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Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 16 0 Browse Search
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Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 5, chapter 3 (search)
to get provisions, they resolved to depart by land. On board the ships they embarked the sick, those who were more than forty years of age, the women and children, and all the baggage which they did not need to keep with them. They put aboard also Philesius and Sophaenetus, the eldest of the generals, and bade them take charge of the enterprise; then the rest took up the march, the road having been already constructed.Xen. Anab. 5.1.13-14. And on the third day of their journey they reached Cerasus, a Greek city on the sea, being a colony planted by the Sinopeans in the territory of Colchis. There they remained ten days; and the troops were reviewed under arms and numbered, and there proved to be eight thousand six hundred men.cp. Xen. Anab. 4.8.15 and notes thereon. So many were left alive. The rest had perished at the hands of the enemy or in the snow, a few also by disease. There, also, they divided the money received from the sale of the booty. And the tithe, which they set apart
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 5, chapter 4 (search)
Leaving Cerasus, the people who had thus far been conveyed by seaSee Xen. Anab. 5.3.1. went on as before, while the rest continued their journey by land. When they reached the boundary of the Mossynoecians,Lit. dwellers in Mossyns, or wooden towers. See 26 below. they sent to them Timesitheus the Trapezuntian, who was official representative of the Mossynoecians at Trapezus, and asked whether in marching through their country they were to regard it as friendly or hostile. The Mossynoecians replied that they would not permit them to pass through; for they trusted in their strongholds. Then Timesitheus told the Greeks that the Mossynoecians who dwelt farther on were hostile to these people, and it was decided to summon them and see whether they wanted to conclude an alliance; so Timesitheus was sent to them, and brought back with him their chiefs. When they arrived, these chiefs of the Mossynoecians and the generals of the Greeks met together; and Xenophon spoke as follows, Timesitheus
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 5, chapter 5 (search)
congratulate you that you have made your way through many dreadful troubles, as we have heard, in safety to this place. Now we claim, being ourselves Greeks, to receive from you, who are Greeks also, good treatment and no ill; for we, on our side, have never set the example by doing you any manner of harm. These Cotyorites are our colonists, and it was we who gave over to them this land, after we had taken it away from barbarians; therefore they pay us a stated tribute, as do the people of Cerasus and Trapezus; hence whatever harm you may do to these Cotyorites, the city of the Sinopeans regards as done to itself. At present we hear, firstly, that you have made your way into the city by force, some of you, and are quartered in the houses, and, secondly, that you are taking from the estates by force whatever you may need without asking leave. Now these things we do not deem proper; and if you continue to do them, you force us to make friends with CorylasRuler of Paphlagonia. and the P
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 5, chapter 7 (search)
ed Clearetus and a good many of his followers, although some of them did make their way back to Cerasus. All this happened on the day when we were setting forth to come hither by land; and some of those who were going by sea were still at Cerasus, not having as yet set sail.“After this, as the Cerasuntians say, there arrived at Cerasus three of the inhabitants of the stronghold, all elderly men,Cerasus three of the inhabitants of the stronghold, all elderly men, desiring to come before our general assembly. But since they did not find us, they addressed themselves to the Cerasuntians, saying that they wondered why we had seen fit to make an attack upon themry the bodies of our dead. Now it chanced that some of the Greeks who had escaped were still at Cerasus; and when they learned whither the barbarians were going, they committed the shamelessness of n ambassadors: they have accomplished this result, that you alone of all the Greeks cannot go to Cerasus safely unless you arrive there with a strong force; and as for the dead whom previously the ver