Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Tampa Bay (Florida, United States) or search for Tampa Bay (Florida, United States) in all documents.

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d at West Point in 1841, served ten years in the regular army, and was twice brevetted for gallantry in the Mexican War.--N. Y. Times, October 28. President Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus for the District of Columbia. The judges and lawyers had made themselves so troublesome by their officious interference with military affairs that this had become necessary.--N. Y. Evening Post, October 24. The steamer Salvor, captured whilst attempting to run the blockade into Tampa Bay, Florida, arrived at New York.--Western Virginia almost unanimously voted in favor of a division of the State.--The funeral of Col. Edward D. Baker, who was killed at the battle of Ball's Bluff, took place at Washington, D. C. The remains were deposited in the congressional burying ground.--Reports were circulated throughout the country that Gen. Banks had been killed and his army slaughtered, that Gen. Sickles' brigade had suffered a similar fate, and that the Confederates had crossed the Poto
nia: The President and the General-in-Chief have just returned from the army of the Potomac. The principal operations of General Hooker failed, but there has been no serious disaster to the organization and efficiency of the army. It is now occupying its former position on the Rappahannock, having recrossed the river without any loss in the movement. Not more than one third of General Hooker's force was enaged. General Stoneman's operations have been a brilliant success. Part of his force advanced to within two miles of Richmond, and the enemy's communications have been cut in every direction. The army of the Potomac will speedily resume offensive operations. The ship Crazy Jane, was captured in Tampa Bay, Fla., by the gunboat Tahoma.--Earl Van Dorn, the rebel General, was shot and instantly killed this day by Dr. Peters, of Maury County, Tenn. To-night, a fleet of National gunboats and mortar-schooners, commenced the attack on the rebel batteries at Port Hudson, Miss.
this occasion, Gen. J. E. B Stuart. under the leadership of Major Smith.--Cincinnati Gazette. The Thirty-seventh, Twenty-second, and Eleventh regiments of New York militia, left New York for the scene of operations in Penn sylvania.--the Mechanic Light Infantry left Salem, Mass., for the seat of war.--the steamer Platte Valley was fired into at Bradford's Landing on the Mississippi, and two persons were killed and a number wounded.--the English schooner Harriet was captured at Tampa Bay, Florida, by the national gunboat Tahoma; about the same time she destroyed the schooner Mary Jane.--A detachment of the First Missouri and Fifth Ohio cavalry under Major Henry, of the Fifth Ohio, four hundred strong, while on a reconnoissance, was surrounded near Fernando, Miss., by General Chambers, with two thousand rebels. They were routed and most of them captured or killed. Major Henry was taken prisoner. Fletcher Freeman, the National enrolling officer of Sullivan County, Indiana,
s only wounded in the arm and was drowned. Orcutt was shot through the bowels, and managed to get out of the river, but died next day. Foley having loosed his hands, reached shore, but being severely wounded in the groin, lay near the river all night, where he was found next day by a citizen and properly cared for.--the schooner Fox captured the British schooner Edward, from Havana, off the Suwanee River, while endeavoring to run the blockade.--the United States steamer Sunflower, off Tampa Bay, Florida, captured the rebel sloop Hancock. A battle took place near Bolivar, Tenn., between a party of rebel raiders belonging to the command of General Forrest, and five hundred of the Seventh Illinois cavalry, under Colonel Edward Prince, who had been sent out to scout and patrol the crossings on the Mississippi Central Railroad. Finding himself overpowered by numbers, Colonel Prince fell back on Summerville, with a loss of three killed and eight wounded. (Doc. 50.) The rebel Hous