Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 30, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Matamoros (Tamaulipas, Mexico) or search for Matamoros (Tamaulipas, Mexico) in all documents.

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ellaneous. The following captures have been reported at the Navy Department: Schooner Mary Darley, by United States steamer Sciota, off Galveston, Texas, on the 4th inst. She was formerly the United States revenue cutter Dodge, and was seized by the rebels in Galveston Bay at the commencement of the rebellion. Also, the capture of the British schooner M. P. Burton, by the United States steamer Woodstock, loaded with iron and shot.--She cleared from Havana, and purported to be bound to Matamoros. The New York Sanitary Fair closed on Saturday evening having realized $1,011,000. Gen. Grant receives one of the swords which has been in contest since the opening of the Fair, and Commodore Rowan the other. The vote for the army sword was for Grant, 39,291; McClellan, 14,509, General Grant having a majority of 15,782. The Women's National League has forwarded to Washington over 12,000 signatures to the petition to amend the Constitution for the prohibition of slavery. One wee