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is the interest we touch. All the wealth of America may be said to be interested in it. And, if I working-classes of England and the slaves of America. In her answer to this criticism and complai because of this striking difference; that in America the slave has not a recognized human characten theory at least, and that is something. In America any man may strike any slave he meets, and if nature to be widely different in England and America. In both countries, when any class holds powes in possession as the slaveholder offers in America. There was the same kind of resistance in ti-slavery effort. Again, in England as in America, there are, in those very classes whose inter greatly to my regret, I observe sometimes in America. It is a relic of barbarism for two such nations as England and America to cherish any such unworthy prejudice. For my own part, I am proud d best nation on earth. Have not England and America one blood, one language, one literature, and [1 more...]
She had two very pretty quadroon daughters, with her beautiful hair and eyes, interesting children, whom I had instructed in the family school with my children. Time would fail to tell you all that I learned incidentally of the slave system in the history of various slaves who came into my family, and of the underground railroad which, I may say, ran through our house. But the letter is already too long. You ask with regard to the remuneration which I have received for my work here in America. Having been poor all my life and expecting to be poor the rest of it, the idea of making money by a book which I wrote just because I could not help it, never occurred to me. It was therefore an agreeable surprise to receive ten thousand dollars as the first-fruits of three months sale. I presume as much more is now due. Mr. Bosworth in England, the firm of Clarke & Co., and Mr. Bentley, have all offered me an interest in the sales of their editions in London. I am very glad of it, both
while to call upon Mrs. Bell, the wife of Mr. Bell, the inventor of the steamboat. His invention in this country was at about the same time as that of Fulton in America. Mrs. Bell came to the carriage to speak to us. She is a venerable woman, far advanced in years. They had prepared a lunch for us, and quite a number of people osphere of geniality and sympathy, as makes me in a few moments feel quite at home. After all, I consider that these cheers and applauses are Scotland's voice to America, a recognition of the brotherhood of the countries. The national penny offering, consisting of a thousand golden sovereigns on a magnificent silver salver, sto them the appearance of growing in the water. We had some very animated speaking, in which the speakers contrived to blend enthusiastic admiration and love for America with detestation of slavery. They presented an offering in a beautiful embroidered purse, and after much shaking of hands we went home, and sat down to the sup
Windsor Castle. Professor Stowe returns to America. Mrs. Stowe on the continent. impressions o offer. Lord Carlisle is a great friend to America, and so is his sister, the Duchess of Sutherlly connection was my quondam correspondent in America, Arthur Helps. Somehow or other I had formedbeautiful hymns have rendered him familiar in America. The favorite one, commencing When gathe London. I would that some of the editors in America, who have thrown out insinuations about his l, worse treated than the plantation slaves of America! Now Mrs. Stowe did not know anything of tnd, whose duties had obliged him to return to America: May 22. To-day we went to hear a sermo of England sympathized with her, and many in America. She looked really radiant and inspired. Haengravings that ever have been circulated in America do any justice to her appearance. She is of The next letter is from London en route for America, to which passage had been engaged on the Col
he ladies of Glasgow. appeal to the women of America. correspondence with William Lloyd Garrison. & Co. in London. Soon after her return to America, feeling that she owed a debt of gratitude toritain done good to the anti-slavery cause in America? The first result of those demonstrations,he present state of the anti-slavery cause in America, I think, for many reasons, that it has neverroadcast the following appeal to the women of America:-- The Providence of God has brought ourtion in all parts of the kingdom. Women of America! we do not know with what thrilling earnestnecause the whole world looks hopefully toward America as a nation especially raised by God to advanersal expectation that the next step taken by America would surely be one that should have a tenden Shall we, the wives, mothers, and sisters of America, remain content with inaction in such a crisierty throughout the world, let every woman of America now do her duty. At this same time Mrs. S
ish edition of Dred published by Sampson Low & Co. Professor Stowe's duties in America being very pressing, he had intended returning at once, but was detained for ain the following letter written by him from Glasgow, August 29, to a friend in America:-- Dear friend,--I finished my business in London on Wednesday, and intenugh feeling there is need of doing something. If Dred has as good a sale in America as it is likely to have in England, we shall do well. There is such a demandty thousand of Dred, and it was still selling well. I have not yet heard from America how it goes. The critics scold, and whiffle, and dispute about it, but on thes first one line of praise, and then one of blame. Henry Stowe returned to America in October to enter Dartmouth College, while the rest of the party pursued thehey really do feel very deeply, seeing the peril so much plainer than we do in America. Sunday night. I fear I have delayed your letter too long. The fact is, th
nd his apostles were living actors in the scenes thus celebrated to-day. As the spring was now well advanced, it was deemed advisable to bring this pleasant journey to a close, and for Mrs. Stowe at least it was imperative that she return to America. Therefore, leaving Rome with many regrets and lingering, backward glances, the two sisters hurried to Paris, where they found their brotherinlaw, Mr. John Hooker, awaiting them. Under date of May 3 Mrs. Stowe writes from Paris to her husbandght in England-little thanks to our own government, which compels him to go there in order to get it. With sincere regard, believe me, dear Mrs. Stowe, Very truly yours, Wm. H. Prescott. From Liverpool, on the eve of her departure for America, Mrs. Stowe wrote to her daughters in Paris:-- I spent the day before leaving London with Lady Byron. She is lovelier than ever, and inquired kindly about you both. I left London to go to Manchester, and reaching there found the Rev. Mr. Ga
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 15: the third trip to Europe, 1859. (search)
alism. John Ruskin. Mrs. Browning. the return to America. letters to Dr. Holmes. Mrs. Stowe's third anStowe to the sole member of the family remaining in America: Castle Chillon, Switzerland, September 1, 1859. our plans, in consequence of which our passage for America is engaged by the Europa, which sails the 16th of Jeadful thing it is that people should have to go to America again, after coming to Europe! It seems to me an inversion of the order of nature. I think America is a sort of United States of Probation, out of which all wisnd I pulled it out of a secret place and sent it to America, not thinking that the publication would fall in soend, on the great crisis you are passing through in America. If the North is found noble enough to stand fast hideousness! They should raise a statue to you in America and elsewhere. Meanwhile I am reading you in thelizabeth B. Browning. Soon after her return to America Mrs. Stowe began a correspondence with Dr. Oliver W
nd indefatigable industry with which England was canvassed for signatures. In America, those possessed of the spirit which led to this efficient action had no leisu when such an astonishing page has been turned, in the anti-slavery history of America, that the women of our country, feeling that the great anti-slavery work to wh to its intensest point. The agitation kept up by the anti-slavery portion of America, by England, and by the general sentiment of humanity in Europe, had made the lind and bewilder the mind of England as to the real issues of the conflict in America. It has been often and earnestly asserted that slavery had nothing to do wi has furnished a fruitful subject of remonstrance from British Christians with America. We have abolished slavery there, and thus wiped out the only blot of territofety. I fear, however, that the time is gone by for trying this experiment in America. With best wishes for the new year, believe me Yours faithfully, Rd. Wha
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 19: the Byron controversy, 1869-1870. (search)
cient protest was made against this outrage in England, and Littell's Living age reprinted the Blackwood article, and the Harpers, the largest publishing house in America, perhaps in the world, republished the book. Its statements — with those of the Blackwood, Pall Mall Gazette, and other English periodicalswere being propagated through all the young reading and writing world of America. I was meeting them advertised in dailies, and made up into articles in magazines, and thus the generation of to-day, who had no means of judging Lady Byron but by these fables of her slanderers, were being foully deceived. The friends who knew her personally were a smrity in which Lady Byron had been engaged with me in assisting an unfortunate artist. It concludes thus:) I write now in all haste, en route for Paris. As to America, all is not lost yet. Farewell. I love you, my dear friend, as never before, with an intense feeling that I cannot easily express. God bless you. H. B. S. Th