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human heart could despond, when it witnessed the lark soaring towards heaven in his spiral flight, as if to carry his prayer of faith to the very throne of mercy? In every bird, there is something to please and to instruct man. In those unbroken solitudes of Nature, our forefathers had the privilege of witnessing the marvellous contrasts exhibited by the feathered tribes. With what wonder must they have watched the wild-goose, of which it may almost be said, that he breaks his fast at Baffin's Bay, takes his lunch in Medford Pond, and plumes himself at nightfall in a southern bayou! How different from him the laughing-loon, catching minnows in the shallows of a creek! Mark the majestic sailing of the eagle through the deep of air; and contrast this with the bittern, driving his post in the meadow. Then there is the owl, Nature's watchman, waiting for the dawning of his day, which is sundown. Listen to his midnight love-note, which seems discord and sighs hooted at the moon; and
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hakluyt, Richard 1553- (search)
and, to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compass of these fifteen hundred years, was published the same year. It contains many curious documents, and is illustrated by maps. Anthony à Wood, writing late in the seventeenth century, referring to this great work, spoke of it as an honor to the realm of England, because possessing many ports and islands in America that are bare and barren, and only bear a name for the present, but may prove rich places in future time. Hakluyt was appointed prebendary of Westminster in 1605, having been previously prebendary of Bristol. Afterwards he was rector of Wetheringset, Suffolk, and at his death, Oct. 23, 1616, was buried in Westminster Abbey. Henry Hudson, who discovered Spitzbergen in 1608, gave the name of Hakluyt's Head to a point on that island; and-Bylot gave his name to an island in Baffin Bay. A society founded in 1846, for the republication of early voyages and travels, took his name
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
Republican, March 4, 1873, to March 3, 1877. Ulysses S. Grant, Illinois, President. Henry Wilson, Massachusetts, Vice-President. Special session of Senate adjourns......March 26, 1873 White Star steamship Atlantic wrecked on Marr's Rock, off Nova Scotia; 547 lives lost......April 1, 1873 Massacre by Indians under Captain Jack of General Canby, in the lava-beds near Fort Klamath, Cal......April 11, 1873 Rescue of nineteen persons (late of the Polaris) from floating ice in Baffin's Bay, by the sealing-vessel Tigress, Captain Bartlett, of Conception Bay, Newfoundland......April 30, 1873 One-cent postal-cards issued by the United States government......May 1, 1873 National Cheap Transportation Association organized in New York......May 6, 1873 Chief-Justice Salmon P. Chase, born 1808, dies at New York City......May 7, 1873 Oakes Ames, member of Congress from Massachusetts, the father of the Credit Mobilier, born 1804, dies......May 8, 1873 President's procl
Curious Geographical fact. --Whales, it appears, have got into Behring's Straits, after escaping harpooning in Baffin's Bay. In one or two instances, a fish harpooned in the Atlantic has been captured soon afterwards in the Pacific; and there can be only a short distance between them, as the whale cannot remain long under water.