good men, being men, to play the parts of women and
Plato, Republic, Book 3, section 415b (search)
it may sometimes happen that a golden father would beget a silver son and that a golden offspring would come from a silver sire and that the rest would in like manner be born of one another. So that the first and chief injunction that the god lays upon the rulers is that of nothing elseThe phrasing of this injunction recalls Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, in fine: “I'll fear no other thing/ So sore as keeping safe Nerissa's ring.” The securing of disinterested capacity in the rulers is the pons asinorum of political theory. Plato constructs his whole state for this end. Cf. Introduction p. xv. Aristotle, Politics 1262 b 27, raises the obvious objection that the tr
Plato, Republic, Book 5, section 449c (search)
man, Introduction to Aristotle Politics p. 201, Epicurus in Diogenes Laertius x. 11, Aristotle Politics 1263 a 30 ff., Euripides Andromache 270.” “Well, isn't that right, Adeimantus?” I said. “Yes,” said he, “but this word ‘right,’Cf. 459 D, Laws 668 D, Aristotle Politics 1269 b 13, Shakespeare Tro. and Cre. I. i. 23 “But here's yet in the word hereafter the kneading, the making of the cake,” etc. like other things, requires definingCf. Laws 665 B 7. as to the wayCf. Aristotle Politics 1264 a 12. and manner of such a community. There might be many ways. Don't, then, pass over the one
Plato, Republic, Book 5, section 454b (search)
he principle that natures not the same ought not to share in the same pursuits we are following up most manfully and eristicallyGreek style often couples thus two adverbs, the second defining more specifically the first, and, as here and often in Plato and Aristophanes, with humorous or paradoxical effect. Cf. Aristophanes Knights 800EU)= KAI\ MIARW=S. So Shakespeare “well and chirurgeonly.” in the literal and verbal sense but we did not delay to consider at all what particular kind of diversity and identityCf. Sophist 256 A-B for the relativity of “same” and “other.”Politicus 292 C describes in different language the correct method. of nature we had in mind