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its and passages surrounding the several West Indies, captured the brig Clarence, which was fitted out as a privateer and provided with a crew, under Lt. C. W. Read, late a midshipman in our navy. This new b<*>aneer immediately steered northward, and, sweeping, up our southern coast, captured some valuable prizes; along them, when near Cape Henry, the bark Tacony, June 12, 1863. to which Read transferred his men, and stood on up the coast; passing along off the mouths of the Chesapeake, Delaware, New York, and Massachusetts bays, seizing and destroying merchant and fishing vessels utterly unsuspicious of danger; until, at length, learning that swift; cruisers were on his track, he burned the Tacony (in which he would have been easily recognized), and in the prize schooner Archer, to which he had transferred his armament and crew, stood boldly in for the harbor of Portland; casting anchor at sunset June 24. at its entrance, and sending at midnight two armed boats with muffled oar
We'll never submit to Yankee rule! Fight away, etc. At first our States were only seven, But now we number stars eleven; Fight away, etc. Brave old Missouri shall be ours, Despite old Lincoln's Northern powers I Fight away, etc. We have no ships, we have no navies, But mighty faith in the great Jeff. Davis; Fight away, etc. Due honor too we will award, To gallant Bragg and Beauregard! Fight away, etc. Abe's proclamation in a twinkle, Stirred up the blood of Rip Van Winkle; Fight away, etc. Jeff Davis' answer was short and curt “Fort Sumter's taken, and nobody's hurt! ” Fight away, etc. We hear the words of this same ditty, To the right and left of the Mississippi; Fight away, etc. In the land of flowers hot and sandy, From Delaware Bay to the Rio Grande! Fight away, etc. The ladies cheer with heart and hand, The men who fight for Dixie's land; Fight away, etc. The “Stars and Bars” are waving o'er us, And Independence is before us! Fight away, etc. Martinsburg, Va., Dec. 10, 1
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.35 (search)
now all about Yankee bastiles, and see also a good deal of the country, traveling at the Government's expense. Before I could use crutches, when perfectly helpless from my wounds, I was carried from Winchester to West's Building Prison Hospital, in Baltimore. In a short while I was sent to Point Lookout Prison. Thence, after a month's stay, was transported to Old Capitol Prison; and now, after residing in Washington a month, I go to another prison at Fort Delaware, on Pea Patch island, Delaware bay. Why are we thus hurried from place to place? Is it to benefit our health by change of air and scenery, or to kill us by frequent exposure to the intensely cold, pneumonia weather? February 4th We walked a mile from the depot, through New Castle, to the wharf. The noble ladies of the town cheered us by sympathizing looks and kind words, as we trudged along, several of us on crutches, and a few of them brought us tempting lunches of ham, chicken, biscuit, preserves and fruit. The
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alexander, Edward Porter, 1835- (search)
Alexander, Edward Porter, 1835- Engineer; born in Washington, Ga., May 26, 1835; was graduated at the United States Military Academy, and commissioned a second lieutenant in the United States Engineer Corps in 1857, resigned and entered the Confederate army in 1861; served with the Army of Northern Virginia from the beginning to the close of the war, attaining the rank of brigadier-general and chief of ordnance. In 1866-70 he was Professor of Mathematies and Engineering in the University of South Carolina; in 1871-92 engaged in railroad business; and in 1892-94 was a member of the Boards on Navigation of the Columbia River, Ore., and on the ship-canal between Chesapeake and Delaware bays. Subsequently he was engineer-arbitrator of the boundary survey between Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Algonquian, or Algonkian, Indians, (search)
bes, including the Accohannocks and Accomacs, on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. The confederacy occupied the region in Virginia consisting of the navigable portion of the James and York rivers, with their tributaries. The Corees were south of the Powhatans, on the Atlantic coast, in northern North Carolina. The Cheraws and other small tribes occupied the land of the once powerful Hateras family, below the Corees. The Nanticokes were upon the peninsula between the Chesapeake and Delaware bays. The Lenni-Lenapes, or Delawares, comprised powerful families — namely, the Minsis and Delawares proper. The former occupied the northern part of New Jersey and a portion of Pennsylvania, and the latter inhabited lower New Jersey, the banks of the Delaware River below Trenton, and the whole valley of the Schuylkill. The Mohegans were a distinct tribe on the east side of the Hudson River, and under that name were included several independent families on Long Island and the country betw
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), America, discoverers of. (search)
1539-41. In the latter year De Soto discovered and crossed the Mississippi, and penetrated the country beyond. This was the last attempt of the Spaniards to make discoveries in North America before the English appeared upon the same field. It is claimed for Giovanni da Verrazano, a Florentine navigator, that he sailed from France with four ships, in 1524, on a voyage of discovery, and that he traversed the shores of America from Florida to Nova Scotia. He is supposed to have entered Delaware Bay and the harbors of New York. Newport, and Boston, and named the country he had discovered New France. Jacques Cartier discovered the gulf and river St. Lawrence in 1534, and, revisiting them the next year, gave, them that name, because the day when he entered their waters was dedicated to St. Lawrence. In 1576 Sir Martin Frobisher went to Greenland and Labrador, and coasting northward discovered the bay that bears his name. Huguenot adventurers from South Carolina, floating on the oc
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Barney, Joshua, 1759- (search)
1759- Naval officer; born in Baltimore, Md., July 6, 1759. Inclined to a seafaring life, he went to sea in his early youth: and when he was only sixteen years of age, an accident caused the care of his ship to devolve upon him. He met the exigency with courage and skill. He entered the Continental navy, at its first organization in 1775, as master's mate, in the sloop Hornet, and joined Commodore Hopkins. In an action between the Continental schooner Wasp and British brig Tender, in Delaware Bay, before he was seventeen years of age, his conduct was so gallant that he was made a lieutenant. In that capacity he served in the Sachem (Capt. I. Robinson), and after a severe action with a British brig, in which his commander was wounded, young Barney brought her into port. Soon afterwards he was made a prisoner, but was speedily released, and in the Andrea Doria he was engaged in the defence of the Delaware River in 1777. He was again made prisoner, and was exchanged in August. 177
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Breakwater, (search)
Breakwater, In civil engineering, a construction struction in deep water to protect an anchorage for vessels during storms and for other purposes. They are technically classified as sloping, composite, and vertical. The most notable breakwater in the United States is at the entrance of Delaware Bay, which cost considerably over $2,000,000. There are others at Galveston, Tex.; at Buffalo, Chicago, and Oswego, on the Great Lakes, and at several ports of entry in the Southern States, which have been constructed by the federal government since the close of the Civil War. The Eads jetties, below New Orleans, are practically a breakwater construction, although built for a different purpose.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cockburn, Sir George 1772-1853 (search)
pril 22, 1772; entered the royal navy in 1783, and was rear-admiral in 1812. During the spring and summer of 1813 a most distressing warfare was carried on upon land and water by a British squadron, under his command, along the coasts between Delaware Bay and Charleston Harbor. It was marked by many acts of cruelty. Chastise the Americans into submission was the substance of the order given to Cockburn by the British cabinet, and he seemed to be a willing servant of the will of his governmented the extinguishment of all the beacon-lights on the Chesapeake coast. At the same time the frigate Constellation, thirty-eight guns, lying at Norfolk, was making ready to attack the British vessels. A part of the British squadron went into Delaware Bay, but the forewarned militia were ready for the marauders, who only attacked the village of Lewiston. On April 3, 1813, a flotilla of a dozen boats filled with armed men from the British fleet, under Lieutenant Polkingthorne, of the St. Do
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Delaware, (search)
1655, and from that time until 1664, when New Netherland was conquered by the English, the territory was claimed by the Dutch, and controlled by them. Then Lord Baltimore, proprietor of Maryland, claimed all the territory on the west side of Delaware Bay, and even to lat. 40°; and settlers from Maryland attempted to drive away the settlers from the present State of Delaware. When William Penn obtained a grant of Pennsylvania, he was very desirous of owning the land on Delaware Bay to the sea,Delaware Bay to the sea, and procured from the Duke of York a release of all his title and claim to New Castle and 12 miles around it, and to the land between that tract and the sea; and in the presence of all the settlers he produced his deeds (October, 1682), and formally accepted the surrender of the territory. Lord Baltimore pressed his claim, but in 1685 the Lords of Trade and Plantations made a decision in Penn's favor. A compromise afterwards adjusted all conflicting claims. The tracts which now constitute t