Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 14, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Matamoros (Tamaulipas, Mexico) or search for Matamoros (Tamaulipas, Mexico) in all documents.

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the rams which had been refused by Earl Russell. Earl Russell said the law officers having reconsidered the matter, there would be no objection to give the papers. Earl Russell also submitted papers relative to the shooting case on board the bark Saxon. Lord Palmerston announced that he had ordered the release of the privateer Tuscaloosa at the Cape of Good Hope. The three rebel seamen charged with piracy in forcibly seizing the American schooner Joseph L. Gerrity, while on a voyage from Matamoros to New York, were again up for examination at Liverpool. After hearing the evidence of the Captain of the Gerrity, the prisoners were remanded. The Archduke Maximilian did not arrive at the Tutleries on the day appointed for his reception, but delayed in Brussels. This fact had given rise to fresh conjectures relative to his future intentions as to the crowd of Mexico. A Mexican financial agent writes in the London News that he has not accepted the throne. Admiral Jurren de la Gra