Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 6, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Matamoros (Tamaulipas, Mexico) or search for Matamoros (Tamaulipas, Mexico) in all documents.

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than we yet have of the former proceeding, of its motives and of its bearings, and the latter may be at once explained by the simple process of the military upon the people of Delaware at the election in that State we cannot pronounce the suspicious which more recent events have awakened to be utterly unreasonable. Important from Mexico — French Reinforcements, 10,000 strong expected at Acapulco — all the Mexican Ports to be Garrisoned 7,000 French troops reported to be Marching on Matamoros. Advices from the City of Mexico are to June 25th. Gen. Alvarez, from whom accounts are received to the 30th inst., was expecting the arrival at Acapulco of the French fleet, with 10,000 soldiers. This force is to come from the Gulf of Mexico across Tehuantepec, and from Acapulco will be dispatched for garrisons for all the Mexican Pacific port. A letter, dated Matamoras, June 16th; says: There is a rumor here that seven thousand French soldiers are on the way here from Vera Cr